TechNews STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SINCE 1928 McCormick Tribune Campus Center Room 221 3201 South State Street Chicago, Illinois 60616 E-mail: Website: TECHNEWS STAFF Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editor IT Manager Business Manager Karl Rybaltowski Sand Ip Piyush Sinha Piyush Sinha Campus Editor Campus Editor Opinion Editor AbE Editor Sports Editor Ryan Kamphuis Utsav Gandhi Vlada Gaisina Becca Waterloo Graeme Port Art Editor Adin Goings Layout Editor Vikram Ramanathan Layout Editor Hannah Larson Financial Advisor Vickie Tolbert Faculty Advisor Gregory Pulliam GENERAL INFORMATION TechNews is written, managed, and edited by the students of, and funded in part by, Illinois InstituteofTechnology.The materialherein does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Illinois Institute of Technology orthe editors, staff, and advisorofTechNews.Therewillbe no censorship of TechNews publication by the faculty or staff of IIT. Sole authority and responsibility for publication and adherence to the values set forth inthis policy restswiththeTechNews staff. This paper seeks to bring together the various segments of the Illinois Tech community and strives through balance and content to achieve a position of respect and excellence. TechNews strives for professionalism with due respect to the intellectual values of the university and its community. All material submitted becomes the property of TechNews, and is subject to any editorial decisions deemed necessary. SUBMISSIONS TechNews is published 0 n the Tuesday of each week of the academic year. Deadline for all submissions and announcements is 11:59PM on the Friday prior to publicationArticles, photos, and illustrations must be submitted electronicallyto theTechNews website at EDITORIAL POLICY The editors reserve the right to determine if submitted material meets TechNews' policy and standards. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the editor may be submitted by anyone, but are subject to review by the editor-in-chief. All letters-to-the-editor become the property of TechNews upon submission. TechNews does not accept or publish anonymous letters. ADVERTISING Legitimate paid advertisements, from within or outside the IIT community, which serve to produceincomeforthe papenareaccommodated. TechNews holds the right to deny any advertisement unsuitable for publication. Media Kits are available upon request. Ad space is limited and is taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. Contact the Business Officer at business@ for more information. LOCAL ADVERTISERS To place an ad, contact us via email at NATIONAL ADVERTISERS To place an ad, contact Mediamate at CLASSIFIEDS To place a classified ad, contact us via email at VLADAGAISINA opinion@technewsiit. com April 12, 2011 Letter from the Editor: Importance of SGA debates By Karl Rybaltowski EDITOR-IN-CHIEF In the weeks following student government elections, I have gotten a few negative com, ments from students about our coverage of the SGA debates, specifically the profiles we pro, vided of the different candidates in the March 29 edition of TechNews. These comments revolved around two themes , that we genera allylacked objectivity in our candidate profiles and that the SGA debates were not a useful resource. I overwhelmingly received positive feedback, but for those with any doubts, I hope to adequately address these concerns by giving some insight into the process. The SGA elections are a curious thing. They draw candidates with varying levels of experi ence in student government, the IIT commue nity, and interaction with the administration. These may not be the only criteria for judging the candidates, but when two, three, even four people with a great deal of passion for improv ing IIT and advocating for students are all run, ning for a single position, these things do be, come important. The SGA debates, coehosted by TechNews and SGA, are a way to give all students some insight into what sets the can, didates apart. They’re also an opportunity for students with less publicity or , let’s be honest ESTABLISHED lN CHARLESTON, IL IN I933 TO ADD TO STUDENTS GPA AND GBIERAL DATING ABILITY. , popularity to stand on an equal footing with their opponents. Does popularity hurt a can, didate in our eyes? Of course not, if they have the vision, plans, and experience to back it up. We have two main goals in our involve, ment with the debates. First, we see what all the running knowledge we have of candidates who have been involved on campus before will equate to in terms of a platform. Second, we are brutal in trying to cut through platitudes, vague statements and dodging of questions we genuinely want answered. We look for sub, stance in the debate performance, not style. Having moderated three SGA debates now, it has been my pleasure to see SGA become an everegreater advocate for student concerns each year. On the flip side, this means that the stakes get ever higher for these positions , the bigger the role SGA plays, the more responsie bility its executives have, and the more impore tant it is that a really solid candidate fills each role. So we take the debates pretty seriously, and we hope the student body does, too. But we also have to be realistic. Not everyone has the time to spend on the debates, and that’s where TechNews comes in yet again. After the debates (where, for the past few years, we have had at least four staff pres, ent taking notes), our staff meets to discuss candidate performance. Between the candie date packets and the debates, we write up the ‘MMY l on". 3301114315 gunfigfi ”Hume sntt‘tvfl“n profiles that you see in the newspaper so that on election day, any student who has not been keeping up with things can make a more in, formed decision. Hard as it can be to believe, subjectivity does not enter into the process , not only because we take our role as a news outlet seriously, but because our concern is making sure students know what their candie dates stand for, and where they may need to improve. In past years, we’ve gone so far as to endorse candidates, a much more controversial prace tice. Given the very short election cycle and some issues of fairness (multiple candidates could not make it to the debates due to a con, ference, making it diflicult for us to render a truly informed decision), the staff got together and decided to forgo the endorsement process this year. That doesn’t mean we weren’t going to be candid about our assessments of candie dates’ performance. As the campus newspaper, our primary re, sponsibility is, after all, to inform the students of IIT, hopefully empowering them to make the best decisions they can. That is our mind, set at the debates, while writing profiles, and while covering the SGA election process for TechNews. We believe our readers expect and deserve no less, and we hope we did not disape point. OK, SO MV SUBS REALLY AREN’T GOURMET AND WERE NOT FRENCH EI‘I'lEl MV WES JUST TASTE A LITTLE BETTER, THAT'S ALL! I WANTED TO CAL IT JIMMY JOHN‘S TASTV SANDWICIES, BUT MY MM TOLD ME TO STICK WITH GOURMET. SNE THINKS WHATEVER I DO IS GOURMET. BUT I DON’T THINK EITHER OF US KNOWS WHAT IT MEANS. SO LET'S STIOI \MTII TASTV! we“ 8" SUB SANDWICHES III n! my tasty suh sandwiches are a full I inehes nI humemade freneh hread. fresh veggies and the finest meats &. eheese I can buy! And it it matters tn yItuv we inee everything Iresh everyday in this stnre. right here where ynu can see it. (IIn mystery meat here!) #I PEPE® leal annlewnnd smnked ham and nrnvnlnne eheese garnished with Iettuee, tnmatn, and mayn. #2 BIG JOHN® Medium rare ehniee rnast IteeIv tnnned with yummy mayIt, Iettuee, and tnmatn. #3 T ALLY TUNA® fresh hnusemade tuna, mixed with eelery, nninns, and nurtasty saueev then tnnned with aIIaIIa snrnuts, eueumher, Iettuee, and tnmatn. (My tuna rneks!) #4 TURKEY TOM® fresh ineed turkey breast, tnnned with Iettuee, tnmatn, aIIaIIa snrnuts, and mayn. (The nriginal) #5 VITO® The nriginal Italian suh with genna salamiv nrnvnlnne, eanitmlav nninn, Iettuee, tnmatn, «la real tasty Italian vinaigrette. (IInt neuners by request) #6 VEGETARIAN layers In nrnvnlnne eheese separated by real avneadn snread. aIIaIIa snrnuts. slieed eueumher, Iettuee. tnmatn. and mayn. (Trulyagnurmetsuh nut Inrvegetarians nnIy... ...|mee dude!) Iaenn Iettuee tnmatn &mayn. (The nnIy hetterllT' Is mama' s I“) ‘k SIDES ‘k * Snda fun * Eiant ehnenlate ehin nrnatmeal raisin ennkie it leal nntatn ehins nriumhn knsher diII niekle it fxtra lead It! meat * fxtra eheese nr extra avneadn spread it IInt fenners FREEBIES (sues 9 cute: cum flninn, Iettuee, aIIaIIa snrnuts, tnmatn, mayItv ineed eueumher, Iliinn mustardv nil &vinegar,and nregann. Dnrnnrate Headquarters Dhamnaign, ll AIN SLIMS® Iny Suh minus the veggies and saute SLIMI IIam&eheese SLIM 2 lnastleeI SLIM 3 TunasaIad SLIM 4 Turkey hreast SLIM 5 Salami.eanienla.eheese SLIM 6 Ilnuhlenrnvnlnne low Bath lettuce Wrap 439W Same ingredients and urine at the sull nt eluh withnut the bread. JIMMY TO GO“) CATERING IIIX LIINENES. MATTERS. PARTIES! IITlIVflVfllIIflSw Iudeadelivery eharge III 25s per item w—tuc). * *JIMMYJIIHNSJHIM H THE J J. GARGANTUAN® This sandwieh was invented by Jimmy Jnhn's hrnther IIuey. It's huge ennugh tn feed the hungriest n! all humans! Tnns nI genna salami. ineed smnked ham. eanienla. rnast IteeIv turkey &. nrnvnlnne. iammed intn nne nI nur humemade freneh huns then smnthered with nninns. mayItv Iettuee. tnmatn. &. nur humemade Italian dressing. GIANT CLUB SANDWICHES My eluh sandwiehes have twiee the meat nr eheesev try it nn myIresh haked thiekslieed T-grain hread nr myIamnus humemadeIreneh bread! #7 GOURMET SMOKED HAM CLUB IIIuII III nnund nI real annlewnnd smnked ham, nrnvnlnne eheese, Iettuee, tnmatn, &. real mayn! #8 BILLY CLUB® Dhniee rnast IteeIv smnked ham, nrnvnlnne eheese, Iliinn mustardv Iettuee, tnmatn, &. mayn. #9 ITALIAN NIGHT UB® leal genna salami. Italian eanienla. smnked ham, and nrnvnlnne eheese aII tnnned with Iettuee. tnmatn, nninn. mayn. and nur humemade Italian vinaigrette. (Vnu hav'ta nrder hut neuners. iust ask!) #IO HUNTER’S CLUB® IIIuII III nnund nIIresh ineed medium rare rnast IteeIv nrnvnlnne, Iettuee, tnmatn, &. mayn. #II COUN Y CLUB® fresh ineed turkey breast, annlewnnd smnked ham, nrnvnlnne, and tens nI Iettut:e,tnmatltv and mayn! (I! very traditinnalv yet always exeentinnal elassie!) #12 sauce CL B® (3 fresh baked turkey breast, vnInne eheese, avneadn snreadv ineed eueumher, snrnuts, Iettuee, tnmatn, and mayn! (It's the real deal, and it ain't even DaliInrnia.) #I3 GOURMET VEGGIE CLUB® IInuhIe nrnvnlnne. real avneadnsnread. ineed eueumher. aIIaIIa snrnuts. Iettuee. tnmatn. &. mayn. (Try it nn my T-grain whnIe wheat bread. This veggie sandwieh is wand elass!) #IA BOOTLEGGER CLUB® lnast IteeIv turkey breast, Iettuee, tnmatn, &. mayn. In American elassit, eertainly nut invented by J.J. hut deIiniter tweaked and Tine-tuned tn nerIeetinn! #IS CL B TUNA® The same as nurIfl TntaIIy Tuna exeent this nne has a Int mnre. fresh hnusemade tuna salad. nrnvnlnne, snrnuts. eueumher. Iettuee.& tnmatn. #Ib CLUB L U® fresh ineed turkey breast, haennv Iettuee, tnmatn, &. mayn. (JJ's nriginal turkey &. haenn eluh) #IT ULTIMATE PORKERT'“ leal annlewnnd smnked ham and haenn with Iettuee, tnmatn &. mayn. what enuld he better! WE DELIVER! 7 DAYS AWEEK 'I'l] FIND THE LOCATION NEAREST Yllll VISIT JIMMYJIIHNSJIIJM "YOUR MOM WANTS YOU TO EAT AT JIMMY JOHN'S!” © IEIISIS, 2002, 2m, 20!“, 2007, III!!! JIIIIIIIV JUIIII'S flthIIISI, Ill: All IIIIIITS IISIIVIII. We lesetve The light Te Make Any lIIenIt Changes.