TechNews STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SINCE 1928 McCormick Tribune Campus Center Room 221 3201 South State Street Chicago, Illinois 60616 E-mail: Website: TECHNEWS STAFF Editor-in-Chief IT Manager Business Manager Karl Rybaltowski Piyush Sinha Piyush Sinha AbE Editor Campus Editor Campus Editor Opinion Editor Sports Editor Becca Waterloo Ryan Kamphuis Utsav Gandhi Vlada Gaisina Graeme Port Art Editor Adin Goings Layout Editor Vikram Ramanathan Layout Editor Hannah Larson Financial Advisor Vickie Tolbert Faculty Advisor Gregory Pulliam GENERAL INFORMATION TechNews is written, managed, and edited by the students of, and funded in part by, Illinois InstituteofTechnology.The materialherein does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Illinois Institute of Technology orthe editors, staff, and advisorofTechNews.Therewillbe no censorship of TechNews publication by the faculty or staff of IIT. Sole authority and responsibility for publication and adherence to the values set forthinthis policy restswiththeTechNewsstaff. This paper seeks to bring together the various segments of the Illinois Tech community and strives through balance and content to achieve a position of respect and excellence. TechNews strives for professionalism with due respect to the intellectual values of the university and its community. All material submitted becomes the property of TechNews, and is subject to any editorial decisions deemed necessary. SUBMISSIONS TechNews is published 0 n the Tuesday of each week of the academic year. Deadline for all submissions and announcements is 11:59PM on the Friday prior to publication.Articles ,photos, and illustrations must be submitted electronicallyto theTechNews website at EDITORIAL POLICY The editors reserve the right to determine if submitted material meets TechNews' policy and standards. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the editor may be submitted by anyone, but are subject to review by the editor-in-chief. All letters-to-the-editor become the property of TechNews upon submission. TechNews does not accept or publish anonymous letters. ADVERTISING Legitimate paid advertisements, from within or outside the IIT community, which serve to produceincomeforthe paper,areaccommodated. TechNews holds the right to deny any advertisement unsuitable for publication. Media Kits are available upon request. Ad space is limited and is taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. Contact the Business Officer at business@ for more information. LOCAL ADVERTISERS To place an ad, contact us via email at NATIONAL ADVERTISERS To place an ad, contact Mediamate at CLASSIFIEDS To place a classified ad, contact us via email at ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Sex Tech THE SEX AND RELATIONSHIP ADvlcE coLUMN Sweet Pseudonym SEXTEC H EDITO R Submit your question through . o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o . VLADA GAISINA TechNews I Tuesday, February 8, 201 1 : One of my close friends is dating a girl some years younger than he is. She comes off as a nice and grounded person, but is still immature about dealing with some social situations. She is likely to misinterpret anything said about her by other people as nega- tive and offensive and reportedly flew off the handle at their mutual acquaintance when an issue came up, instead of approaching her in a civil manner. I’ve observed them happy together, but I’ve also seen that he’s changed his behavior and habits, because she can eas- ily get jealous. I met her a few times, and she never personally offended me. However, I’ve known him longer than she has, and I don’t think that relationship is going anywhere. Should I approach him about this and if yes, how? A: As tough as this might be, the best approach to this situation is to simply be patient and supportive. If the relationship is going nowhere, then it will run its natural course and eventue ally you won’t have to worry about her anymore. If you bring it up with your friend, you risk damaging your relationship with him. His instinct might be to defend her, and he might get upset. If she hasn’t offended you, it would unwise to bring it up, as your friend might consider this to be crossing the line. If he’s happy, then it is your duty as his friend to be happy for him too. Time will tell whether you’re right or wrong about her, but in either case, holding your tongue will protect your friendship, and in the end, it’s up to your friend to date whoever he chooses. Good luckl IF ONE SANDWIGH IS ALL YOU NEED. WE DELIVER WITH LIGHTNING SPEED! M ELIE G. ' HEBRON. OH 3 MMYJOHNS.GOM TO FIND THE LOCATION NEAREST Y0" V S T JIMMYJOHNSJHJM AMERIGA'S FAVORITE SANDWIGH DELIVERY GUYS!” @1011 JIMMY JOHN'S FRANCHISE. LLG ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.