Tuesday, November 15th, 2016 | E E i E i i a i! 7 Untitled When I was young I read fairy tales. Stories of mythical kingdoms overcome by a feared and powerful force. These forces were always defeated in the end, always destroyed by the good, the just, and the kind. And for the rest of time the kingdom lived in harmony. When I was an adolescent I read history books. I studied the great empires of the world. And I observed: the good, the just, and the kind, eventually overthrown in name of the feared and powerful. Thus reiterating a common theme is history that the biggest bully gains the most for the longest. The cruel thrive as the considerate die. Trickling Thoughts Every creation that mankind devised Started out as a simple thought in the mind A few neurons that fired their synapses in line To formulate thoughts that grew over time Every invention that humans created Was once grabbed by society to be judged and then rated But what would've become of the lightbulb back then If Edison had decided that the criticizers should win? Every sheer wonder built up by some hands Was grown in the mind into a grand plan It overcame obstacles and climbed over walls It fueled a heart up for someone to stand tall So whether or not the idea seems minute Use your passions inside to push the thought through For who knows if your thought will become divine You'll never know if you keep it trapped in your mind - Sonia Kamdar WE ARE ALWAYS CQHICS Recently I have been asked the age old question: if you could be loved or feared which would you pick. Without missing a beat I reply "feared”. And people laugh, they assume I am joking because no "good” person would rather be feared. And this particular time I was asked, it was followed by the question "why”. And I was honest, "ignorance is bliss but it is not power. If I dismiss the historical reoccurrence of leaders maintaining power through fear then I am dooming myself to the fate of all other "good” people. I do not need love if I have control. Because if I don't have control, someone else will and opting for love will not save me.” - Madelyn Walsh SANIIIIIBH IIIIIIIIII SERIOUS DELIVERY!” TO FIND THE IIIIJIITIIIN NEAREST YIIII VISIT JIMMYJIIHNS£0M @ZIIII JIMMY JOHN'S FRANCHISE, ILC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ACCEPTING SLIPSIICII SUBIIISSIONS CRQSSI/ORDS PUZZLES POEMS email editor@’rechnewsiit.com