ll. campus@technew com | Tuesday November3r 015 HT students break dance with the Brick Headz Crew Ricardo Torres TECHNEWS WRITER Union Board hosted their third All The RIITe Moves session on Saturday, October 24, and it was hosted at The Bog. The event began at 7 pm. as the members of Brick Headz crew prepared to give a break dancing presentation. The Brick Headz Crew is a Chicago group that focuses on break dancing. They also give performances throughout the community and dance lessons to those who are interested. After rehearsing for some time, the Brick Headz Crewimade up of four membersiwas ready to perform. During the performance, it was clear that the HT students were enjoying the show as they clapped and showed expressions ofsurprise as the performers executed impressive moves. After their performance the Brick Headz Crew gathered the students into a circle to teach them a few break dancing techniques. The first member introduced the students to the basic break dancing steps. He explained that when beginning to dance it is important to learn to do the basic steps as these will help the dancer get in step with the music and have fun by adding their own moves to the dance. The second member then took the floor as he would be teaching the students about performing more dynamic moves. These included moves such as handstands, and others where the dancer would be partially or completely upside down. He stated that an essential technique to performing these moves was to generate momentum and use it to perform the move. After this, another member of the Brick Headz crew shared some break dancing moves that would bring a style to the dancer. He also shared that in break dancing many dancers have their unique style and it was common practice for a dancer to generate their own moves that would give them their own style. The HT students then prepared to show what they had learned as the music was turned up and the lights were dimmed. Each student took a tum to dance to the music in the middle of the circle as they laughed and learned from each other. The event ended as the Brick Headz Crew took a group picture with the HT students and thanked the students for coming to watch their performance. Kori Bowns EDlToerNrCHlEF Senator Dick Durbin, along with Chicagos City Council recently endorsed the organization of adjunct professors to seek better working conditions as well as a voice on their campuses. A cityrwide movement toward unionization of adjunct professors is currently underway in Chicago, and HT adjunct professors are joining it. On Tuesday, October 27, a few adjunct faculty members from the university hosted a table on the MTCC Bridge over the lunch hour, seeking support from students for their cause. They asked students passing by to sign up in support and to receive additional information. According to Kim Moulos, an adjunct instructor in the Humanities Department, 44% of the faculty at HT is adjunct faculty, which is a large increase from the number of adjunct professors in the past. Adjunct professors often have the same qualifications as other faculty, but are none tenure track and often contracted to teach partitime at an institution. Moulos says that the national ’33 My Working Conditions arse Students’ Learning Conditions average pay for adjunct professors is $2700 a course, and while HT pays much better, the university limits adjunct faculty to teaching two courses a term and offers no benefits. Moulos says she teaches six classes with 140 students between HT and College of DuPage in order to meether expenses. When only 30% ofan HT students tuition goes toward paying faculty and 44% offaculty are adjuncts, many ofthe adjunct professors believe that they can be paid more and receive benefits. The movement toward unionization of adjunct faculty is gaining ground at a Adjunct professors seek better compensation, Phutu mmtexy uthcmdu Toner benefits number of Chicago universities, including University of Chicago, DePaul, Loyola, and Northwestern, as well as HT The organization ofadjunct faculty at HT is in its first stages, so Moulos wasnt able to comment much on the reception of the movement at the university as of yet. Students interested in following the developments of adjunct faculty unionization at HT can follow the “Faculty Forward Chicago” page on Facebook to see updates regarding unionization from a variety of Chicagorarea schools. Photo by Genevieve Hnmmel