6 w o Whom it May Concern Reno Waswil To whom it may concern I’m sorry my application seems to bare But I just want you to know that The experience I included Is not even one percent of what I’ve been through These eyes, they’ve seen some things And these hands have felt some things you couldn’t imagine The soft utters of a cow tit As I simultaneously milk it and help it give birth And the cold pipes of an Industrial revolu— tion—style coal plant As I fiddled around with it to made it more eco—friendly Dream Sometimes it seems That if life was a dream I could Love Laugh and Live Whenever I wanted No room for remorse Just a smile and a wave As I Twirl Twist and Turn Through each cheerful endeavor Dreams hold the secret To living alive Where tears are forbidden And you live, not survive The world would be pure And the horrors forgotten Though only, it seems, If life was a Dream. ~ Him I’ve got the experience and wisdom of an 80 year old medicine man With the supple, tasty body of 23 year old Greek God And the skills, I’ll have you know I’ve got mad skills Don’t you worry your little managerial head about that I’ve helped build Hadron colliders The large ones I’ve been the mind behind some of the most infectious Viral videos of the modern age I’ve been called to cook spaghetti for the pope And he lives in Italy I know how to program In twelve different languages Almost as many as I can speak And am fluent in I’ll have you know That would be fifteen Why didn’t include these on my resume? Because dude I want you to hire me not for dirt under my fingernails But of the content of my character Most notably, my modesty So please hire me I many be just what Wendy’s needs FREAKY FAST SANIIWIBHES SERIOUS DELIVERY!TM * JIMMYJOHNS.¢0M * T0 FINII THE LOCATION NEAREST YOII VISIT JIMMYJOHNSIIOM LE‘ZIJIE JIMMV JIJHN'S FRANCHISE. LLD ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.