Tuesday, October 25, 201 1 I TechNews campus@technewsiit.com UTSAV GANDHI Student Health 8 Wellness Center offering new services By Utsav Gandhi CAMPUS EDITOR Early this September, over in the IIT Tower, a major restructuring in a key student service was initiated with the merging of what was formerly Student Health Services and Stu, dent Counseling Services into the new Student Health and Wellness Center TechNews featured the Counseling Center in an article last semester (http://www technewsiit:com/story/interviewestudent, counselingeservices) in which Dr Jean Tz,ou, Assistant Director of the new Center, dis, cussed upcoming changes for the Center Dr Tz,ou stressed on the fact that the new approach of the Center is to keep in line with the university’s mission to increase stue dent retention, participate in student network, ing and support services, and focus on holistic wellebeing while serving as an integral meme ber of the student support network within the Division of Student Affairs: They encourage students to more ace tively take responsibility of their own physical and mental health; and educate them to follow the idiom “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?’ Their goal is to make the new Center more student friendly and increase their visibility so that students find them more approachable They will be offering access to many online selfehelp resources in addition to the Student Assistance Program (SAP), provided by Aetna Student Health Insurance available to all IIT students, whether or not they have the Aetna insurance plan: Starting Monday, October 24, the Center will offer a new, exciting and fun stue dent resource completely free to any IIT stue dent: a Stress Clinic, every Monday and Thurs, day, from 173 pm, in the MTCC Blue Room: Students will be provided a relaxing environ, ment, complete with game chairs, aromatic atmosphere, candles, dim lights, soft natural sounds/music, and the option of checking out soothing relaxation exercise instruction CDs: There will be a permanent room set up similarly at the Center in the IIT Tower They also plan to install a biofeedback device wherein students can see for themselves the positive results achieved by practicing stress management exercises: Light therapy lamps will be made available to help those students suffering from winter blues (seasonal affective disorder): Apart from this new initiative, the Centerwill continue to offer its regular services: health maintenance, treating infections and injuries, monitoring chronic diseases, medical exams, allergy injections, prescribing medica tions, lab work, and counseling services such as individual and group counseling addressing problems of sleep pattern, alcohol abuse, anxie ety, attention deficit disorder, college survival, eating problems, depression, relationship dis, tress, adjustment, homesickness, procrastinae tion, sexual assault, and study skills: They plan to partner with the ARC, Dining Services, Keating, Resident’s Advisors, the SGA Student Life Committee, and Pub, lic Safety in an effort to make a more holistic and wellerounded approach towards students’ wellebeing: With new direction, new energy and an open approach to communication, the Center plans to make a more positive impact on student lives at IIT To learn more about Student Health and Wellness Center, visit their new website (currently under construction) at http://www iitedu/shwcl: To schedule your first appoint, ment call 31256777550 during work hours on Mondays through Fridays: For emergencies that occur during weekends or evenings call the Aetna Student Assistance Program 24 hour support line at 87735177889, or 80074427HOPE, HT Public Safety at 31278086363, or 911 ifneeded: MSA hosts interfaith panel on science, religion By Tanim Taher TECHNEWS WRITER These days, quite often we hear about nevereending debates surrounding topics like “Evolution versus Intelligent Des ign," “Religion vs Science," etc, etc: One can walk away from such debates with a sense that religion and science cannot coexist, or that religion is a big barrier to science: Indeed, if we look back at history, scientists like Galileo Galilei were imprisoned and barred from espousing sound scientific theories that contradicted widelyeheld religious suppositions: Medical sciences during the dark ages of Europe were suppressed in favor of exorcism and spiritual remediesipractices based on superstitions, yet devoid of any logic or factual understandings Even today, there are selfeproclaimed religious defenders who erect barriers to the education of women or vaccination against diseases in less developed parts of the world: But, does anybody know that religious institutions and religious bodies have historically also served in the contradictory role as the biggest supporters of scientific discovery? If we look at some of the most prestigious universities, hospitals and medical research centers today, we see that many of them were setup and are still financed by religious institutions and bodies: Some famous scientists like Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics; Ibn Sina, the famous scientist whose books of scientific medicine were the preeminent medical references used by doctors for over five centuries; and Copernicus, the father of modern astronomy, were also religious theologians or ordained clergymen: If we look at this set of examples, one may get the impression that the title of a discussion on such a topic should be “Science And Religion" rather than “Science Versus Religion." In a tech university like IIT, it is important to start a discussion on the topic of “Science and/vs Religion" To this end, the Muslim Students’ Association, (MSA) in partnership with IIT’s Office of Spiritual Life and Service Learning and IIT Hillel, will be hosting the first in a series of interfaith panels on “Science ,7 Religion" The first interfaith panel will be held on Monday, October 31, in the MTCC Auditorium from 12:4571:40 pm: Panelistsi scientists and professorsifrom various faith backgrounds will be part of an interfaith discussion: The “Science ,7 Religion” interfaith panel discussion will be the first lecture of “Science and Religion Week" (Oct: 317Nov: 4), being organized by the MSA: The MSA will also provide lunch, sponsored by the SAE More details are available at http://msaiitedu: Urban Worm Girl digs up dirt on vermiculture By Harshita Iyer TECHNEWS WRITER Have you ever thought about how awesome worms are? Even ifyou are so terrified of them that you have had nightmares about them crawling all over you (speaking from personal experience)? They move around in the soil and loosen it up with their little worm bodies and poop all over the soil, which is an excellent source of nitrogen, carbon and everything that the soil needs to be fertile: They also eat up all your organic trash and convert it into top grade manure: Sounds like a perfect system, doesn’t it? Well, it is! And that is what Amber (aka The Urban Worm Girl) wanted to talk to IIT about last Thursday As part ofone ofthe speaker sessions of Sustainability Week, organized by Engineers for a Sustainable World (aka ganGreen), the Urban Worm Girl delivered a presentation detailing everything one would need to know to practice vermiculture, the art of growing worms and using them as a source of natural fertilizer for the soil: Urban Worm Girl is the name of the organization that Amber is part of, which makes and sells “worm kits" that come with worms and instructions on how to go about it yourself She talked about how all one has to do is put everyday organic waste in a little box with the worms in it (avoid dairy or anything smelly like onions and pineapples, among other things), and they will do the rest! They even eat paper, as long it is not the glossy type: The best part was that she actually brought wormsl During her presentation, she talked about how when people are about to start a vineyard, they start with the assumption of losing 15 percent of their output: Well, once they started maintaining 2030 percent of the manure created by the worms in their soil, the loss went down to 003 percent! That is how effective something as useless as worm poop can be! However, this is not something that you should just do without guidance It would be a very bad idea to go out, catch a couple hundred worms, and stick them in a box: You need very specific worms, called “red wigglers," and if you get the wrong ones, they could either have no effect or even escape out of the box and go all over your room: Vermiculture is something that quite a few restaurants and cafes are starting to follow, using the freshlyegrown vegetables from their own vermiculture farm: This is also something that, with some discipline, anybody can do on a smaller scale: So, go ahead and try it out, but make sure you don’t set worms loose on your roommate’s bedI Don't forget your FAFSA documentation By Office of Financial Aid Believe it or not, spring registration will quickly be upon us! The fall semester is still in full swing, but we must begin to prepare for next term as well: At this time, the Office of Financial Aid would like to remind students of several important pieces of information: If you still have outstanding docue mentation preventing your aid from disburse ing to your bill, now is the time to take care of any pending forms: Federal Aid cannot dis, burse until we review certain documentation, depending on your FAFSA information: We have a team of Financial Aid Counselors ready to help you with any questions or concerns you may have: Stop by our office today to see what needs to be completed We are located in the Main Building, Room 104: For those students who have taken care of their federal aid or do not receive fed, eral aid but still have a pending bill, arrange for payment with the Bursar’s Ofiice imme diately If your bill is not paid in full, you will not be able to register for spring classes: Ifyou are graduating and have an unaddressed bill with the university, you will not receive your diploma: No matter how large the bill, it is important to start a conversation about your situation with a Bursar Specialist The Bursar’s Office is located in the Main Building, Room 207: We encourage all students to be proactive with their Financial Aid forms and their Bursar bill: Additionally, if you have any pending academic issues, please contact your advisor or stop by Undergraduate or Graduate Academic Affairs: It is better to address uncere tainty now than wait and have a larger problem later in the term: If you have questions about your aid or how to proceed with your situation, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at finaid@ iitedu or 31256776917: Great Lakes [continued from page 1] them develop microgrids and smart grids that benefit consumers and stakeholde ers alike: This interactive workshop delved into the origin and mechanics of the PPSoA performance rating program and demon, strate how to eliminate waste to pay for in, vestments and ensure electricity systems are more consumer responsive, costeefi’ective, reliable, environmentally sustainable and energyeefiicient: It was attended by electric, ity suppliers, architects, engineers, utility companies, consumer advocates and tech, nology providers: Some of the workshop topics included: . The PPSoA process and Perfect symposium Power architecture . Six Sigma, failure mode and effects analysis and other quality tools . Smart microgrid design elements . Safety, reliability and power quality . The PPSoA metric categories 7 Re liability, Cost, Efficiency and Envie ronment, and Consumer Empowe erment . Independent price signals . Cost/Benefit/ROI System Operator The symposium concluded with the “Midwest energy leadership Awards" and a tour of the Perfect Power Microgrid at IIT The awards were categorized into three categories: Research, Development & In, novation, Entrepreneurship, and Industry, Market Driver