Tuesdu Ap 52011 | BECCAWATERLDD ae@technewsnt 0m 1:!!! 7 Sybris and Colour Revolt play at Schuba's By Knnoor tha TECHNEWS wmgu cmoagos lndlc/folk rock fans wcrc uoalod to tho sounds of Sybns and Colour Rcvolt at Sdaubas Tavom on Fnday, and mo lucky audu onoo wul agmc . ncll‘hcr act dlsappomtcd Colour Rwolt fans wcrc hcartbrokcn wnon ovcr a ycar ago, mo group ncarly roll apart, as four of lts 51x mcmbcrs lcft mo band Natur rally, wnon Lhosc four wcrc rcplaccd, many wondcmd mno adwouldloso lts umquc, raw quallty . that unapologctlc omouon tcmpcrcd byswcctcr momcntsbut cxaggcratcd m mo voo callsls somams This pcrformancc was an afr firmatlon to fans Lhatwlth Josso Copcnbargcr and Soan Klrkpatnckatthc nolm,wo nood not worry Fora band so ladon wun nostalgla and omoo tlon, sdnubaswas a pcrfcctvcnuc Wth a small slago atthc ond ofa small room, mo band was doso to mou audlcncc, rathcr man towcnng ovcr mom from a dlstant platform Tno com. fortablc fool and mtlmatc naturc of mo vonuo only addod to fans cxcltcd antlclpatlon Colour Rovoles passlon for thou work was palpablcon slago Tnoaudlonco chccrcdfor old favontcs llkc Nakod and Rod, as woll as songs from ths was album, Tno Cmdlo, mdudmg BYcars, a song mallolls offhchardshlps Kuko patnok and Copcnbargcr racod on who road wun mou old band Wlthout long pauscs or spccchcs m bctwccn songs, moy fimshcd mou sctllstcarlycnough to uoalrans to cxtra, cndr mg wula Matucsscs Undcrwatcr, a crowd far vonlo Dcspltc mo fact that tho now mcmbm had no partm wnung mo songs from tho first album, moy playcd wun mo samo fcrvor as u moy had, kccpmg mo crowd noddmg mou noads m tum Followmg mom was hcadlmcrs, Sybns, a homctown bandlod byvocalls'n Angolla Mulr lcnhour Tno pctltc crooncr maybo mo bands grcatcst draw, wula a fascmatmg and unmlso takablc Vole: all hcr own wlm hcr lyncs and mo upbcatmdodlcs, mo cmwdwas full oftapr pmgfcct Espcclallycnjowblcwaswhatls pcrr hays fhclrmostpopular song, on Man, whlch had fans throughout mo cozyvonuo smgmg m umson Almougla l prcfaccd ths mow by statmg that nclthcr act dlsappomtcd, but m all nonosly, both of mom did wnon moy walkod off mo slago hllpymwwpnuuoculcmmm/lmngou/z0,ng Did you know... ...Compact fluorescent lights use 75% less energy than standard incandescent bulbs? Over the course of its lifetime, Energy Star fluores- cent light bulbs (CFL) will save $40 in electricity costs and produces about 75% less heat. CFLs are safer to operate and can cut energy costs associated with home cooling. Or that... ...It takes 75,000 trees to print a Sunday Edition of the New York Times? Using one ton of paper made from recycled pulp saves 17 trees, 3 cu- bic yards of landfill space, almost 8,000 gallons of water, and 4.200 kilowatt hours (enough to heat your home for half a year). To reduce your personal environmental impact, always recycle your used paper and purchase recycled com- puter paper for your own use. PHOTO OF THE WEEK “My Love - Chicago" by Ton Trieu Submit your photos to asstedltor@technew§llt com for a chance to be featured lnTechNews