I 'l. Jain students all acrafi Amer'wa :umpeting in Recgcleflania. the eight-sweet lingering campetitiun. Jr‘- . . _ I'L—"u I_-:""' l- I mt: mare mmrrruatian please 5-153.- 9' . .- _- H‘EG G E WWW-rel: Elem-animal: ' ".'-:."T-‘.-"‘--*-.-"' 15':- i-Ir t“ ' r9 - - - m:- . L_-_..J . |,.._'-u-: :5 'ir. _-a - 'J.‘ bI-"U" i_..I-I-' l'."-'Il'.'.- _ ___ ___.._,_.._..__._ ___“ _.____-_-u-__Ln.—-.__.-I-I—-.—_ —-— Fii==.-LI:IrUii:Ir‘inr 6— —April 2 2011 www. .edufrecycling ' a". CHANGE; THE WORLD AND MAKE MONEY “{1er “WHAT Vflll I n\IF| .jl schedule event info why come Doors Open: 2:00-3:00pm Date: April 6, 2011 Hear the stories of Welcome: 3:00-3:30pm Time: 3:00 — 7:00 pm and learn the secrets Fi_rst Speaker: 3:30-4:00pm Place: IIT — Hermann Hall — behind the success Action Sessmn: 4. 00-4: 45pm McCormick Auditorium of the world's top Speed Netwqu: 5 5' 00pm entrepreneurs who EXh'b'tS: 0' 5- _30pm Attend all or part - - - . Breakl Exhibits: 5- 6 00pm Learn hOW YOU can 0- O- _ Pane“ 6- 50pm Register at EXTREMETOUR.ORG make your dreams Closmg Comment: 7:00pm a reality too! A ( \TOIJR/ J if IIT Stuart School of Business ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Entrepreneurship Academy fres h tilled soil 0 JourneyPage