VOTRE PUBLICIT 'E ICI _IHi_R_-i_EI WERBUNG HIER _ IlllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllIllllllllIlllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .fl' ' IIIII'I f '_.-‘ Ii i_ | "Jr-I.— Il f -__.' "I :II'..." -:.-~I‘ i [—— Ii I "i ' Ii @iflil] EA Tifiiéil PETIIJLEETA SU ANUNCIO AQUI’ BUEF‘IHH EEKLFIH Personal Assistant Needed by a real estate professional. To Organize and run errands, Basic computer skills needed, good organizational skills inspect properties etc. $300 per week Advarnsa in Interested person should jlegbe99@gmail.com C-Dlli'ilfli' bUSillflSSWfl-Clfll’léWE-Lilfllflm LIKE A BROKEN RECORD. Learn more about our unprecedented, award—winning performance at TlAA.org/Perform