CAMPUS See the results from last week's SGA executive board election. Page 1,4 Anoopa Sundararaj an EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Most students are aware of the current course retake policy, which allows a total of three course repeats throughout an undergraduate degree Recognizing that this can be challenging given that our students come in from different backgrounds and may not have the same foundation coming into college, the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs (UGAA) recently proposed a change to the policy Gregory Welter, Director of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, told TechNews more about the change and the reason behind it Possibly struggling with finding the right balance between school and extracurricular activities in the first few OPINION Read about worldwide media coverage and community awareness in Bronzeville. SPORT Check out our new sports spotlight, and highlights of the latest Liverpool game. Student newspaper of Illinois Institute of Technology since 1928 Undergraduate Academic Affairs updates course retake policy semesters of college, some students use up to two of their course retakes within the first year in the effort to maintain a high GPA, leaving only one retake for the remainder of their undergraduate careert Factoring in the difliculties students face with the jump from high school to college and taking into consideration that “sometimes students and professors just clash," UGAA took a proposal to the Undergraduate Studies Committee (UGSC) to change the policy from a total of three course repeats to three course repeats at the 100 and 20071evel, and three course repeats at the 300 and 40071evel, for a total possibility of six retakest With the support of faculty and staff on the UGSC, the change was approved This change in policy assists faculty and staff in their mission to help students succeed at Illinois Tech and was the impetus that led to the proposal An important detail to note about this change, Welter adds, is that course retakes that are not utilized at the 100 and 20071evel do not carry over to higher level courses The staff at UGAA researched and discussed this change in great detail before taking it to the UGSC for implementation The change is modeled after several liberal policies at other universities, most notably, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)t Welter says, “It is the philosophy of [the UGAA] office that students come [to Illinois Tech] to study, not to memorize rules and regulations," adding that students should not worry about knowing the rules well and, “If they’re concerned, they should come to [the UGAA] ofiice?’ TUESD . APRIL 12, 2016 Volume 184 | Issue 10 OPINION 2 CAMPUS 3-4 SLIPSTICK 5-6 SPORTS 1 Asked if he worries at all about the possible negative ramifications of this change where students become more complacent about their education in the first year or two because they have more opportunities to retake courses, Welter said that although that concern has been brought up by some faculty, he is not too worried about it He adds that the vast majority of students who come here are serious students who are unlikely to use this change as “a parachute bailout” He ended by saying, “After my experience with students here, I’m not concerned about that The vast majority of students here are serious and committed to what they want to do?’ Students elect new SGA executive board, vote on UMII referendum More images on Page 4 PRESIDENT l lire»; DiiE AI anvje I Harte LED Sui tar law Eha l tlhajilah Merritt I Abfiain FINANCE BOARD CHAIR I Sung M in thou rim-lg I Brian l: UITHS Abiain Turnout - 2015 o 2015 0 Illinois Tech Students = 504 o VanderCook Students = 4 o Shimer Students = 0 EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT l 5cm in So :Lna I inn 3 I1 EI‘TEIEH UMII I 'n‘es I No Neutral Turnout - 2016 o 2016 0 Illinois Tech Students = 1162 o VanderCookStudents= 5 o ShimerStudents= 3 o TOTAL:1170** “"Shimer and VanderCook only Votes for Finance Board Chair according to SGA Bylaws and Constitution Images courtesy nfSGA