Tuesda November 22nd 2016| campus@technews com 5 Illinois Tech alumni win awards, celebrate success l-inoopa Sundararajan EDiTORriNrCHiEF Three Illinois Tech alumni who currently work for the 1111 Group , Gruzen Samton in New York City have been pushlng boundanes and wlnnlng deslgn competitions across the country Maria del Mar Granados Santlago, “Mar Granados,” graduated With her Bachelor of Architecture degree in 2000 and ls now a Senior Architect at the 1111 Group Gabriel Espinoza also graduated With a degree in architecture in 201s and Meriem Sakrouhl, also an architecture graduate, completed her Bachelor’s degree in 2015 wlthln months, Espinoza and Sakrouhi brought in awards for their company at dlfferent deslgn competltlons in the country, Cranados supervised both projects Espinoza ls a Project Architect who worked on the AARP 2015 Memphis Deslgn Competltlon where the alm was to “rethlnk how an existing home can live and grow With a famlly as the famlly evolves in life” The team won first place at the competltlon wlth their “lntereActive lelng” deslgn, respondlng to the requirements set by the challenge “to generate universal deslgn solutions and build an attractive, adaptable and affordable home of the future that speaks to and showcases llvablllty, by promotlng both aestheticallyr and functionallyeappealing deslgns for better llvlng” Asked what was most special to hlm about wlnnlng this award and worklng on this project overall, Espinoza says, “I had the amazlng opportunlty to collaborate wlth a nonprofit organlzatlon to brlng the deslgn to llfe, and that in ltself posed new challenges that I wouldn‘t have been able to overcome wlthout the necessary background that llT provlded me wlth For the first time 1 had to manage and deslgn a projectwhich had a lot of stakeholders, and that experience ls lnvaluable, and I feel very proud ofwhatwe accomplished” More lnformatlon about the teams wlnnlng deslgn can be found at homemattersamerica com/design/ZU15challengdwinners/ Sakrouhi, a lunlor Architect at the firm, worked on the Habitat for Humanity Challenge 2015 The goal was “to create an affordable and flexible home that engages outdoor llvlng and adjusts to the homeowners needs, whlle mltlgatlng the humid Florida Climate” The challenge was to deslgn an affordable Airbedroom, Zebathroom home in a maximum of 1300 square feet and wlth a budget of $150,000 The team won second place Sakrouhi says, “The greatest takeaway from the Habitat for Humanity deslgn competltlon was to be able to deslgn wlth a very specific purpose, whlch ls to make a great house for everyone, whatever the needs of that person can be in the future Thls prlnclple of universal deslgn ls somethlng that ls taught at the College of Architecture at IIT” More lnformatlon on the competltlon wlnners can be found at aectrendscom/designechallengee wlnners Granados, who supervlsed both projects says of her involvement in the projects, “My role was to llsten to thelr ldeas and push them to answer the questions that were presented, to focus thelr thlnklng towards the problems and challenges, and to gve advice on aspects of their own designs” She adds, “In both projects I wanted them to explore how the house would react through dlfferent stages in llfe, and dlfferent users Our motto was everyone deserves affordable and quality llvlng, and this needs to be flexible and engaglng and lt needs to lmprove life” Turmng her focus to architecture students, Cranados says, “there ls no real barrier between student and office work when lt comes to the way we analyze architecture there ls always room for innovation and prlnclples Any barriers there are, we are creatlng ourselves We need to keep pushlng for critical thlnklng, for wonder, and need to keep lncludlng the pnnclples of quality lnto architecture Many tlmes architecture ls a response to a problem or a commentary ln the world, lt ls up to us as architects to keep pushlng this conversation forward” Addlng to that, Espinoza said that one of the most lmportant thlngs he hopes students take away from this article ls, ‘When we enter our respectlve professlons, our fresh and new perspectlye ls an lncredlble asset to any company, lt should be somethlng that outgolng students are proud of A perspectlvel did not have when graduatlng, lt was somewhat the opposlte, l thoughtl couldn‘t brlng much to the table because I didn‘t have the experience” In her time at Illinois Tech, Sakrouhi learned that whlle critical thlnklng ls an extremely lmportant sklll she learned from the College Advenlse ln TechNews of Architecture, her lPROs taught her that, “lt ls as lmportant to sell your ldeas, to make sure people can understand your stories,” addlng, “learning how to pltch ideas, deslgns or yourselfewhen lntervlewlng for a jobris crucial” Finally, TechNeWs asked Granados, Espinoza and Sakrouhi lf they had any words of advlce for current students at the unlyerslty Granados says, “My advice to students at IIT rlght now ls to remember that thls ls a tlme for exploration HT is one ofthe best architecture schools in the world You are lucky enough to be lnhabltlng hlstory by occupylng Mles’ Crown Hall, and fortunate to have some of the most ylslonary architects as your teachers, take advantage of this Learn from their Wisdom and always wonder, keep questlonlng and always remember that the future ls not wrltten yet, and that you part of that conversatlon” Espinoza adds, “the “real“ World needs future generatlons to be proactlve and lnnovatlye so We can break the mold of What is standard, whlch ls what our competltlon prolects are trylng to accompllsh, and us an amazlng thlng to be part of” Sakrouhi, who moved to the Us as a transfer student ln 2013 ended wlth, “Before movlng to the Us one ofmy goalswas to be able to Watch American movies with no subtitles Thls was only three years ago and what I am trylng to say wlth thls ls that you can do anythlng you want, and through belng around incredible teachers,students and guest speakers, llT ls openlng many doors for you, all you have to do is decide which ones to use” Photo wmtexy of Mariam Sakmuhl OOHTMT bUSlYlZSS@lZCl/\HZWSlllCOl/Vl