Soclal Calendar @ Stuart Building Auditorium (6b., /union board 05 - EN Sponsored by Orientation to Venedic Studies WEDNESDAY 06 - @ UB Website PA NTBALL SALE Sign up at http:Iltinyurl.comliitpaintball2011 to get tickets for the event Event is Sunday April 17th, There are 40 tickets available. SATURDAY 09 - THE llT celebrates its third year spon 10 - 02:00pm @ Keating Sports Center Limited Space — Sign Up by emailing ASAP. Sponsored by INTRAMURALS and U3. MONDAY 11 - @ MTCC South Lavrlln AWARENESS Come, have fun and enjoy FREE FO0D!!!! I FRIDAYAPROS until 5:00pm Office of Student Life in MTCC -- SPRINGFORMAfTICKETSPICKUP Don't for at 1:0 PICK UP ourt ckets f u h an a read You shou d have race ved an ema g y yo av 1: y tell n 0 Y ' n h r m r rm 2 g y u 1:0 do. ou can Stlll Slgn up 1:0 be 0 1: e want list www.t|nyu Loo Illtsp Ingfo al 011 amrarmg'r’: ~ w- .7 i _ emformatlon,sca . , http:IIub iit edu or 00 Page cadet?" the "gm °r “Sit ' ' n us atu " FollgNuson: f‘!