TechNews Kori Bowns EDITOR—IN-CHIEF Since IlT’s formation in 1937 after the merge of the Armour Institute and the Lewis Institute, Illinois Institute of Technol- ogy has seen nine presidents in total, including IlT’s newest president, President Alan Cramb, who was oflicially inaugurated into the posi- tion on Friday, September 18 in a ceremony held in the Hermann Hall Auditorium. In May of 2014, former President John Anderson announced to the university community that he would be resigning from his position effective August 1, 2015. After this announcement, Bud Wendorf, IIT’s Chairman of the Board of Trustees, assembled a diverse selection committee with the goal of selecting IIT’s next president. In October of 2015, it was announced that the selection committee unan— imously selected Alan Cramb, then the Pro- vost of the university, to follow Anderson and become the ninth president of IIT. Cramb as- sumed the role of president of Illinois Institute of Technology beginning in August; Friday‘s inauguration ceremony served as an official celebration of his new position and his goals as president. The ceremony began with a proces- sion into Herman Hall Auditorium, where Student newspaper of lilinois Institute of Technology since 1928 President Cramb inaugurated in campus ceremony many members of the university community were already waiting. Members of the pro- cession included university faculty, delegates from other universities, university administra- tors, members of lIT’s Board of Trustees, and former IIT Presidents Meyer Feldberg, Lewis Collens, and John Anderson. Those entering the auditorium were dressed in the same for- mal caps and gowns worn at graduation cer- emonies, and the processional lines were led by bagpipe players as they entered. The event began with opening re- marks from Wendorf as well as speeches from Student Government Association President Rahul Wadhwani and Faculty Council Chair Joseph Orgel. Following these speeches, for- mer President Collens spoke briefly and intro- duced a video made for Cramb’s inauguration titled “A Leader for Every Season.” The video featured information about the progress and improvements made to the university under each previous president as well as included several positive testimonials from students, staff, and faculty regarding Cramb’s fit into the role of president at IIT. After the conclusion of the video, former President Anderson intro- duced the keynote speaker for the inaugura- tion event, Indira Samarasekera. Samarasekera, President Emeri— tus of the University of Alberta, spoke of her 30-year friendship with President Cramb. “I have deeply admired his mind and his heart, his great capacity for inspiring others, and his extraordinary dedication to excellence and the advancement of knowledge.” said Samarase- kera. She also expressed her great gratitude for being chosen to introduce President Cramb at his inauguration. Samarasekera lightheartedly compared Cramb’s challenges in his new posi- tion to that of someone managing a graveyard; she referenced a quote by Woodrow Wilson: “Trying to change a college curriculum is like trying to relocate a cemetery; you don’t know how many friends the dead have until you try to move them.” Samarasekera also called to atten- tion the many improvements made to the uni- versity while Cramb served as Provost. “His tenure as Provost at IIT was inspirational and marked by a significant growth of the under- graduate student body, the opening of two new schools in the areas of applied technology and human sciences, attracting top talent, and im- proving the university’s financial position.” She also spoke about Cramb’s research and work in his field of metallurgy. After many speeches from those who have personally worked with President ‘. arrow rscmmoey OPINION 2-3 CAMPUS 4-8 Aij 9 SLIPSTICK 11 SPORTS 11 Cramb, many had a similar message; they ad- mired Cramb for his willingness to listen, his dedication and his clear vision. Following the keynote address, Pres— ident Cramb was oflicially inaugurated and presented with the Presidential Chain of Of- fice. In Cramb’s inaugural address, he outlined four key goals for his presidency: ensuring the success of IIT graduates by focusing on the to- tal student experience, elevating IIT’s visibility and reputation, building a community sup- portive of our goals, and growing. President Cramb closed by thanking those in attendance and asking the IIT community to envision their goals for the university in the future and seeking their assistance. “It is our time to fulfil the dreams that others have had for this uni- versity, it is our time to live up to our potential, and it is our time to come together as a com- munity. It is our time, and it begins right now,” said Cramb. After the inauguration ceremony came to a close, a reception took place in other parts of Hermann Hall. Student organizations showcased their work, refreshments were served, and members of the IIT community had a chance to speak with President Cramb. Photos by Kori Bowns