Tuesday, September 9th, 2014 | TechNews Scarlet. Hawk soccer Nathan McMahon SPORTS EDITOR It was a great weekend to be a Scarlet Hawk soccer player as both the men’s and women’s Scarlet Hawk soccer teams 'went on the road and came back champions! The men’s side took on Waynesburg in their first game of the Purple and Gold classic in Defiance, Ohio which was their first competitive match of the season. The game started off poorly for the Hawks with Waynesburg capitalizing off a rebound shot from a free kick, 30 seconds into the game. Illinois Tech responded strongly with a strong string of possession until Brahadon Ramirez provided an assist to Bart Grabowski, who finished with authority right over the keeper’s shoulder. The same duo combined twice in the next 10 minutes to put the Hawks up 3-2 at halftime after Waynesburg once again fought back to keep the game close. In the second half Waynesburg brought the game to a 3—3 tie just two minutes into the half. In the last twenty minutes, a goal by Tyler Haag assisted once again by Brahadon Ramirez as well as a late equalizer by Waynesburg left the game ending in a 4-4 draw. The next match was to be the championship match where the Scarlet Hawks took on hosts, Defiance College. The Scarlet Hawks dominated in possession in the first half while earning a 1—0 lead at half time after a goal by Noah Grifl'lth assisted by Bart Grabowski. The second half was a different story as the hosts turned up the physical play preventing Illinois Tech from achieving a rhythm through Men's Soccer @ Wisconsin Lutheran 7 pm. Friday, September 12 Women's Volleyball . @ Alverno 2 pm. Women's Volleyball @ Northland 3:45 pm. Wednesday, September 10 possession. Their determined play earned a fluke 50 yard free kick goal on a windy day. However, Brahadon Ramirez came through on a free kick of his own to assist Tyler Haag in the final 5 minutes to give the Scarlet Hawks the Purple and Gold Championship. Tyler Haag, Bart Grabowski, Brahadon Ramirez, and Rex Meier, the anchor of the Scarlet Hawk defense, all earned All- Tournament team honors. Brahadon Ramirez also was named Most Valuable Player and USCAA National Player of the week The women’s team traveled to New Jersey to compete in the Staten Island Fall classic. In their first match, they took on the hosts, College of Staten Island (C81), in a highly physical battle. The Scarlet Hawks struck first in the 27th minute as Adrianna Maron took the Women's Soccer vs. Dominican 7 pm. Saturday. September 13 Women's Cross Country @ Concordia University 11 a.m. Men's Cross Country @ Concordia University 11 a.m. Women's Volleyball @ North Central Illinois 12 pm. soars ball off a CSI defender and found newcomer, Lorena Souza, who stroked home a volley. However, CSI answered four minutes later to bring the game to a tie at half. In the second half, Souza this time found Maron for the winner with ten minutes left to go. The game ended 2-1 for the Scarlet Hawks for a 1-0 start to the season. In their next game, the women were full of confidence as they cruised to a 7-0 win over John Jay College. The Hawks were paced by Anida Phetchanpheng with a hat trick and Veronica Torres with two goals and an assist. This win secured the Scarlet Hawks the Staten Island Fall Classic title. Two championships in one weekend makes this the most decorated start to a season for Scarlet Hawk soccer in , history. Women's Volleyball @ North Park 2 me. Sunday, September 14 Women's Soccer @ Coe 1 p.m. Men's Soccer @ Coe 3:30 pm. editor@technewsiit.com