Tuesday, October 4, 201 1 I TechNews campus@technewsiit.com UTSAV GANDHI University Calendar What’s up on campus? Tuesday 10/4 Who We Are and What We Do 2011 CS Department Stuart Building Room 238 12:45 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Undergrads and first and second—year graduate students: Are you inter— ested in working with computer science faculty on their research? Find out what we’re doing by coming to one of our “Who We Are and What We Do” talks. Talks will be in Stuart Building with remote live viewing on IIT/ V (channel TBA). Each talk will be broken up into four sessions. Researchers have 15 minutes each to give a bird’s eye view of their work. Come to one talk or stay for the whole session. Either way, be prepared to be surprised at the range of innovative, thought—provoking work being done in computer science at IIT. If you can’t wait or can’t attend, check out last year’s talks at IIT’s YouTube channel. Wednesday 10/ 5 Emulsions - A Paradigm Shift ChBE Department Perlstein Hall Auditorium 3:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Seminar by Lenore L. Dai, Associate Professor and Program Chair of Chemical Engineering, Arizona State University Monday Fall Break: No classes! Tuesday Creating a Quality Resume Career Management Center M TC C Ballroom 12:50 p.m. - 1:50 p.m. 10/11 ”4-: ll 10/13 Thursday IPRO @ IIT: Fueling Innovation Chicago Ideas Week 440 S Dearborn, Chicago 10:00 am. - 3:00 p.m. IIT is proud to be a part of Chicago Ideas Week, a series of events that will bring the world’s top speakers together with Chicago’s best thinkers to create an ecosystem of innovation, exploration, and intellectual rec— reation. Join us in the Idea Shop for “IPRO @ IIT Fueling Innovation,” a unique and interactive learning experience that highlights innovative and interdisciplinary project work addressing real world problems such as “Clean Water” and “World Hunger” through IIT’s Interprofessional Projects Program (IPRO). . Friday 90’s Party Housing and Residential Services M TCC Ballroom 8:00 p.m. Come out for a blast back into the 90’s. Come meet students from five other universities while wearing 90’s clothing and dancing to 90’s songs! Saturday Pumpkin Launch! Biomedical Engineering Society Ed Glancy Field 1:00 p.m. Build your own pumpkin launchers and compete with teams across IIT! Free food will be provided. For rules and registration, visit: http://www.iit.edu/studentiaffairs/pdfs/pumpkinirules72011.pdf Return completed forms to the Dean of Students, MTCC 209 10/14 10/15 IS FREAILY FAST YOUR THING? GIVE JIMMY JOHN'S A RING! SHANE R. — HASIET‘I'. MI JIMMYJOHNS.COM T0 FINI] THE LOCATION NEAREST YDII VISIT JIMMYJDHNSJHIM AMERICA'S FAVORITE SANDWICH DELIVERY GUYS!” ozou 1mm voml's mums. in: Au Hams manta» Master of Science Financial Engineering The MSFE Program at the University of Illinois announces in-state scholarships. Scholarships amount to 50% of program tuition. All MSFE applicants who are Illinois residents are eligible. Applications open in December. ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN College of Engineering I College of Business msfe.illinois.cdu