TechNews STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SINCE 1 928 McCormick Tribune Campus Center Room 221 3201 South State Street Chicago, Illinois 60616 E-mail: Website: TechNews STAFF Editor-in-Chief Kori Bowns Opinion Editor Austin Gonzalez Sports Editor Nathan McMahon IT Manager Pranava Teja Surukuchi Business Manager Kyle Stanevich Copy Editors Vijai Baskar Kristal Copeland Shireen Gul Sharath Ramesh Anoopa Sundararajan Layout Editors Shreya Jha Ruby Le Sijia Wu Xiaoyu Zhang Distribution Manager Khaleela Zaman Financial Advisor Vickie Tolbert Faculty Advisor Gregory Pulliam MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to promote student discussion and bolster the HT community by providing a newspaper that is highly accessible, 3 stalwart of journalistic integrity, and a student forum. TechNews is a dedicated to the belief that a strong campus newspaper is essential to a strong campus community. GENERAL INFORMATION TechNews is written, managed, and edited by the students of, and funded in part by, Illinois Institute of Technology. The material herein does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Illinois Institute of Technology or the editors, staff, and advisor of TechNews. There will be no censorship ofTechNews publication by the faculty or staff of IIT. Sole authority and responsibility for publication and adherence to the values set forth in this policy rests with the TechNews staff. This paper seeks to bring together the various segments of the Illinois Tech community and strives through balance and content to achieve a position of respect and excellence. TechNews strives for professionalism with due respect to the intellectual values of the university and its community. All materialsubmitted becomes the property of TechNews, and is subject to any editorial decisions deemed necessary. 5 U B M I SS I O N S TechNews is published on the Tuesday of each week of the academic year. Deadline for all submissions and announcements is 11:59 pm. on the Friday prior to publication. Articles, photos. and illustrations must be submitted electronically to the TechNews website at technewsiitcom. EDITORIAL POLICY The editors reserve the right to determine if submitted material meets TechNews’ policy and standards. For more information about our editorial standards, please email LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the editor may be submitted by anyone, but are subject to review by the Editor-in-Chief. All letters-to-the-editor become the property of TechNews upon submission. TechNews does not accept or publish anonymous letters or stories. ADVERTISING Legitimate paid advertisements, from within or outside the IIT community, which serve to produce income for the paper, are accommodated. TechNews holds the right to deny any advertisement unsuitable for publication. Media Kits are available upon request. Ad space is limited and is taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. Contact the Business Manager at business@ for more information. LOCAL 8 NATIONAL ADVERTISERS To place an ad, contact us via email at TechNews | Tuesday, November 11 th, 2014 ( Continued from Page 1) Ask TechNews: “What do you think of the new OCL—initiated selection process for TechNews leadership?” “TechNews is the voice of the students and, by leaving students out of the selection process, OCL is silencing the voice of the students.” Zofie Mandelski TechNews member since 2014 “This came as a surprise for me be- cause we, the staff of TechNews, know what TechNews is all about. We know what’s going on and how to handle the issues related to it, so I personally think that an outsider who has never been a part of TechNews can never make a wise decision for it. I have no issues with OCL wanting to be a part of this process but we need to be involved in it.” Shireen Gul TechNews member since 2013 “TechNews has been a recognized outlet for students’ voices at IIT and having served as a member of the staff for the past year, I find it confusing and hard to believe that no students were involved in a process that could completely change the way TechNews works.” Anoopa Sundararajan TechNews member since 2013 “In order for a student newspaper to ‘ effectively be a platform for student voice, it is imperative that it operate independently of university admin- istration. This move is completely unprecedented, and represents a major incursion into TechNews’ ability to represent student voice, something it has been successfully doing for over 80 years. While the intent of this may not be to stifle student voice, the lack of communication with TechNews and its advisers throughout this process has been quite concerning.” Ryan Kamphuis TechNews member since 2010 “I believe the lack of TechNews staff in- clusion can result in an editor-in-chief who does not appropriately represent the importance of this newspaper to the student body.” Kristal Copeland TechNews member since 2012 “It’s one thing if OCL came to Tech- News earlier and told us what is actu- ally going on, rather than only telling our Editor-in-Chief a limited amount of vague information less than a week before the application went live. I still do not fully understand what is truly happening and why.” Khaleela Zaman TechNews member since 2013 “This isn’t something that only concerns members of TechNews. Anyone who has ever been part of a student organization on campus has something at stake here. OCL staff have shown that, if they choose to, they can single-handedly change the way your organization operates, even if it goes against everything your organization stands for and every member of your organization disagrees with it. Organizations at this university deserve better than to be impeded by the actions of admin- istrators when the organization has done nothing wrong.” Kori Bowns TechNews member since 2012 ARC Tutor Spotlight: Abhiroop Chattopadhyay Khaleela Zaman DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Meet Abhiroop Chattopadhyay; a fourth year electrical engineering major, about to graduate this December. Before he leaves IIT and the Academic Resource Center, stop by the Math or Electrical and Computer Engineering table while Abhi is there tutoring. For seven semesters, Abhi has been tutoring at the ARC, but why has he been working there for so long? Is it the good pay? No, in Abhi’s words: “I like helping people out.” The ARC is also a great place, he says, to meet lots of different people. The atmosphere of the ARC as a place for tutoring in specific subjects is also the perfect place to share his fascination in the subjects, whereas in most other places we go in our daily lives, sharing this fascination is not as appropriate or accepted. Abhiroop encourages students to come to the ARC, since it is a great resource for them. Sure, there are tutors for each subject as well as textbooks and computers available. But, specifically, the tutors at the ARC usually have a good idea about the best courses and professors for different majors. Therefore, the tutors can guide students and help them prioritize the classes they end up taking. The tutors have already been through the same courses required for the students they tutor, so they can offer lots of good advice. Besides tutoring at the ARC, Abhiroop also practices carpentry as a hobby, calling himself a “woodworker.” He enjoys working with his hands to make furniture. Abhi also uses the lathe a lot, turning out wooden bowls, glasses, and goblets. Additionally, he was on the executive board for IIT’s Alternative Spring Break student organization as the team development leader. While on the Spring Break trip last year, Abhi showed off his woodworking skills as the team helped build a house with Habitat for Humanity in Franklin, West Virginia. He also showed off his leadership abilities while leading team-building activities reflecting upon the events of the week. When asked to give advice to all IIT students, Abhiroop’s response was somewhat akin to carpe diem, or seize the day. Abhi advises that you will never get to live if you are always worrying about the future. Therefore, in Abhi’s words, “enjoy the present.” Photo by Khaleela Zaman