Tuesday, November 15th, 2016 | sga@iit.edu E a;l 5 SGA Communications Committee looks to update organization website Ethan Castro COMMUNICATIONS COMMI'I'I'EE MEMBER Perhaps the unsung heroes of Student Government Association (SGA), the Communications Committee, under the leadership of ViceePresident Jelani Canty, take it upon themselves to ensure that knowledge of the organization is disseminated to the student body through any and all means possible From both within and outside the organization, one of the most cited complaints regarding the Illinois Tech SGA is a lack of transparency in both its actions and members Thus, an overarching theme of projects within the Communications Committee is to bridge the perceived gap between the general student body and SGAr Ongoing projects such as facilitating an SGA liaison for every student organization to a possible weekly radio show for SGA updates, the Communications Committee works behind the scenes of the organization’s operations to promote visibility and accessibility These potential projects are just a few among many ideas floating around the committee to achieve its overarching goalsi However, one item of recent focus is the outdated status of the SGA websitei Working with Canty, Communications Committee Senators Nathan Jones, David Sobel, and Kislay Bhagat are all working towards extending the reach of SGA to the digital forefront Accusations of SGA failing to remain topical and connected to the student body are, at times, completely justifiedi As it currently stands, the SGA website fails to provide a correct list of each college’s senators or even the organization’s executive board This fundamental lack of information will not stand for much longer Vice President of Communications Jelani Canty has personally sought the necessary training in updating the organization website, and Senators David Sobel, Nathan Jones, and Kislay Bhagat are all in the midst of gathering the necessary biographical data from the current senators and executive board and inputting this data onto the website Although perhaps at a less than optimal time, SGA’s Communications Committee is actively attempting to correct the outdated status of the website in order to both establish validity for the organization and push it into the forefront of student life Perhaps the overall goal is best summed up Senator Sobel, who expresses his desire to create “a utility for obtaining information about school functions and updates on SGA happenings in an accessible manner" However, presenting information about each SGA member is just one piece of the SGA website’s full potential Being an immediately accessible source of governing documents, a growing compendium of meeting minutes, and a realitime feed for updates on ongoing projects across every committee are all items on the agenda for this project Of particular note is the creation of what has been referred to as a “Student Organization Wiki" where student leaders across our campus may have access to a digital oneestop shop for any and all questions on how to run and advertise their respective organizations From reserving a meeting space to submitting a purchase request, the SGA website of the future will hopefully serve as a centralized hub to answer any student organization concern Both this facet of the website and the project as a whole are most eloquently summarized by Senator Nathan Jones, in his desire to create “a hub where both students and student organizations can come to a single site to get their questions answered The website is more than just design updates: its about functionality, practicality, and personality We want students to know who and what SGA is, and I think this is a perfect way to show students we're serious about making a positive impact on campus?’ 5mm Governmenl mimic" mums ”mm; c: mwmm About u, kxzztwe 4m: '0' “u... I” am 1,4 mm mlnuen Mus' ( mm ll: Photos Courtesy anllinm'S Tech SGA ls TODAY going to be a great day in Illinois Tech history? Illinois Tech Giving Day is TODAY— November 15—and we n ed your help! Here’s how you can get involved: M Stop by the Pri zker Club between 10 a.m.—8 pm. to be part of the fun! M Visit hawksgive t.edu to make a gift online and become an online ambassador. E Follow the Alumni Association on social media and spread the word to your f iends. Join the Student Gift Committee to celebrate the launch of this year’s student gift. They will be canvassing the MTCC from 11 a.m.— 4 pm. hawksgive.iit.edu #hawksgive #techyeah