12 1:!!3 BECCAWATERLOO ae@technewsiit.com Tech'N'ews | Tuesday, Februaly8,2011 Blue Valentine paints intimate portrait of close relationships By Rebecca Waterloo A&E EDITOR There’s a blue hue that covers over the move ie Blue Valentine as you examine the conteme porary life of husband and wife: Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams dive deep into their roles as Cindy and Dean, completely engaged and focused in their roles as a young couple brought together by fate, coincidence, or ace cident, whatever the perspective may be: Their performance of falling in and out of love dure ing the movie is enhanced due the work of die rector Derek Cianfrance: The movie starts as a messy day in the life of a married couple and their six year old daughter, Frankie, as Cindy (Williams) is beyond exhausted and Dean (Gosling) shows less than a below average amount of aspiration in his life: The plot is simple: a night in a cheesy, run, down hotel while trying to patch up their mare riage with a night of intimacy and alcohol The complexity, however, starts as we’re brought not just to the hotel room, but through their story, suffocating us with their poisonous dys function until we plunge into a warm, clean story of love, dedication and devotion (coming mostly from Gosling’s side): Cianfrance lets us get to know too little or way too much infore mation of their life: The bouncing of black to white, left to right, his sideeher side leaves a large responsibility for the user to determine the actual narrative that happens in the midi dle: The story unravels the hardship of a rela tionship, marriage and the sad truth that some people may just fall out of love no matter how much they try to keep it together This movie is full of fights, love (making), communication, silence, judgment and under, standing, good guys, bad guys and everything you don’t want in between: It requires an open mind and a realist’s point of view as it’s not an easy story Is any situation in life? Blue Valerie tine is exactly what it sounds like: Documentary celebrates local talent By Udayan Das STAFF WRITER The aftereshow program of the Louder Than A Bomb poetry slam consisted ofa per, formance of a poem called “Stepping" by La, mar Jordan, which is an amazing poem, and as performed by Lamar, is worth the price of entry alone: Add to this the presence of the filmmakers Greg Jacobs and Jon Siskel, (the coefounder ofthe Louder Than a Bomb poetry slam competition) Kevin Coval, and finally an, other poem performed by Nate Marshall; you begin to see that the whole LTAB experience is even louder than the flyers claim to be: LOUBE ““‘HBIIM of the poetry as competition, is a microcosm of young people at work, stretched to its lime its, but doing what they like and know how to do best: Because the filmmakers stay away from gimmicky editing and flashiness of any kind, letting the words stand on their own and adopting a simple documentary approach: you are allowed to feel a lot, a successful documene tary having done its work: The talent that these kids display, the sheer passion for the work (which after all is most important), is simply amazing After all, there Photo courtesy louderthanabombfilm.com Lamar and Nate are both seen in the documentary LTAB which follows the LTAB competition held in Chicago in 2008: LTAB is the largest poetry slam competition in the world: In Chicago, teams from dozens of high schools participate in it every year: It is almost as important as anything in those high schools sporting calendars: It is an amazing competie tion and involves great emotion, great works of poetry, and great characters: Some of these characters are to be seen in LTAB the docue mentary Apart from Lamar and Nate, we fol, low two other young talented Chicago poets, Nova and Adam: Each of these four are part of intriguing stories that are far more interesting than a Hollywood film: What we see beyond the quality of the poetry, and the excitement is a little bit of everything What is good to see is that the ego is not inflated out of control, so that the most competitive have a mutual re, spect for each other: This, possibly more than anything else, invites the deep involvement of the audience in the performance that is LTAB the film: * Louder Than :1 Bomb (the documentary) is playing this week at the Gene Siskel Film Center: http://wwwsiskelfilmcentehorg/loude erthanabomb 7 Siskel and Jacobs will be an, swering questions, and there will be student poets performing: * Louder Than a Bomb (the competition) will be taking place from February 19 to March 12, organized once again by the wonderful Young Chicago Authors: You can find their Photo courtesy movies.nytimes.com Coffee Club: The Wormhole By Harshita Iver TECH N EWS WRITER Last Sunday the Coffee Club ventured to a place called The Wormhole, just a short way off the Blue line at the Damen stop: As expected, it was a great atmosphere, and had great coffee: The place was ooze ing with a retro, messy but come fortable feel, with an unique arrangement of random couch, es: There was a long line for the Coffee Club, something that is not normal in coffee shops around Chicago: Could that be an obvious sign of a popular spot? The prices were reasonable, for a cafe’ (under $9 for a coffee and pastries): An exciting discovery was made there: they have a Nintendo! The “ancient" but familiar version of our generation was what made it even better: The decor was unique and customerefriendly 7 mugs with faces on them, walls lined with old games in their boxes, and the clutter made everything seem to be in place: After an intense game of Tetris, followed by a game of Super Mae Photo courtesy thewormholecoffee.com rio and many cups of coffee, the Coffee Club called it a day Another successful coffee trip for the club; the shop is highly recommended by them: The Wormhole is located in Bucktownj Wicker Park, 1462 N: Milwaukee Ave: There is WieFi available for students who need to get an internet fix in addition to caffeine off campus: The Wormhole is open from 7 AM: until midnight on weekdays, and 9 AM: until midnight on weekends: You can find out more in, formation on their web, site at www thewormhoe lecoffee:c0m, or search for them on Facebook and Twitter: C 0 f f e e Club is the perfect break from the mundane and a great way to see the little places you might miss out on 0th, erwise: So if you want to join in, just email iitcofi’eeclub@gmail:com to be added to their mailing list: Or even easier, just show up at 1 1 am: at the MTCC, next to Global Grounds on a Saturday or Sunday, and tag along with the group of people you see, onto the next coffee adventure: