Student newspaper of Illinois Institute of Technology since 1928 CAMPUS 2-3 AErE 4 SLIPSTICK 5-6 SPORTS 1 2016 Stryker Awards Banquet recognizes outstanding student leaders for contributions to Illinois Tech Anoopa Sundararaj an EDITOR-IN-CHIEF In 1972, Clinton El Stryker set up an endowment and contributed additional funds to encourage student involvement and increase opportunities for leadership development at Illinois Techl Stryker was a distinguished alum and professor at Illinois Techl He graduated from the university, then known as the Armour Institute of Technology, with a degree in electrical engineering in 1917‘ He served three terms on the Board of Trustees and was a recipient of the prestigious Alumni Medal in 1968‘ For the past 41 years, the Clinton El Stryker awards have been awarded to students who have made significant contributions to student life at Illinois Tech The 2016 awards banquet was held on Tuesday, April 19, in the Hermann Hall Ballroom Dean of Student Affairs, Katherine Stetz, began the awards ceremony with brief remarks and then called Ryan Miller, Assistant . 7 Students showcase solutions from Vice Provost for Campus Life, on stage to present the award for the Outstanding Student Advisor Iohn Erickson, Senior Lecturer in the applied mathematics department, and advisor to the Math Club was the recipient of the award this year Although Erickson was not present to receive his award, Miller shared an anecdote from a recent interaction with Erickson highlighting his dedication and support for the organization Miller added that Erickson went out of his way to attend the student organization roundeups just so that he could be aware of the information and help his students in their time of need The award for Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant of the Year was presented by Provost Frances Bronet to Karthik Selvaraj, a student in the Master’s program for Information and Technology Management Before handing out the award, Bronet read aloud some reviews from students who had been taught by Selvarajl In addition to standard positive reviews, students said that l .1 he “helps [them] know what the mistake is" before helping them solve it, an important step in the process that is sometimes overlooked by others Alex Carlson, Director of Campus Life came up to the stage next to present the award to the Outstanding Student Employee of the Year, Melanie Standish Standish has worked for the Office of Campus Life for a year now and has been working with student reservations for a portion of that time Carlson recalled a day when Standish came in to her office to say that someone she had never met before recognized her name and asked if she was “THE Melanie Standish, from student reservations," what she referred to as the day she “became famous?’ Carlson added that Standish was the kind of employee who not only looked out for herself and did her best, but also helped other student workers out and tried to ensure that everything was running smoothly overalll Following this, the award for semester-long projects ‘ l .l l} '1‘ l Outstanding First Year Involvement was presented by Patrick Fina, Campus Life Coordinator, to Adrian Duenasl Fina described Duenas as “fun" and possessing “a dynamic energy" When they first met, Fina found it hard to believe that Duenas was only a freshman, given his extensive involvement in student organizations and knowledge of campus life The award for Outstanding Student Organization, according to the Office of Student Affairs, “recognizes an organization for its success and support of student development, leadership, and campus/ community involvement? ' This year, the award was presented to UNICEF at Illinois Techl Katie Stango, Campus Life Coordinator, said that the group “has done an outstanding job sustaining leadership within their student community" Continued on Page 2 at IPRO Day Photos Courtesy ofGerald Doyle (top and middle), Gabriel Connors (bottom left), Meriern Sakrouhi (bottom right)