Tuesday, November 8th, 2016 | TechNeWS E E i E i i a i! 9 Caption Contest Caption this photo found in the Technews Respond to our Facebook post or email editor@technewsiit. archives. Top responses will be posted in next week's issue com with responses. along with a new photo to captionl NANOGKAMS Published by the courtesy gr www griddle/5 net Thin Film The taste is so bitter but that makes it worth the while As if it's gonna kill me there is something in the bile It makes me smile I feel the suffering of the sound It whispers from the supernatural And draws my freedom down I watch the thin film forms between my soul And what I fail to control A tissue paper membrane That only comprehension can't get through In reality your nothing but reality And that random pointless feeling is all inside of you I see one within the lonely chambers of my intuition Leading the other's function And my influenced decision Creates such an overwhelming doubt and suspicion In my submissive little mind that can't even make the first incision As if I always saw it But was never bold enough to perceive As ifI always knew it But I was too hopeful to believe - Reno Fera-Ducatt Basic Rules 1. Each clue indicates a group of contiguous squares of like color. 2. Between each group there is at least one empty square. 3. The clues are already in the correct sequence. Qmaguwgmwvnme 8&5 @MWE‘ BWW TechNews (491111301; email editor@technewsiit.com