Tuesday, NOVember3rd, 2015 l bplnlbn@terhnewsllt.rbm AUSTIN GONZALEZ 3 Nuclear fission, security, IPROs, and how we need you Reno Waswil TECHNEWS WRITER What are we wrllrrg to do for the sake of natronal secunty? lt rs a depressrng fact about the world that thrs needs to be an rssue lam naturally condrtroned to err on the srde ofless fundrng for thrngs that are geared towards vrolence or sensatronalrsm, especrally m the face ofthelarge coststhat can be used forbetter purposes There rs an rnherent value rn preservatron oflrfe, but there rs also value rn assunng that lrfe, whrle rs lrved, stays rust and worthlrvrng Forthls,theremustbesome compromrse between these two, and an in depth analysrs ofthe pros and cons, rrsks and benefits,and negatrve and posrtrve rmplrcatrons of each specrfic rssuethat rs rntroduced Thrnk of the followrng example, and not only the ethrcal, but practrcal rssues rnvolved m the solutron the smugglrng of nuclear matenal and weaponry for the purpose of malrcrous actrvrty Gonsrdenng yust how much postr Gold Warweapons gade nuclear matenal rs mrssrrg, and grven news stones about llegal trade and seizures ofsuch precrous product, the danger from thrs rs palpable one ofthe most probable methods of smugglrng these rtems rn undetected rs by hrdrng them rn lrtennodal Gargo Gontarners, whrch are the format used to transport goods on cargo shrps overseas as well as on trucks and trarns overlandmasses Thenskofthedetonatronofanuclear bomb at a Unted States port could cause brllrons of dollars worth ofdamage, as well as nsk human lrves and cause wrdespread panrc The proposed solutron to thrs rs to detect the product before rt becomes a threatenrng rssue ln fact, congressronal mandates have enacted to address these concerns, partrcularly a serres of acts made rn 2007 that demanded that the best avarlable technology be rnvestrgated and used atportsto detect such dargerousweapon grade, hrghz nuclear matenal by zolz However, there are severe practrcal problems as well as ethrcal onesthat forestalltheprocess My lPRO group 4977209, “Developrng a New Strategy to Detect Smuggled Nuclear Matenal“ focuses on thrs very problem, thrnkrng about the practrcal, ethrcal, legl, and screntrfic ramrficatrons, and devrses newwaysofscannrng cargo cortarners that wrll optimize the process by makrng rt more efhcrent, safe, and useful towards that goal onethrng we could do rs try to calculate chances of a bomb berng smuggled wrthout bemg detected grven the cunent nuclear prowess and sociopolitical clrmate of the world We stll must remarn cognrrant of" rf the mathematrcal and desrgn aspects of the prorect pan outithe monetary costs, possrble health effects, and the effects to the shrpprrg process these would cause, but what mrght be even more rmportant rs the rssues others have wrth the concept we are proposmg The surveyfoundby gorrgtotrnyurl com/cargoscan was desrgned specrfically for that As a recent in Today post explains, rt exrsts ”to gauge the prror knowledge about, reactrons from, and levels of concern towards the subrect matter of the general publrc (centralrzed m the lllrnors Tech populatron) to ensure that all angles are addressed and to gauge how best topresert the findrrgs oftherr prorect to maxrmrzeunderstandrrg“ We wrll be collectrng responses untrl Thursday, November 12, and would love rf those lrstenrng wrth oprnrons would fill rt out, to help us figure out what goals rn addrtron to the ones we‘ve already drscussed mrght be applrcable Thrngs that are applrcable rnclude how people rn general feel about thepossrbrlrty of mrsuse of dargerous machrnery at cargo ports,health nsks from bernghrt by a scannrng beam, the probabrlrtres of false negatrves, slowrng down shrpprng process, oblgtron to educate of nsks, and many more Weve had lnrdepth drscussronswrth kelly Laas from our Bthrcs Lrbrary onthe second floor ofl-lennann l-lall, but that‘s only one vorce out ofall the rest ofthem that thrs would be affectrng, so we ask you to help us get more We have done a lot on the part of researchrngthe scrence, technology, and effects on certarn materrals, mcludrrg the rssues, but we won‘t be much closer untrl we get an rdea of what people thrnk about thrs l encourage everyone to start and contrnue thrnkrng about these sorts of rssues, and a great start would be to answer our 3 page survey at trnyurlcom/ cargoscan rempus@terhnewsllt.mm .a;! :2 i i in Union Board fills Halloween weekend with fun Kayleigh Stevens TECHNEWS Warren l-lalloween weekend rs a trme of spooks , scares and freaky costumes Unron Board made sure that the sprrrt ofl-lalloween could be felt throughout campus, holdmg numerous actrvrtres Ffom spooky movre marathons to hayrrdes, Unron Board had l-lalloween covered The fun and actrvrtres started on Wednesday at lunch trme The Studert organnatron Tnck or Treat took place on the MTCC Brrdge, provrdrng students wrth a way to learn more about drfferent organizations, rncludrng Natronal Socrety ofBlackEngrneers, Vedlc Vision Society and WC!“ Each table had cand and lrtle nzes At thebe. by Global Grounds students could prck up a bagto collect therr goodres rn Some tables had funthrngs to do such as ASAs tablewhere studerts could desrgn therr own mrnr ghost, and the srsters were gorng to hang them rn therrhouse Thrs turned out to be a funway to gettoknow more student organnatrons, whrle gettrng rewarded at the sametrme Startrng at 3pm on Wednesday screams and spooky sounds could be heard throughout the MTCC, comrng from Cemer Court, where Unron Board was holdrng a movre marathon ofspooky l-lalloween movres Theyplayedthreemovresrntotal,l-locusfocus, Nrghtmare on Elm Street and l-lalloweertown Many turned out to watch part of or the ertrre marathon andthesounds gave a spooky feelto IHRE WERBUNG HIER @UE EA TIME PETIIEEEEETA DIN ANNONS HAR YOUR AD HERE BUFff-‘ltir'l FEB Lfil'l EECEE HYSBYSEB YMA A lWYTlSZ in TechNews C ONOJJT h SIMS: PMCN’MWSWT COW the emlreMTCC umll 9pm On Thursday the festrvrtres contrnued, wrth a l-lalloweek Hustle on the MTCC Brrdge dunng lunch Thrs actrvrty was srmrlarto the trrck or treatrng the day before, but rnstead of only student orgnrzatrons, there were drfferert companres present as well Upkey, a websrte that helps studerts find Jobs and rnternshrps was there, along wrth UNICEF, Studem Government Association and Unron Board The Unron Board table had guessrnggames and otheractrvrtresto dornthe hope of wrnnrng prizes The prizes rncluded headphones, Bluetooth speakers, and more At 7 p m on Thursday, the Unron Board had a Greek Spoolqacular planned to take place onthe Quad lt began to drizzle a i deer lrttle, but that drdn‘t dampenthe sprnts fnday dunng lunch, Unron Board had a horse drawn hayrrde, tourmg through the campus The horses name was Bave, and hewas adorable l-leparaded through campus an old, lBoo‘s cart, creatrng a hrstonc feel to the evert Bave started thehayndes rn front of Galvrn Lrbrary and traversed most of campus, hrttrng all the scenrcburldrngs and areas Lastly, Unron Board held a specral Halloween Dance rnthe Bog Saturday nrght it had a spooky and funky feel to rt,wrth atarot card reader and photo booth Many appeared, rn costume and not rn costume, creatrng a fun, sprnted atmosphere that rounded out the holrday nrcely ENE 'E‘EN’E‘ Ed professional. Personal Assistant Needed by a real estate To Organize and run errands, Basic computer skills needed, good organizational skills inspect properties etc. $300 per week Interested person should jlegbe99@gmail.com