CAMPUS Read about the Career Management stall at Stuart School ofBusiness. Page 4 ABE Check out this week's music review! SPORT Check out some photos from Illinois Tech's last track meet! Student newspaper of Illinois Institute of Technology since 1928 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2016 Volume 184 I Issue 3 CAMPUS 2-4 AErE 5 SLIPSTICK 6 SPORTS 1 SGA beings live streaming Senate meetings online Soren Spicknall TECH NEWS WRITER Meetings of Illinois Tech’s student government are notorious for their length Starting at 9:15 every other Wednesday night, Student Government Association (SGA) Senate meetings almost always stretch past 11 pm and sometimes come close to a midnight end time For this reason, students outside of the organization often find it daunting to sit in on Senate meetings, learn what SGA is working on, and provide input of their own during discussions While it’s inevitable that the gatherings are long (after all, a very wide range of topics is discussed each time), it is also widely acknowledged that SGA should take steps to help others understand how their meetings work and provide access for those who can’t be there in person Starting with last week’s Senate meeting on the 3rd, held in Stuart Building for the first time rather than in the MTCC Ballroom, SGA established an online video stream showing its proceedings, ranging from presentation of a new student organization (Food Science Club) to an open discussion of the current residential fire alarm policy which included members of RHA and staff from RGLI Audio was not streamed along with the video feed during the meeting, but live minutes were available in a public Google Docs link with updates about discussion and votes takenr Members of SGA’s Executive Board took steps to make sure that students knew they could watch and read about the meeting, posting on Illinois Tech Student Community (ITSC) and on SGA’s own Facebook page While it’s a far cry from being able to actually attend and discuss the issues at a Senate meeting, the new live stream option has many potential applications and benefits Students who are interested in open Senate seats can see if it’s for them before ever filling out a candidate packet, groups presenting a student organization concept can learn how those presentations and discussions happen before they go in, and students who are busy on Wednesday nights can get updates on issues of importance to them The stream could use some improvements (like working audio), but it’s a great start to help SGA publicize its efforts and add transparency to the organization ||T SGA SENATE Image courtesy of Student Government Association Students' printing funds in the interest of a sustainable Illinois Tech campus IIT Office ofTechnology Services Recently, the Student Government Association expressed concern to the university about the reduction in the printing allotment for new incoming students beginning this 201572016 academic yearr A productive exchange between the students and the university focused on the university’s mission; “Illinois Tech willbecome the most sustainable, urban university campus in the United States" The university is taking many measures to attain its goal, one of which is to minimize printing on campus Last year, Illinois Tech put four monitors in Crown Hall so that architecture students could do their presentations without relying on paper Illinois Tech possess the technology tools such as Blackboard and the Google Apps for Education suite that faculty and students can utilize to submit documents, share ideas, and collaborate IIT hopes that the university community will utilize those tools and further our pledge to become active participants in helping IIT reach its goal of becoming the most sustainable, urban university As of today, Illinois Tech is positioned as one of the top 353 Green Colleges according to the Princeton Reviews 2015 College Rankings We as a community should make every effort to maintain and improve our position in this ranking Illinois Tech calls on faculty and staff to take a leadership role in this effort Faculty members, please take a moment to consider which of the abovementioned tools you can leverage for the betterment of your students and consider the financial burden we are placing on our students by requiring them to print Students, please commit yourselves to this goal and encourage your faculty to reevaluate how assignments are submitted The Support Desk is available to help the community, best utilize these available technology tools Do not hesitate to reach out to them by calling (31275677DESK), emailing (supportdesk@iitredu) or stopping by the 2nd Floor Galvin Library Illinois Tech has many things about which it can be proud The university community needs to pull together to make this sustainability effort one more illustrious feather in our university’s capr Kevin Zelek, Pete Anderson Perform at Hawks Coffeehouse Reno Waswil TECHNEWS WRITER Live music is a spectacular experience that, if done right, even those who claim to not particularly enjoy music too much may find pleasure in the experience What is more is when live music is combined with a comforting atmosphere rather than the aggravating, insecure, and annoying one often associated with live music, it is significantly better Hawks Coffeehouse, for those agonizingly unaware, is Union Board’s biweekly Tuesday night performance wherein invited artists, whether they be local, touring, or student performers, host shows for students who are free to lounge, listen, and enjoy with free coffee, tea, hot chocolate, sometimes apple cider, and platters of sweet treats in the comfort of the MTCC Welcome Center during the lazy hour of 7 to 8 pm This past Tuesday, February 2, saw the event’s first student performer of the Spring 2016 series, Kevin Zelekr Regular Coffeehouse attendees as well as a chunk of Zelek’s supporters care of the fraternity Alpha Sigma Phi may remember him as the first feature of last semester’s Coffeehouse Open Mic performance For this show, he came prepared with a full hour long set of music and brought along his cohort, electric guitarist, keyboardist, and backup singer Pete Anderson who assisted Zelek with a survey of his talents for use in his acoustic melodies “It’s fun because his shows are like a hangout," attendee and girlfriend of the performer Danielle Boer says when asked about the night Zelek self describes his music as folk, punk, and the content and style of his songs like “This Songs About Nothing," “Wreck the Halls (Christmas at College)," and “This Party Sucks" are representative of that genrer Listeners will have noted that elements of apathy and anxiety were pervasive in his lyrics Zelek’s singing used a distinctive dichotomy between impassioned belting during moments of his music and his normal singing style emphasizing certain key moments of the music As Zelek and Anderson played, onlookers enjoyed biscotti as the dreary rain both enhanced the coziness of the venue and detracted from most people’s willingness to be there in the first place Alien Sound and Lighting, Illinois Tech’s student run organization which provides sound and lighting services to other student organizations at no direct cost to those organizations that request their service, did a great job making the show a success tool In addition to all that, Union Board is running a promotion wherein students that come to three Hawks Coffeehouse events this semester win Coffeehouse branded swag like coffee mugs and notebooks What came as a disruption to this promotion was that due to a conflicting event hosted by Hawks Nest, the sports and athletics affiliated subsection of Union Board, the Student ID tapping device was unavailable for use at Coffeehouse, so few of the students who attended were recorded Going forward, Union Board insists that this will be fixed and the attendees will get their rightfully won prizes The next installment of the cereal Hawks Coffeehouse will be a special “Pancakes and Poetry" addition, featuring a music/poetry duo named The Asia Project, and a pancake barr Finally, for students interested in performing at the next Open Mic night, there is an upcoming show this semester where you will have just that opportunity Email Union Board at music@ubiitrorg to set up an audition time to be a part of the Hawks Coffeehouse Open Mic from 7 pm to 9 pm on April 241 You may perform for any length oftime from 5 to 30 minutes, but only a limited number of spots are available so when we have the entire night booked, we will stop accepting submissions