Tuesday, November 11 th, 2014 | TeohNews semens@teChn.<=-W5iit»¢¢ms.. Shimer College presents “The Bald Soprano" August Lysy STAFF WRITER Perhaps this has happened to you: You’re enjoying a quiet evening with your in- significant other, as he or she rambles on about the price of olive oil or the virtues of the Eng— lish navy, when your irritating maid (with fine, hairy legs) blithely lets in an estranged, mar- ried couple who have come over for no reason other than to sit awkwardly on your couch and retell the fantastically mundane Observances from their day. Then of course the Fire Chief arrives looking for fires to extinguish and upon finding none, offers to tell poignant, true sto— ries based upon his first-hand experiences with farmhouse animals and old women with head colds. If this has happened to you, then you know how tragically the evening ends (hint: the bald soprano), but if this has never hap- pened to you, then you should definitely buy a colt. In its ongoing mission to work out its students’ existential angst through theatri- cal performances, Shimer College will be put- ting up a production of Eugene Ionesco’s The Bald Soprano this week. Although often la— beled an absurdist play, The Bald Soprano is ac- tually a scathing critique of bourgeois luxury, speciesism, and canine-privilege—three core is— sues often raised in Shimer’s curriculum. Like any astute reader or theatregoer, to understand the connection of these themes with the plot of the play, all you need to do is read them into it. Otherwise, yes, it’s just absurd. Shimer Theatre Presents 7718 Bald Soprano by Eugene Ionesco Directed by Erica Barnes Asst. Director Arlo Iohnson Sound Design by Mark Surya Featuring... Iohn Arnold as Mr. Smith Jabu Mickle—Molefe as Mrs. Smith Mey Lee as Mr. Martin Katya Schexnaydre as Mr. Martin’s wife Sherlock Holmes as Mary the Maid as Arlo Iohnson And The Fire Chief as himself The Bald Soprano will be showcased on Thursday, November 13, Friday, November 14, and Saturday, November 15 at 7:30 pm. at the address below: 3424 S. State Street 2nd floor, Cinderella Lounge All performances are free and open to the public. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to show time to be admitted. #FillTheseShoes: Student Life Lea Adedoyin Adeniji TECHNEWS WRITER “You cannot fill these shoes, there’s so much to lose.” Sorry Eminem, but we can fill these shoes, and there is a whole lot to gain. Every year, the Office of Campus Life and Residence and Greek Life team up to select student leaders to fill various positions in their respective offices. They go through an intensive selection process to pick the team of leaders that will be instrumental to the growth of Illinois Tech for the coming year. This year, the chosen theme for the selection process is #FillTheseShoes. According to Hilda Rojas- Duarte, from Residence and Greek Life, #Fill- TheseShoes is a call to action. Success can be achieved when peo- ple dare to take a journey that leads to a better place and they are calling to students to walk a journey to help make Illinois Tech a better place. These student life leader positions olfer 5opportunities for growth, improve leadership and communication skills, and establish life- long connections within the Illinois Tech com— munity. The process begins with information sessions which students are required to attend to find out more about what each available po- sition entails. After attending the information sessions, students are urged to apply Via Hawk- Link. The applications are then reviewed and certain applicants are invited to the group pro~ cess stage. Students who perform exceptionally well at the group process stage are then invited for individual interviews, after which Student Life Leaders are selected. The first information session was Friday, November 7, at 1:00 pm. in the MTCC Auditorium, and it was chaired by Katie Stan- go from the Oflice of Campus Life. Current and past student leaders were also present and shared their experiences with prospec- tive students. Stango explained that the Oflice of Campus Life and Residence and Greek Life are looking for diverse student leaders. “We understand that there are different leadership styles and are happy to embrace this difference so we encourage all students to apply,” says Ka- tie. Are you interested in becoming a student life leader, or just not sure? Either way, attend an information session and find out more. More information about this process is available on Hakaink and questions can also be sent to sll@iit.edu. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity! er application processbegins Photos by Adedoyin Adeniji