Ahha Dalmia TECHNEWS WRITER Fresh in the City is an annual teamebased challenge that began in the fall of 2010: The event is sponsored by Office of Undergraduate Affairs and the IIT Leadership Academy (LA): It is specifically targeted at freshmen and transfer students as it aims to welcome and integrate them into the IIT community and familiarize them with the city of Chicago This year, the event took place on Saturday, September 26, 2015: Students gathered early in the morning at 10 am: in Morton Park (the field north of Hermann Hall): As they arrived, LA scholars checked them in and assigned them to different teams: Initially they planned to have around eight to nine teams but due to the weak turnout on a Saturday morning, teams were merged to form a total of five teams: Each team had separate color bands and came up with their own names: Every team had to complete two challenges before embarking on their scavenger hunt around the city The event began with a sack race challenge followed by mind game challenges: The mind challenges were composed of seven tasks out of which each team had to complete at least four The Student newspaper of Illinois Institute of Technology since 1928 fresh in the City Scavenger Hunt Introduces new students to Chicago tasks included things like a sudoku puzzle, identifying countries on a map of Europe, matching authors to the books they have written, multiple choice questions on IIT trivia, and unscrambling phrases by sounding them out: The teams that completed these two challenges fastest got a head start on the full day scavenger hunt, where teams explored different areas of Chicago and completed specific tasks: The scavenger hunt began with students choosing two places to explore from a comprehensive list of tourist sites including Millennium Park, Lincoln Park Zoo, Navy Pier, The Magnificent Mile, Museum Campus, and The Loop: Points were awarded based on the number of tasks each team managed to complete and not based on how fast they completed it: However, every team had to check in to the different locations by a certain time and make it back to Morton Park by 5 pm: to avoid penalty and deduction of points: There were about 17718 questions that teams had to answer for each of the two stops they had chosen: Some questions were just asking for information while others required participants to take pictures at certain locations: The information seeking questions asked things like the reason why the Ferris wheel at Navy Pier was made, who invented it and other such questions: The practical questions asked teams to do things like go into Ghirardelli Chocolate Company and take a picture while enjoying a chocolate sample, take a picture while doing your best Michael Iordanpose outside Nike, or take a picture with the LEGO figurine outside The LEGO Store: The scavenger hunt actually required quite a bit of strategic planning While some groups took the simple approach of completing tasks in a linear fashion then checking out and heading back to reach the last stop on time despite not being able to complete all the challenges, other groups chose to complete the challenges and reach the last stop a little late as the points they obtained from completing challenges more than made up for the points lost from reaching late: Fifteen dollars was allocated to each student for lunch at a restaurant near the destination tea.ms chose to explore from the list of restaurants that LA had prepared: The restaurants on the list were ones offering Chicago cuisine and hence students got to try the local food: Dinner was served on campus when all the teams returned: Overall, it was an exhausting but enjoyable experience as it allowed new students to gain a little more familiarity with the city of Chicago: It made them more comfortable and more confident about travelling independently around a big city like technewsiit.com OPINION 2 CAMPUS 2-5 AErE 5-6 SLIPSTICK 1 SPORTS 1 Chicago, which can be a little overwhelming in the beginning Moreover, students got to build teamwork and leadership skills while having fun as they completed challenges as a team: Students also learned to use the CTA system and see the train line options available near and on campus: In addition, since students were randomly assigned teams, everyone got to make new friends: As for the event,there is always scope for improvement Some students felt that even though they enjoyed the event it could have been better organized if team leaders were given more information about the activities: Some teams had to walk around for 30 minutes or more just looking for the scholars that would check them in at each location as check, in locations were not designated: On the brighter side, tea.ms received amazing prizes: Team Popcorn came first and each participant on the team won a $40 gift card that can be used in any store that accepts payment using a visa card: Team Purple came second and earned $25 vouchers while Team Slayers ca.me third with each member winning a $10 voucher: On the whole, students were happy about attending this event and that is what really matters: Such an event is not easy to organize and students who attended would like to thank the Leadership Academy for putting it together Photos by Abha Dalmia SGA opens nominations for President's Student Advisory Council Reno Waswil TECHNEWS WRITER With the induction of Dr: Alan W Cramb as Illinois Tech’s ninth president last week comes the responsibility for President Cramb to make decisions that address the concerns of everyone affiliated with the institution, which naturally include those of the student body For this expressed purpose, President Cramb has decided to assemble a group of student representatives to become the President’s Student Advisory Council: These representatives will act as a direct line from the student body to the president to determine and evaluate any concerns of the students: The student membership of the advisory council will be tasked with, among other things, seeking out and representing issues and suggestions of the student body, voicing these directly to President Cramb, and advising and assisting in developing potential solutions, when appropriate: There will be a total of fourteen positions on this council: These positions will include: the SGA president, currently Rahul V Wadhwani, who is elected by the student body every spring; a student worker from Residence Life chosen by Residence and Greek Life (RGL); a member of Greek Life chosen by Greek Council; a member of athletics chosen by the Student Athletics Advising Committee (SAAC); a member of the International Student Organization (ISO) to represent the international student body on campus; a member of the TechNews newspaper; a member of the Graduate Student Association (GSA); a member of the Commuter Student Association, and a student selected by the Dean of Students Katherine Stetz: The most exciting and applicable part about this news though, is that this leaves five remaining positions open in the council for which SGA, as of this paper’s release, will be accepting nominations! These positions will be held by students who represent general student interests at Illinois Tech, and who will be elected by SGA based on the pool of applications Any student at the university can be nominated for consideration, and self, nominations are accepted and encouraged: For students who think they can offer a lot of insight into a discussion on issues pertaining to student welfare and who would be comfortable voicing these concerns, this is a fantastic and prestigious opportunity Nominations for these positions will run from Tuesday, September 29, 2015 to 11:59 pm, Sunday, October 11, 2015 and can be directed to iitnominations@gmail:com: Applications for the positions for those that accept their nominations are then subsequently due at 11:59 pm, October 19, 2015 and these can be found on the SGA’s Hawklink page under the “Forms" section The President’s Students Advisory Council will have their first meeting on a yet, toebeeannounced date in late October: