ESTABLISHED IN CHARLESTON. IL IN I983 TO ADD TO STUDENTS GPA AND GENERAL DATING ABILITY. 8" SUB SANDWICHES III! I)! my sandwiches are II inches oI homemade Freneh hread, lresh veggies and the linest meats & eheese I can buy! We sliee everything lresh daily in this store! It tastes better that way! #I PEPE® lleal wood smoked ham and provolone eheese, lettuee, tomato & mayo. (The original) #2 BIG JOHN® Medium rare ehoiee roast heel, mayo, lettuee & tomato. #3 TOTALLY TUNA® Fresh housemade tuna, mixed with eelery, onions, (My tuna roeks! Sprouts* optional) #4 TURKEY TOM® Fresh slieed turkey breast, lettuee, tomato & mayo. The original (Sprouts* optional) #5 VITO® The original Italian suh with genoa salami, provolone, eapieola, onion, lettuee, tomato, & a real tasty Italian vinaigrette. (Hot peppers by request) #6 THE VEGGIE g Layers oI provolone eheese separated by real avoeado spread, slieed eueumher, lettuee, tomato& mayo. (Truly a gourmet suh not Ior vegetarians only, Sprouts“ optional) J.J.B.L.T.® IIaeon, lettuee, tomato & mayo! (My II.L.T. roeks) “MN“? JOHN, Q SANDWICHES A SLIMS‘M llny Suh minus the veggies and sauee SLIMI Ham&eheese SLIM 2 lloastheel SLIM 3 Tuna salad SLIM 4 Turkey hreast SLIM 5 Salami, eapieola,eheese SLIM 6 llouhle provolone and our tasty sauee, slieed eueumher, lettuee & tomato. low Barb lettuce Wrap wW Same ingredients and price of the sub or club without the bread. * SIDES * iv Soda Pop iv Bhoeolate ehip or oatmeal raisin eookie iv lleal potato ehips or jumho kosher dill piekle iv Extra load I)! meat iv Extra eheese or extra avoeado spread FREEBIES (sues s ewes ONLY) llnion, lettuee, tomato, mayo, slieed eueumher, hot peppers, Ilijon mustard, yellow mustard, oil &vinegar, oregano, sprouts*. ORDER UNLINE @ JIMMYJUHNSJmM IlELIVElIY IIIIIlEIIS may inelude a delivery eharge. A THE J.J. GARGANTUAN® The original guthuhstuh! IIenoa salami, slieed smoked ham, eapieola, roast heel, turkey & provolone, jammed into one o! our homemade Freneh huns, then smothered with onions, mayo, lettuee, tomato & our homemade Italian vinaigrette. OK, SO MY SUBS REALLY AREN'T GOURMET AND WE'RE NOT FRENCH EITHER. MY SUBS JUST TASTE ALITTLEBEITER,THAT'SALL!IWANTEDTO CALL IT JIMMY JOHN'S TASTY SANDWICHES, BUT MY MOM TOLD ME TO STICK WITH GOURMET. REGARDLESS OF WHAT SHE THINKS, FREAKY FAST IS WHERE IT'S AT. I HOPE YOU LOVE 'EM AS MUCH ASIDO! PEACE! My“, GIANT CLUB SANDWICHES My eluh sandwiehes have twiee the meat or eheese, try it on myIresh haked thiek slieed T-grain bread or my lamous homemade Freneh hread! Tell us when you order! #7 SMOKED HAM CLUB 1/4 pound oI real wood smoked ham, provolone eheese, lettuee, tomato & mayo! #8 BILLY CLUB® Bhoiee roast heel, smoked ham, provolone eheese, Ilijon mustard, lettuee, tomato & mayo. #9 ITALIAN NIGHT CLUB® IIenoa salami, Italian eapieola, smoked ham, and provolone eheese all topped with lettuee, tomato, onion, mayo & our homemade Italian vinaigrette. (llrder it with hot peppers) #ro uuerrz’s~ cwa® ll lull 1/4 pound oI medium rare roast heel, provolone, lettuee, tomato & mayo. #II COUNTRY CLUB® Slieed turkey breast, real wood smoked ham, provolone, and tons oI lettuee, tomato & mayo! (ll very traditional, yet always exeeptional elassie!) S routs* #12 BEACH cwa® ® .3..." Fresh haked turkey breast, provolone eheese, avoeado spread, slieed eueumher, lettuee, tomato and mayo! #13 GOURMET VEGGIE cwa® llouhle provolone, real avoeado spread, slieed eueumher, lettuee, tomato & mayo. (Try it on my T-grain whole wheat bread. This veggie sandwieh is really yummy! Sprouts* optional) #I4 BOOTLEGGER CLUB® lIoast heel, turkey breast, lettuee, tomato & mayo. lIn llmeriean elassie! #I5 CLUB TUNA® The same as our #3 Totally Tuna exeept this one has a lot more. Housemade tuna salad, provolone, slieed eueumher, lettuee &tomato. (Sprouts* optional) #I6 CLUB LULU® Slieed turkey breast, haeon, lettuee, tomato & mayo. (JJ's original turkey & haeon eluh) #I7 ULTIMATE PORKER1M lleal wood smoked ham and haeon with lettuee, tomato & mayo! (This one roeks!) WE DELIVER! 7 DAYS AWEEK TO FIND THE LOCATION NEAREST YOU VISIT JIMMYJIJHNSJNJM "vourz MOM WANTS you TO EAT AT JIMMY JOHN'S!” © *WIIIININII: TIIE IIEPIIIITMENT IIF IIElILTII lIIIVISES TIIlIT ElITINII lIlIW IIII IINIIElI-BIIIIIIEII SPIII'IIITS PIISES lI IIElILTII IIISII TII EVEIIVIINE, IIIIT ESPEBIIILLV TII TIIE ELIIEIILV, BIIILIIIIEN, PIIEIINIINT WIIMEN, lINl] PEIISIINS WITII WEIIIIENEI] IMMIINE SYSTEMS. TIIE BflNSIIMPTIflN IIF lIlIW SPIIIIIITS MIIV IIESIILT IN AN INBIIEIISEI] IIISII IIF FflIIIIIIfllINE ILLNESS. FIIII FIIIITIIEII INFfllIMlITIIIN, BIINTIIBT VIIIIII PIIVSIBIIIN IIII LflBlIL PIIIILIB IlElILTII IIEPIIIITMENT. ©1935,ZIIIIZJIIM,ZIIMJMLZMIB,2013,2014 JIMMY JIIIIN'S FIIIINBIIISE, LLB lILL IIIIIIITS IIESEIIVEI]. We lleserve The llight Tu Make My Menu changes.