Tuesday, October 18, 2011 I TechNeWS campus@technewsiit.com UTSAV GANDHI 7 Haiti IPRO Presentation Engineers for a Sustainable World 1:00 pm. - 2:00 pm, Stuart 225 One Laptop per Child (OLPC) is a non-profit organization that has developed a low-cost laptop with the goal of revolutionizing the educa- tional experience of world’s children. Their mission is to provide edu- cational opportunities for the world’s poorest children by giving each child a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop; and software tools and content designed for collaborative, self-empowered learning. The goal of this IPRO project is to work with and equip one-to-four model pilot schools in the Lascahobas region of Haiti with our solar solution and on-line collaboration solution, the elements of which will be open-source, and replicable across the country, as the project scales. No Impact Movie Screening Engineers for a Sustainable World 6:30 pm. - 8:30 pm, E1 104 The No Impact Project was conceived by Colin Beavan, aka No Impact Man, following the success of his blog, book, and film, which chronicle his family’s year-long experiment living a zero-waste lifestyle in New York City. Central to his thesis is the notion that deep-seated individual behavior change leads to both cultural change and political engage- ment. Living low-impact provides a clear entry point into the environ- mental movement. This thesis is the bedrock of the No Impact Project. Wednesday 10/ 19 SI Session: MATH 148 Academic Resource Center 2:00 pm, Wisbnick 119 This meeting,conducted by Nathan, is for Math 148, and it gives stu- dents the opportunity to ask questions, compare notes, discuss read- ings, and work through example problems. Emerging Green Technology in Coatings Chemistry Colloquium 3:15pm., LS 111 Lecture by John Cox, Sherwin-Williams Company. Coatings 81 Green Chemistry play a big part on our planet today. In this climate, many materials companies are being increasingly socially responsible, by looking at ways to reduce the carbon footprint in the environment. This means creating a greener product through new chemical processes. University Calendar E What’s up on campus? Tuesday 10/ 18 Thursday 10/ 20 Urban Farming Presentation Engineers for a Sustainable World 6:30 pm. - 7:30 pm, E1 Auditorium Rodger Cooley the professor of ARCH 597: Urban Agriculture will be presenting. Urban agriculture is the practice of cultivating, processing and distributing food in, or around, a village, town or city. Urban agri- culture increases the amount of food available to people living in cities, and, second, it allows fresh vegetables and fruits and meat products to be made available to urban consumers. It promotes energy-saving local food production and is generally seen as sustainable agriculture. Profession Day College ofArchitecture 2:00 pm. - 4:00 pm, Crown Hall, Upper Level The College of Architecture hosts informal “meet and greet” events to allow firms to learn more about our professional degree programs and the strengths of our students. Crown Hall Profession Days take place about once a month on selected Thursdays. Green Resource Opportunity Fair Engineers for a Sustainable World 12:00 pm. - 4:00 pm, HUB Alumni Lounge Come join ESW and the CMC at IIT’s Green Resource Opportunity Fair! There will be many companies and organizations related to the field of sustainability. These companies will be providing opportunities related to sustainability. Dr. Arastooopour will also be presenting on the sustainability. Monday 10/24 Beginner’s Arabic Classes Muslim Student Association 12:45 pm. - 1:30 pm, Siegel Hall Room 202 The MSA will be offering Beginners Arabic classes on a weekly bases for any IIT student, faculty, or staff who are interested. Researching Companies Career Management Center 12:50 pm. - 1:50 pm, MTCC Ballroom Workshop by the CMC. '1‘ By President John Anderson will come out shortly, and I encourage all IIT students to participate. We want to hear from you in terms of what you think are positive de— STUDENTS ) SPEAK Students Speak Survey Voice your Opinion iit. edu/students_speak Complete the survey and you can win movie tickets, bowling parties and gift cards Prizes sponsored b ”T Dinina Services. ”T Bookstore & the ECG Students Speak continues to be an impor— tant way to let the administration know what is working well and what could be improved from your viewpoint. Your input has been in— strumental in getting us to take a second look at how we operate—and your feedback has had an impact in terms of how we do business. We listened when you said there were not enough places to eat in the evening when you wanted to take a break from study— ing—and as a result, IIT now subsidizes late night dining options on campus. Changes were also made in the Bursar’s Office, as well as the Office of Financial Aid and the Career Management Center, based on your construc— tive comments ab out what you needed and ex— pected from those departments. This year’s Students Speak survey velopments on campus—and where we should focus our attention to make improvements. Your input is really necessary if we are going to continue to make IIT a university that is stu— dent—centered and focused on what is needed to help you succeed. We cannot change everything—and sometimes we cannot change some things as fast as some students would prefer. However, as you can see, your input has made a differ— ence and we want to continue to be responsive to changing expectations and critical concerns. I know you all have busy schedules but I hope you will take the time to complete the Student Speak survey. We will compile the results and then follow up with a summary to share with the campus. So please speak up. We are listening.