Tuesday, April 5th, 2016 I campus@technewsiit.com IE: I; i i : iE' 3 SGA survey hopes to measure impact of campus media Soren Spicknall TECHNEWS WRITER As part of the 2015 Students Speak Survey, Illinois Tech’s Student Government Association (SGA) commissioned a question regarding readership of TechNews. After 51 percent of respondents indicated that they read the campus newspaper, SGA’s Communications Committee decided that it would be valuable to be able to take that insight further and expand the student body’s collective understanding of its media landscape through more thorough metrics. As a result, SGA has created an independent “Media Outreach Survey" meant specifically to address questions about how effectively different campus media outlets reach students, and the methods by which they do so. Principally covering TechNews and WIIT, with some mention of IIT Today and Hakaink as well, the Media Outreach Survey (available to fill out at g00.gl/forms/ urDYIHyZiN) begins by asking the reader the most basic question about each outlet: do they consume it? After that, the next question is one of frequency, tailored to each particular outlet. WIIT and IIT Today both have a maximum frequency of daily consumption, whereas TechNews has a weekly minimum due to its publication schedule. Beyond that, the queries diverge more significantly WIIT listeners, for example, can provide a list of their favorite shows onthe station, and TechNews readers can indicate a preference for the physical or digital versions of the paper An early version of the survey was circulated among all the member organizations of SGA’s Media Advisory Board (which includes representatives of TechNews and WIIT), and those members were offered an opportunity for input so that the survey’s questions would reflect what each media organization would like to know about its own audience, in addition to what SGA itself hopes to find out. One of the more interesting aspects of the Media Outreach Survey is not in its content, but in its marketing strategy As part of an attempt to understand how effective each campus media outlet is when it comes to distributing information, SGA is working with TechNews, WIIT, and IIT Today to include the survey in their regular publication processes, including the social media facets of some of those outlets In order to collect plenty of responses from those who don’t regularly interact with either WIIT or TechNews, the survey’s marketing strategy also includes physical posters and publicity efforts on ITSC and other online student groups, with the purpose of gaining an accurate picture of student media engagement. One survey question asks where students found information about the survey itself, and the response breakdown for that question alone holds promise for measuring the relative impact of various information sources at Illinois Tech. It remains to be seen how successful the project will be, but if executed well, it could lead to a fuller understanding of this university’s student and professional media. Herzog lecture discusses simplicity, clarity in architecture Peter Re gali TECHN EWS WRITER As an introduction, Jacques Herzog, a Swiss born Architect who was trained at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, currently heads the firm Herzog 8t de Meuron (HdM) in Basel, founded in 1978. The Mies Society lecture’s goal was the overall preservation of Mies’s influence on the profession here at IIT and around the world. Herzog begins his lecture on a formal analysis of the Farnsworth House, located in Peoria, IL. Stating his overall low level of satisfaction upon digestion, the house isiin its most basic essenceia lifted floor plane completely surrounded with a glass plane, allowing for the occupant to have 360 degree views of the wooded environment or vice versa depending on perspective The building acts as a vase to nature and becomes a frame in which people live. That was Herzog’s main critique, the overall deevaluing of the resident, ESTABLISIED lN CHARLESTON. IL II I983 TO ADD TO STUDENTS GPA MD GENE“ DATING ABILITV. Siam ”I! 1953 who at the time was a single women This was a commentary on Mies’s tendency to view architecture from the outside rather than the interior. He ended this moment by discussing how the grasses found at the site have a profound resemblance of pubic hair and how sleeping under the house would seem more adequate for creating a sense of privacy He then leads the discussion to the reflective nature of glass and howiat its besti it canbe usedto facilitate curiosity Questioning our utter fascination and dependency on the material as a vehicle for illusions to defy gravity Maybe we have this because of the underlying narcissism that creates the facade of selfereview, realization through the private experience of viewership. In this vein, he states that the sensual nature of building design is the real justification for architecture He feels value in the professions ability to deal with creating a feeling of p ower through the perverse exposure to the established surrounding elements. In dialogue of his past work, he reveals his opinion against decoration, backing this up with an argument that ornament is in its most basic deception a nuisance to the eye only bent on stimulating confusion He ties this conversation into his beginning remarks on the use of transparency One project, (Ebersualde Library,) creates an interplay involving the typical use of the envelope’s ability to create hidden moments. The building allows connection through internal light for transparency at night. During the day, a certain monolithic persona is taken on, shielding the internal systems. He is trying to constantly strive for unexpected situations though his mastery in understanding of various materials, with goals to use the medium of transparency to germinate space as an open mouth to landscape in conjunction with the structured environment During the Q&A session at the close, he dives into the considerations that create mmmwumwtoouwzrm minim! SANDWICHES 8" SUB SANDWICHES All nI my samiiricnes are I innnes nI numemaite Irencn nr-II, Iresn veggies aan tie Iinest meats e nneese Ican nnyI IIIe inne ererytninp Iresn iIain in tnis SID!!! II “STE DEIIEHHII way! #1 PEPE“) II-Ilmtnltslnnkefl thin and |Irnlln|nne cheese, lettuce,tuinatu e mayu.(TneurigiInl) #2 BIG JOHN“) Medium late cnniee mast heel, mayn, lettuce e tnmatn. #3 TOTALLY TUNA" Iresn Innsemarie tnna, miert witncelery, nninns, amI nnrtastysanne, innerI nncnmner, Iettnne etnmatn. (My tnna rncIrsI Snruuts*u|ltiunal) #4 TURKEY TOM" Iresnsiiceritnrirey nreast, Iettnne, tnmatne mayn. TneurigimlISuruIIts‘untinnal) #5 VITO“) inenrigirai IraIian sun with pennasaIami, prninInne, capicnIa,nninn, Iettnne,tnmatn, ea r-Itasty ItaIian vinaigrette. (lint peppers ny reuuect) so THE VEGGIE g Layers n1 prninInne cIeeseseparateII ny r-IaincaIIn sprnaII, inceII cncnmner, Iettnnetnnatne mayn. (Truly a gunman MI luruegetaiiaiis uIIIy, Snmltts“ uptiniul) J.J B.L.T.® IIann Iettnne,tnmatn e maan (My II.I.i. rncirs) * SIDES * s» Suit: Fun s Ilnncuhtecniuuruatmeal raisincnnirie s» IIeaI pntatnnnipsnrinmnn IrnsnerrIiIIpicIrIe s txtra InarI nI meat s txtracneesenrextraainnarinsprearI Imutn mum: @ JIMMYJIIIIIus.ch FREEBIES (was s cums cum Ilniun, Iettnne, tnmatn, mayn, innerI nncnmner, Int peppers, IIiinn mnsrarrI,yeIInrr mnstarri, niIe vinegar, nrepann, spruuts“. AnySun minns tneueuiesamtsauce SLIMI lhinlcneese SLIM 2 linear heel SLIM 3 Tunas-Ian SLIM 4 Turkeynreast SUM 5 Salamiunienhcnene SLIM 6 lluunlepnmilnne lnw Barb lettuce Wrap AEW Same ingredients and price ntthe sun in aluminum the mean. IIIIIIIIIIV IIIIIIIIIS may include THE J.J. GARGANTUAN‘) ine nriginaI pntnnnstnni uenna saIami, inceII smnIreII nam, capinnIa, rnast neeI, tnrirey e prnrnInne, iammeII imn nne nI nnr numemaite Irencn nuns, tnen smutnerelt witn uninns, mayu, lettuce, tnmatn 1 put InmemaiieItaIianriraigrette. “we IIOT mm. EITIER. m was mt mm A um: DETTEB. 11w: ALL! I mum To an IT mm mar: mm sanctum. wt memmcwtosmwmcoumer. memes: or qur so: main. man an GIANT UB SANDWICHES IIchInn samirricnes nare twine tne meat nr nneese, try it anmytresnnakeittnicksliceitl-grainnreaiturmytamuus numelnafle French hlealI! Tell Its when ynll nnIel! WI SLIMS «7 smom HAM CLUB m pnnmInI reaI irnnri smnIrerI nam, prnrnInnecneese, Iettnne, tnmatne maan #8 BILLY CLUB“) IIiinn mnsrarrI, Iettnce, tnmatne mayn. IIelIna salami, Italian caniwla, slnnkelI ham, amI prnrninnenneeseaii tnpperI witn Iettnne, tnmatn, nninn, mayn ennr InmemarIe IraI'an vinaigrette. (llriler it with hat peppers) #10 HUNTER’S CLUB“) I IIIII Ill |InllnlI III medium late "last heel, prnunInIIe, lettuce, tnmatn e mayn. #11 COUNT Y CLUB“) Sliceltturkey realwuuitsmukeitnam, prnrnInne,an #12 BEACH cum“) (9 Elaine mast heel, slnnkelI ham, |Inmtlnne cheese, #9 ITALIAN NIGHT CLUB“) IIettnne,tnmatnemaan (Averytraltitiunal,yetalwaysexceptiululclassic!) Spruuts" nptinnaI Iresn naked tnrirey nrnast, prnrnInnenneese, arncarin quality architecture. Stating the fulfillment he receives from creating rather ordinary in appearance forms that augment typical definition. Reminding us to aim for simplicity when tackling problems, avoid fanatical forms, noting that the uncanny only realizes itself and therefore can never be properly described. Acknowledging the American architectural school systems obsession with theory, which is always attempting to create order and how that degrades the formal experience down to a graspable system, maybe architecture shouldn’t be mastered. He encourages a straightforward client relationship, noting the drive to hide ideas in reluctance of being misunderstood, great design should promote a journey Finishing with his belief that architecture should be true and clear. Remember to never try to hospitalize a building; the idea of a house as a museum is something we should rebel against. % Student Government Association IIT SGA ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY EXECUTIVE BOARD ELECTIONS spr-iI,incerIcnnnmner, Iettnne,tnmatn aan maan #13 GOURMET VEGGIE CLUB“) IInnnIe prnrrnInne, reaI arnnarin sprearI,innerI nncnmner, Iettnce, tnmatn e mayn. (Try itnn my l-grainumuleunleatnrealt.Tnisueuiesamtwicn is reaIIyynmmyI Snruuts*u|ltiunal) arIeIirerycnarpe. #14 BOOTLEGGER CLUB“) OTE NOW! Apri|4 — April 6 IInast neei, tnrirey nr-st, Iettnne,tnmatn e mayn. In American Cherie! #15 CLUB TUNA“) The same as nnr #3 Tntally Tuna except this nne has a In! mute. Ilnllselnalte (Illla sahlI, ptuvnhne, sliceil cucumner, lettuce e tnmatn. (Spruutst uptiuinl) #16 CLUB LULU" Itnrireye nannn clun) tnmatn e maan (Thisune rnnIrsI) #17 ULTIMATE PORKER‘" IIeaI Intuit slnnkelI ham and Dunn with lettuce, Voting form http://ti ny.cc/I Itvotes Or scan the QR code Follow us on Facebook @Iitsga WE DELIVER! 1 DAYS AWEEK F I] THE HEAT 0N NEAREST YIJII MM HNS 80M murmur IIIt llil'nnmlilltflf IInIIIII IIIIIIIsts IIIIIrtIIrIIIu tnwnii unnttcnnmsrtnursrnsts Autniru tisumtnmut. Iur tsrtcinivm IIIt tIIInIIv. cIIIIIIttII. Pttuunurvmmtu. IIIIII Pttsnus VIIIII thIIItIItII IIIIIIIuIIt svsitms. rut Eflllslltll'tlflll nr tnw smursmnv ttsuir III In lucttnstn tisunr runnlntnt IIIIItss. m rutiutt IIIrntIIIIIrInII. unurncrvnut Puvsicinu nII Inc-III Pllllc IInIIIII IItIIIItInItIIr. é‘IISfi. znnz. ZflflJ. Zflfll. m7. znnx. 2m. Zfltl IIIIIIIV InIIII'erIIIIIcIIIst. III: III tiuursttsmtn. Wlllslnil IIr-IIipIm In IIIaIr-nnyIII-m Ehzlgls. Questions sga@IIt.edu More info sga.IIt.edu