Sports Spotlight. Vignesh Rajagopal Amopa Sundararajan carrot iN cure: Until he started high school, vignesh BaJagopal was sure that he wanted to be a soccer player He had been playrng since he was tenyears old and loved it while in hrgh school, hrs frrend convrnced hrm to try playrng basketball one day and hrs Journey wrth basketball began then and continues today as he plays for the illrnors Tech Men’s Basketball team “The main reason l wanted to go to college in the US was because l wanted to continue playing basketball,” sard BaJagopal, who grew up in a few drfrerent places around the world before graduatrng from hrgh school in Mexico Hrs Journey wrth basketball at illlnols Tech began before he even came to the school He had been corresponding wrth the thencoach about the possrbrlrty of Joining the team was told that there was the likelihood of a spot for hrm on the team when he got here Soon after he got here in Fall 2013, he went through tryouts, made the team and has been playrng for the school for the past the three years Asked what his favorite thing about playrng basketball at the school is, he easrly says, “the people,” addrng that hrs teammates, coaches and other athletics staff have made pr 19th 2016 | TechNews the experience what it is Then asked about a challenge he faces on the team he says that time management has been a skill that has challenged hrm With practrces starting at 5 am and determined never to be late to practice, BaJagopal has had to learn to schedule the rest ofhrs academrc and personal lrfe around hrs lrfe rn athletrcs Earlier thrs semester, BaJagopal was awarded the Student Athlete of the Year award by the United States Collegiate Athletrc Association (USCAA) He says that hrs initial reaction was one ofshock and that he “couldn’t believe rt” As cocaptain of the team, RaJagopal not only uses the teams losses to make hrs own game better, but he also works actively to encourage his teammates to push themselves and achieve their full potentral For the past few years the team has been facrng a lot of losses but BaJagopal is optimistic that thrs wrll change in the upcomrngsemesters Askedwhat he thinks about the current state of student awareness and support of athletics on campus, BaJagopal says, “[he thinks] its prcked up thrs year,” in comparison to his first two years at the school He adds that the athletes themselves try to attend sporting events for other teams on campus to show support but also as an opportunity to bond with their own teams, often trying to recruit friends outside athletics sports@technews t com to go wrth them He says, involvement could definitely be a lotbetter, especrally because we are transitioning into Diii and thats a pretty big deal,” hoping that incentives like earning points by going to athletic events and trading them in for merchandise will help boost attendance BaJagopal also talked about ways that we can cultivate a culture of sports here at illlnols Tech While he recognized that that is not a mission that can be accomplrshed in a short span of time, he notes, “blowing up athletics as much aswe blow up our academics” to visiting prospective students may be a good way to expose them to the sense of school spirit here before they attend so that they can help maintain and improve the appreciation of athletics and our athletes on campus when they do attend Lastly, in response to berng asked in what capacity he sees basketball in hrs lrfe post college, BaJagopalsays that the skrlls and drscrplrne he has learned through the sport and berng on the team are prrceless Being able to step back, analyze hrs mrstakes and learn from them efrectrvely is only one ofmanysuch skrlls that will help him no matter his chosen career path He ends with a call to fellow students, saying, “come out to these games with your friends, it could be fun" Photo courtexyofi/‘rgneth/zjagopal Illinois Tech Track and Field team competes at Benedictine University Genevieve Hummel TECHNEWS WRITER The illrnors Tech men’s and women’s Track & Held teams competed at the Benedictine University Relays this past weekend The weather was warm and sunny on both Friday and Saturday and Assrstant Coach Nick Schnergert predicted that the team would be settrng many personal records that day, and he was rrght Almost all of the athletes on both the men’s and women’s teams broke their own personal records on their events A notable athlete from the womens team was Taylor Schaub, who contrnued to rmpress wrth her hrgh Jump marks, placrng thrrd out of 24 athletes wrth a mark of 155 meters Thrs was her second best collegrate mark for the hrgh Jump Schaubalso placed 49th rn the 200 meter dash wrth a trme of30 17seconds Also notable was Rebecca Bell, who placed 34th rn the 1500 meter with a time of 5 25 53 Sprinters Genevieve Hummel and Danrelle Boer each rmproved their own personal trmes rn both the 100 meter and the 200 meter dashes by at least a second All the athletes on the women’s team saw great improvements in their performances and thrs was an extremely successful meet for the team The men’s team also experienced some recordrsetting moments, as the 4x400 meter team finally broke the school record, a goal Coach Schnergert had been workrng toward all season The team consrsted ofDavrd Polzin, Cole Dammeier, John Xavier, and Demrs Thomas The team broke the school record, set in 2008, by over three seconds, wrth a time OH 29 49 Joseph Yassin had anotherset ofstrong performances He placed second in the Javelin wrth ascore of5260 meters, fourth in the drscus, wrth a score of 4287 meters, and srxth in the shot put, wrth a score of 13 88 meters in the 400 meter dash, Thomas came in 14th place wrth a time ofsz 91 seconds and Polzin came in 25th place with a time of 54 83 seconds Dammeier, with a time of 41481 came in 18th place in the 1500 meter Xavier’s time of 11 74 seconds got hrm a placement of 32nd in the 100 meter dash Javier Sorribesr Camargo set three collegrate personal records wrth ascore ofs 57 meters in the long Jump, and times of1254 seconds in the 100 meter dash and 25 23 seconds in the 200 meter dash All the athletes on the men’s team drd an exceptional Job at this meet and the team continues to see improvements every week Photo: by Genevieve Hummel Liverpool defeats Dortmund in “Istanbul 2005" v2.0 Mele Morris TECHNEWS WRITER The Champrons League finale rn 2th rs probably the proudest moment of any lrvrng Lrverpool fan today it was agarnst Ac Milan on a beautrful nrght rn istanbul The Merseyslde club were three goals down by halftrme and noone gave them a chance Ac Milan was blessed wrth talents such as Shevchenko, Crespo, Kafu and Maldlnl looked 45 mrnutes away from a glorrous champrons league, but rt was the belref and immense support of the fans that gave Lrverpool the drrve and they made a glorrous comeback managing to force the game to penalties and clrnchrng the cup by a legendary performance from then goalkeeperDudek The game last Wednesday was a season benchmark for the Reds Berng midrtable rn the league and wrth no hope of wrnnrng any silverware domestrcally, the only tournament they have a chance in is the Euro Cup The draw saw them face possrbly the strongest team in the tournament, the German club Borussra Dortmund Lrverpool drd well to get a 171 draw from the first game away rn Dortmund The startrng lrneup was farrly normal wrth Mrgnolet rn goal wrth the back four of Clyne, Lovren, Sakho and Moreno in front of the back four the two central midfielders were James Milner and Emre Can in front of Milner and Can, the three attackrng midfielders were Lallana, Flrmlno and Coutinho with the young prospective Drvorrck Orrg as the lone strrker The game started really fast wrth Germanslde Dortmund pressrng hrgh up, grvrng Lrverpool a hard trme attackrng, and their pressure pard off well Just rn the fifth mrnute Shanl Kagawa played a brrllrant pass to Gonzalo Castro who lofted the ball up behind Lrverpool defenders leavrng the inrform strrker Aubameyang one on one wrth Mrgnolet Although Mrgnolet drd a fantastrc Job by savrng Aubameyangs attempt, the ball bounced and fell rn front of Henrrk Mkhrtaryan who netted the ball (Liverpool 0 , iDortmund, s” Mkhltaryan) Both Milner and Sakho drd a poor Job, Just watchrng the attack rather than defendrng the Armenran midfielder Lrverpool fans” dreams of a comeback were crushed on 9th mrnute Reus dribbled past the Lrverpool midfield passrng a long ground pass to Aubameyang Thrs trme, the Gabonese strrkerscored comfortably agarnst the Belgran goalkeeper (Liverpool 0 , z Dortmund, s” Aubameyang) Thrs meant that Lrverpool had toscore three goals to qualrfyfor the semifinal and from a team who conceded twice in first ten minutes against an extremely rnform German club Thrs seemed hrghly unlikely Liverpool started playing much more offensively with Orig; getting close to scoring twice in the next ten minutes Liverpool’s offensive gameplay meant that Dortmund got more counter attacking chances, coming very close to capitalizing on them in the next 20 minutes with Adam Lallana missing the clearest chance of the game, the first half ended wrth a two goal lead for Dortmund The Reds came out of the halftrme break hrghly motivated and two minutes after the krckoffDrvorrckOrrgrscored asrmple goal by outpacrng Borussra defenders (Liverpool 1 , z Dortmund, 48’ Orrgr) Lrverpool”s hopes were crushed again 10 minutes later by Marco Reus scorrng yet another “Reusslan” goal (Liverpool 17 3Dortmund, 57’ Reus) Liverpool now had to score three goals in 30 minutes and with the way thrngs were going, thrs seemed very unlikely, The Liverpool Manager, Jurgen Klopp must have also realized thrs, and to change the flow ofthe game, he brought on Joe Allen for Adam Lallana and Danrel Sturrrdge for Roberto Flrmlno Thrs change pushed Milner to the wrng,where he plays thebest The frurts of this change started to bear three minutes later After a swrft onertwo rrght outsrde the box wrth Milner, the Brazrlran talent Coutrnho scored a brrllrant goal, grvrng Liverpool fans hope agarn (Liverpool 2 , 3 Dortmund, 55’ Coutrnho) After thrs, Liverpool started pushrng their players forward towards a goal, which seemed extremely hard wrth Dortmund dismissing their attempts with ease Liverpool took several cornerswhrch were allblocked in the front post and thrs made several fans very angry at the cornerrtaker, James Milner Thrs front post corner tactic eventually worked out wrth Liverpool defender Sakho heading it in in the 77th minute (Liverpool 3 7 3 Dortmund, 77” Sakho) Thrs was the ultimate redemption for Sakho, who was at fault for the first two goals The next 13 minutes were one ofthe tensest ever in Anfield hrstory Liverpool started to push all of their players forward One goal meant that they would qualify for the semifinal and they had nothrng to lose The moment all Liverpool fans were waiting for came in the 91st minute James Milner crossed it in for the Croatian defender DeJan Lovren, who headed it in for the corner ofthe goal, impossible for the German goalkeeper to save Thrs was what Liverpool fans missed in the past ten years, and was abrilliant game that wrll not be forgotten for a long time