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LOCAL 8' NATIONAL ADVERTISERS To place an ad, contact us via email at TechNews | Tuesday, November 8th, 201 6 CTBUH holds international awards on campus Steven Milan Moreno TECHNEWS WRITER Many people outside of the School of Architecture are unaware that a very prestigious and highly revered institution, The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, calls the Mies Campus of Illinois Tech home sweet home. The council itself is the leading body in determining the official final heights of skyscrapers around the world. The world record holder of tallest building has been based on the council’s ofiicial listings and measurements, which are conducted soon after a skyscraper reaches its maximum height during construction. The council also determines what is considered part of structure and whether it is accounted for in the final measurements. A recent famous example of this is the declaration by the council stating that the spire atop the new One World Trade Center in New York City is part of the building and not simply a removable antenna, making it officially taller than the Willis Tower in Chicago. Even though the Willis Tower has more floors accessible to people, the council had the final say in the matter, removing the record of highest building in the western hemisphere from the worldefamous structure that had held the title for over thirty years. In addition to these momentous declarations of new record holders, the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat also holds an annual award ceremony and symposium here on Campus at Crown or Hermann Hall. Numerous architectural and engineering giants come this event held on campus, where each year the council names the Best Tall Building of the Year out of the winners of regional awards as they are categorized by the council: The Americas, Europe, Asia/ Australia, and Africa/Middle East. For the building to qualify for these awards, they must meet certain criteria, including completion and occupation within the last year. This year’s regional winners included a new residential building in New York City, the Shanghai Tower in China, a multieuse building in Cyprus, and a residential building in Lebanon. Judges from the council listened to presentations made by each of the groups behind the construction of Vote for the Best TaII Building Worldwide! Text the code of your favorite building to 224.306.9807 the winning projects and then determined the winner of the overall Best Tall Building of the Year based on this testimony (and audience input, to a lesser extent). While it was certainly a difiicult decision to make,the judges eventually came to an agreement and awarded the Shanghai Tower, currently the second tallest building the world, the best tall building of 2016. The award was based on the building's unique architectural design in addition to the sustainable means of construction and operation of the building, as well as the compatibility of the building with the surrounding area and structures. In addition to the Shanghai Tower, other awards of honor we also announced throughout the event, including the Performance Award (given to Taipei 101 in Taiwan for its outstanding present condition), the TeneYear Award (given to Hearst Tower in New York for excellent condition and performance after a decade of operation), and the Urban Habitat Award (given to Wuhan Tiandi Site A in China for its urban design and sustainability). SHANG HAI TOWER