Tuesda NOVember10th,2015 I TechNews (ampu5@[e(hnewsyi (om l§:!i E i : EEI 3 International students to experience Thanksgiving with host families Koxi Eowns EDITORnINnCHIEF lllinois Tech is a veny divense cainpus, oun giaduate student population consists oftstt intennational students and oun undengiaduate student population consists of 26% intennational students These students coineto Chicago and llenoin oven loo othen countnes inthewonld The Intematloml Center at Illinois Tech exists in pant to suppoit intennational students at the unlvemty One pnogiain that does so is the lntennational Centen‘s Thanksgiving pnognain, which allows intennational students to expenience an Amencan Thanksgiving wth a host fainily located in on anound chicago Accordlng to the lntennational Center, hosts ane ananged fon Thanksgiving dinnen and intennational students ane given the oppoitunity to be inatched wth a host The othce says that spendingThanksgiving wth one ofthese host fainilies is a gneat oppontunty fonintennational studentsto spend atiaditional holiday with an Amencan fainily, enioy a tasty Thanksgiving ineal, and get to knowsoine othenlllinois Tech students The pnogiain has been going on fon sevenal yeans at the unlvemty Currently, 80 students ane signed up to fon the Thanksgiving pnogiain, but only 12 host fainilies have signed up Acconding to Bnanna lones, lntennational Student Advlsor fon the lntennational Center, the pnognain is always liinited by the nuinben ofhost fainilies who sign up, students ane unfontunately tunned away eveny yean because the nuinben ofhosts is too sinall to suppoit the nuinben of students who ane intenested Meinbens of the llT coininunity who ane intenested in hosting an intennational student at then Thanksgiving dinnen this yean can sign up by visiting the following link tinyunlcoin/ puabaai The deadline fonhosts to sign up is Tuesday, November lo lntennational students who would like to spend Thanksgiving with a host fainily can also sign up at tinyunl coin/ ogfiBpfl’ by F‘nday, November 13 Iones says that the oince offers oppoitunties to spend Thanksgiving with hosts on a firstncome, firstn senved basis lones had soine additional infonination to shane about the pnogiain She says that a good inix ofboth undengiaduate and gnaduate students have panticipated in the past, a wide spectnuin of countnies have also been nepnesented She also says that hen oince tnes to pain students with host fainilies who will inatch thein intenests and dietany nestnctions “lthinkintennationalstudentshavea tendency to stay withinthein own coininunity, and this is a good chanceto breakthat,“ lones said She adds that inany tiines, host fainilies ane able to accoininodate inone than one student, and students also get placed with then fnends as they explone this Amencan expenencetogethen lonesaddsthathostswhopanticipate in the pnogiain have an ovenwheliningly positive experience Hosts participate in the pnogiain yean aften yean and ane veny excited to welcome intennational students to then Thanksgiving dinnen She adds that hosts pnovide gneat feedback to the lntennational Center to benefit the pnogiain Hosts and students also often inake valuable connections that last well past Thanksgiving lones also adds that hosts coine in inany vanieties, all ane ineinbens ofthe llT coininunity, but inany staff, faculty, aluinni, and students fainilies panticipate Most hosts take between two and foun students, but soine takeasinany as 13 “I think ts a gneat way to give an intennational student an oppoitunty that they wouldnt othenwise have lt inay seein kind of stiange, but considenng what Thanksgiving is all about, its neally in the spint oftheholiday,“ said lones Questions about the pnogiain can be dinected to the lntennational Cemer via einail at icenten@it edu Circle K announces upcoming Thanksgiving events Ricaxdo Tones TECHNEWs WRITER Wth the upcoining holiday of Thanksgiving cincle K at llT has planned holldaynthemed events that eveny student is welcome to panticipate in These events wene discussed at the ognnations fifth genenal body ineeting that took place on Thunsday, November 5 lt was hosted at wishnick l-lall noon “5 nathen than the usual location of wishnickAudtonuin The Clrde K Presldent, Paul Nagtalon, called the ineeting to onden aften the ineinbens walked in and settled intothein FREAKY FAST SANIIWIBHES SERIOUS DELIVERY "“ * JIMMYJOHNSJNDM * seats Everyone then stood up and togethen they nected the cincle K Pledge that neininds then to help the coininunity thnough senvice, leadershlp, and fellowship The Membership Development and Education chain, Yininan zhong, then tookthe floon to lead a fellowship activity ln this activity called the huinan knot, ineinbens splt up into pains and held each othen‘shands The obiectivewas to wonk togetheninondentountangletheinselves as fast as they could Aften being told to begin, the ineinbensbegan to inove in any way they could to untangletheinselves Asthetlmecomlnned, all of the pains wene having soine dithculty untangling theinselves, but they wene siniling TO FIND THE LOCATION NEAREST YOU VISIT JIMMYJIJHNS£0M u llmml numb mm Hbglll Mlmwmmn n and laughingbecause ofthe inany inoves they hadto inaketo coinpletetheinobiective Apall’ was able to successfully untangle theinselves and they then helped the othen pains to also achievethein goal Aften the fellowship activty, new ineinbens wene welcoined and told about the benefits ofbecoining a ineinben Some ofthese benefits include a club tnshm, a membenhlp handbook and inany othens that can be found onthe cincle kpage on l-lawklink The exciting pant ofthe ineeting caine next when Nagtalon discussed the upcoining events that anyone can be a pant of Some ofthese events include a Thanksgiving bake sale fundiaisen whene ineinbens will get to bake cookies, bnownies, and othen food iteins They will then be sold at the MTCC Bridge to iaise funds fon the organizauon to be ableto continuehelping the coininunity ln anothen event, ineinbens will be able to coine togethento enioy the zoo lights and iceskating at Lincoln Pal'kZoo The ineinbens wene then notified about the next geneial body ineeting which will take place at wishnick IIS on octoben 19 dunngthelunch houn, and the ineetingwas then adiounned by Nagtalon To leann about all the upcoining events on othen infonnation students inay sgn up fonthe cincle K einailinglist at illinoistech cki@ginail coin professional. @@N& &§®E%’E&E'§ Personal Assistant Needed by a real estate To Organize and run errands, Basic computer skills needed, good organizational skills inspect properties etc. $300 per week Interested person should jlegbe99@gmail.com .4“ ‘E