Tuesday, April I8. I939 sheila Melts doseboft Whistles-is lifter Team loses To fibécoyol Play NorTb General 1 New I“ Week | HavingI shown in the Chicago game that they aIe badly in need of prac— tice, the l‘echziwks nine has impati» ently wotIhed tlI; heavens and hoped for some break in the run of incle— ment weather that filled the schedule last week. On top of that the rain washed out the. second Chicago game and set it back till this week. The game will be played it the Maroons can switch some of their other games otherwise it will have to be cancelled. Because of the lack of hits at the Chicago crime, the players are more than anxious to net in batting prac» tice as it is apparent from the game and the short s( sions of practice so far that few if any of the athletes-I have gained their batting eye. The pitchers are also in a bad way since the long layoff tends to soften their arms and it takes quite a while to get back into shape after such a lay- off. North Central Next If the Chicago game doesn't ma~ terializc this week, Armour’s next foe will be North Central. Yesterday the team journeyed to Elmhurst for a game there. How the chhawks will ‘ fare against North Central is a ques- tion since the Cardinals haven't lost much from last year and they espe- cially have Tiefenthal who beat the Armouritcs twice last your. Against the Napcrville outfit, ('oach Stemrcr will pitch Willie Kruse if his injured hands are heal— ed by that time. In the North Cen: tral game, unles the Chicago match is arranged, two freshmen will make their home debut in Armour uniforms. Mueller at second trot one of the two hits in the (‘hicac‘o game and has shown enough to earn him the nod at thi- keystone position. The other is Achinakian who has been placed in the center garden. host Call lor Entries In botched Tournament With all the equipment on hand and playable conditions expected, In. tramural Manager Tom Clark antici- pates starting the annual softball tournament sometime this week. In a move to brim: all the entries in, Clark has Evil this Friday as the deadline for team entries. As in the past, the teams, with the ption of" the freshman, will be restrictml to departments. The de- purtmcntal teams will be allowed to enter as many player as they wish as lone" as the players are members of that department. Freshman Lists Must Be In In the ease of freshmen, they may enter as many teams as they desire but no player may be a member of more than one team. The captain. III caih team must prIsent his list of l playeis prior to the start of the tour- l nament and only the players on this I list may participate on that team.1 The number of players will be limfi ited to fiftcen. l In handing in their lists the teams ‘ lllt requested to designate the timesl at uh they can play to facilitatel the drawing, up of a schedule. How: ever most of the games will be play- ed at the noon hour at the, free hour on Friday. Games will be play- ed on Ogden Field unless it is ab: solutcly neces ry to utilize the famed “Home ot the Scorpions.‘ Pitching Motion Must Be Smooth In regard to pitching, the motion uSCd by the boiler must be smoot and unbroken by hesitations or jerks. It must also be underhand and t 9 ball kept within six inches of thel pitcher’ 5 hip timing the lower swing of the arm. Spinnini.r will not be al- lowed nor will pitches that are too2 fast to arch. Any illegal pitch Willi be called a ball by the umpire unlo swung by the batter. \Nhen a ball is hit 0in the fencei I-Xce, (I r on the fly in taiI teIIitory it will be: i I automatitally a home run but should it bounce over, it will simply count lamone‘ these is Fisher, a miler Techawlse ——l~leld To Two l‘li’rs Armour inaugurated its 193!) base- ball season by losing a hard fought. came to the Univ.rsity of Chicago, 4:1, Tuesday at Greenwood Field amidst rain and snow. Until the eighth inning;I the Iran-1c was nip and. tuck but two more unearned runs gave the Mai-eons the game and a larger margin of victory. Captain Willie Kruse hurled good ball, allowing but 9 hits. mostly of the scratch variety, which coupled ith nine Armour errors, gave the “U” men its unearned runs. With seven men playing their present posi- tions for the initial time in collegiate ball the engineer’s offense and defense showed that the few days of practice had not yet made a unit of the team. Lopatka, southpaw first stringer for the Maroons struck out nine, five coming in a row, and walked but one man. Mueller Storm Scoring “Red" Mueller, Armour freshman second baseman opened the reason with a base hit through the box and advanced on Leonard‘s sacrifice. With Krusc at bat, “Red" was caught off base but got to third on the cm suingI run down from where he scored on Willie’s infield out. This co cluded the Teehawk scoring, Jamt ’ liner to right being the only other hit. (Ihicazro tied the score in the first with a hit and 4 errors. Caloccratos bed first on Moeulrski‘s bobble and got credit for Ii stolen base a moment. later by knocking the ball from Leonard's hands with a hard body block. FI-I-ney‘s scratch hit put men on first and third. Meyers' pop f'ly got away from Mueller and the tying run scored. Iii-Iiuse ended the inning with a nice one handed catch of (levet’s hard min» to left. The game, remained a tie until the sixth whvn two error" and :I a fit'Idci-‘s choice put over the win- ning run. cluded in the eighth with a couple of. more unearned runs tallying on a pair of hits and errois. Bunker, Maroon left fielder, trot I1 pair of singles and a double in four attempts to lead the batters. BOX Sf‘OR E "atch hit ‘ loaded the haves with none out and' The run making was con.‘ ARMOUR TECH NEWS To « fill By Jim Fahey l I l Wonder what kind of sweaters the Treasurer's office. is gelling for the basketball team. They've been look- ing aver samples new for nix week but still haven’t decided on who! style they want. I I $ See where our versatile wrestling coach, “Sonny" Weissmnn, is con- templating entering); the intelligence department of the U. S. government. The same has requested his services and will give him on next month. (I X n m 9% iii I‘ll With the opening): meet coming; up this Saturday we have. yet to see the track squad make u sizeable repre‘ sentation on the practice field. Seems the fellows think practice and train- ing isn’t necessary for track partici- pation or else they haven't an interest in their work. I; s a: Better not your softball teams en» tered, especially the upperclassmen. Friday is the absolute deadline. Give your list and playing times to Jr in the bookstore. Honor “A” gets Alumni borrower lior Ila/lay l7 If you're wondering why the Ar- mour athlete: have been putting: on the act in Student Union lately, we‘ll let you in on a secret. they're beingy put through the mill in preparation for their initiation into llonor “A" the athletic honorary. Despite the moans and groans emanating from the receptants III” the abuses, the pro- ceedings will be continued until May rd into the organization. Th" occasion for the initiation will : be an alumni banquet Armour athletes of the post will he quests of the present lettermI-n. Stu: :lI-nt Union has been selected as the site of the banquet that the N“ turning ll‘lll‘l'mt'n may have It chance linion. .~o In addition to the plays elven thus far. the pledges have been put :lhI'ough u gruelling mentality quiz which revealed the highest grade as (it) out of H possible hundred. B- eause of the low marks. more qui' l i . ‘14) Inspect. the new 17 when they will be formully enterw zit which fumed I Wire. Hitler‘s Boxer 5 Awards Approved At the last A. S. A. meeting, the recommendations for awards in boxing" and wrestling: were accepted in their entirety. The men selectedi for the honors were named by Conch Weissinun. George Hanna was also accepted as the new wrestling ’3]!— tain while Clay DI-Mciit drew down the manager's .iob. Colant was I named to head the boxers. Included upon the lettcrmen were four seniors who have completed their college wrestling careers, and four graduating boxers. Lost to next year’s grapplcrs will be Cuptnin Tull- Irrcii, ltopek, McDaniels, and W. Wagner. The boxers will have to do without Itotheiiberg, Gryglar, Cappa- danno and Captain Tommy Clark. Clark was the only boxer to receive a major award. Tullgren Led Team in Points Although the record for this year was the lowest in wins and losses for the past four years, the team faced the toughest schedule an Armour wrestling: team has ever been called on to confront. However despite the opposition several of the men built up admirable records especially Till, Tulleren, Kazmicrowmz and Ropck. Till led the team in wins while Tull: Eeren emerged with the highest total 1of points. The reason for this sit— tuition is that “Buss” able to lwin his bouts on fulls while Till in. variably came through with Ii Ilcv vision. The wins and I033 as of the two men stood as eight Will.. and one IlI-fz,eit for Till and seven wins, two los . and one draw for Tulle‘ren. Kazmierowiez and Itopek fought it out for third place in the point column with the somber junior tak- ing it by a point. and a half. “Kay." came through on a record of six wins against. two losses while Ilruwinir two. This was slightly better than Ropek‘s 27V. garnered on six wins, three beatings and a tie. was Hanna Fights the Tough One-5 The new captain George Hanna, just missed out on compiling a 500 record but considering his division his firI‘ and six looks pretty lL'IIOIl. III the HS pound weight, George had to battle such stars as Carlson of Wheaton who, incidentally, won the Invitational Meet, Clay of Herzl, and Taxman of DeKalh and it was this sort of opposition that. leveled off l'lunna's record. -. err troll" wummmo I I I CHWAGO Rail . ARMOURRlliL E are contemplated and it will be new ‘ Ol- l‘hi' ten Wrestling awards, four 8:23.32” n) R: i: iiiflciimi‘iii 2!). 1i ‘1’ ; MHZV for the pledges to raise their were majors {£0171}: to 'Tullclren, Ito: (owe-n 2i;_ i I 91113.35." ' “i o 11 o grades above 70. Among the pleIlLrt-s. pelt, ““11““. “ml KflZYnWWWK'Z Will“? like??? its]: ii i ”it‘ll“ mifi ii 3 iii hie Ray Node-e. Tom and ,lack Clark. minors WC“ 15‘1“" t” Tl”. McDaniel, twin. 1 II 9Lyckbirr15. lb. II 0 “Hill Bunch, Joe JaniI‘ck. Leo Rom-k, Nilrl‘olll. r Wick. ”6111910“. and "flxflmp’hfi '1 ”Ff; . 3 2, HF. Kazmirrowicz, Georgi: llanna, W- Will-Chill" In IWXIHL’. Clark 71" 1:353: ii i g ghchlnoklun M. _II II_I‘ Eddie O’Connor, Willie {ymp llank ceivcd a major Wl’lll(' Rothenber ~—— I 2 ll Silva, “Juuhrad” Immini. Bill Hoot Girl/chm. Carriadannm and (Infant, 4 9 a linen. Bill Schcrer, and Elwood. [rot minors. .“ul'il lmlhl! m Achmaklan 1.. Mb. 1 Iiw- on min»- minim. I. Krum: 3 Strike . Loril- I that“ -..veril‘s more lliiflnners In, . um .i amt." I: l "freshmen Heading lei inaugural at Elmhursl‘ \‘ext Saturdarifi I‘III- Armour tiiick team will jouini v in Elmhurst to inw augmate the outdoor season and Considering: p21~‘t round should (balk up a victory. The Ter’nawks have al- ready beatvn tbrir ho-ts indoors this} year, and they also trounced them outdoors last year. This edition of the Techawks has her cral positions but new men have helped to fill up the holes. Notable who has traveled the distance in 4:554. which is considI Iwinninp: timeo ‘t rear of 1 though Fisher almost certain win, the lack 01 other good milI-rs will :33. AL ie give the home team the rest of the points in this event. In the dashes, Rothenbere and Mil: ler will compete but the outcome i uncertain (IIM to the link of informa— tion concernine tho Flmhmst sprint- Vandekiett, (link, Dixon, bl- wood, and Miller are all expected to cis. as a, double and all runners may ad I scoII- in the field events and to make It a ball hit: an I up what Is lost on the tIack. vamI- two bases. umpiie in fair teriitmy, it shall bel counted an automatic single and runs ners allowed base. All games shall be seven innings unless more less are agreed by {he captains before the game. If noon lioui Iran/10s called beIausc of time. one or HI (‘ will be played over. Captain Vandekielt will coIan-tr in the dis» cu. shot put and high jump while I. (,~ k will work in the iavelin, high jump, and bIIinIl jump events Despite thIII stIInc‘th iiI the field, the team fares l‘Iaid going: this ye against the stionceI 1.031115.th lackl five innings must be completed ‘ (If second winneis in the tI-mk events for the game to count otheiwise it land of sprinteis will pinbably (ost the l l,<‘2lll‘l ~I-vcral meets. n weakened by eji raduation in sev.; "ably better than the: to ‘ Iiil‘ercltu. li‘i‘l Winning: theii second inteii’Iaterni~ lty championship withm three wecks, lthe I’hi PI Phi house nosed out the Delts in the last event to win the ’35) interfiaternity swim mat As usual the meet tuIncIl out to be a battle between two star performers, l Huxhold of the Phi Pr: 1 against the flelt’s Dick Talcott. Individual honors for the went to Talcott, who participated in at least five of the seven events and i came in first in three of them. Dick ‘ took blue ribbons in the 40 free style, 40 breast stroke, and 220 yard free style. Second place honors co to lluxholIl, who led the Phi l’i’s to vic- tory. Earl scored wins in the 40 back stroke and as a member of the winning medley team. Huxleold, Talcou Head Winners Some forty Odd Gl'eckmen strIppeIl ‘ for the annual Sporting occasion. 1 When not splashing through the foamy surf of Bartlett pool, they served as spectators of the other levents. Most of the events were lclose, and the rivalry between Hux— hold and Talcott lent an air of ex lcitcment to the meet. By winning; lthe 120 yaId medley the Phi Pi Phi lmcn added enough points to their lsIoI-e to nose out the belts by foui l points. The final . ore for the win- inei “as {)5 point . while the run— nersmp had 31 points. Third plnL‘I' lwent to the Phi Kzips with HIV. points I l pitted eveningr 5” l and fourth place was snatched by the Pi Kaps with 10%;». As a repetition of last year’s inter» swim. this year‘s meet also turned out to be a tie. Although last class T‘Hl‘li your l.‘ll( [Mosh tied the luniIm: , (hi char the lrosh split tV('I’l with the sophs. The relay was won by thI freshmen, with the sophomoics tak ing a second and the seniors a third. I lThen in the medley, the tables were reversed, the mcrmen of ‘41 winning; by half a length over the creep cap swimmers. This left the title in the joint hands of the underclnssmen. Extra Events Break Tie In order to break the, tie, almost :i whole meet had to be swum. First a 100 rd free style was tried, but as It V. I: Hie-reed that a first and a place had to be taken in order to win the meet the result was still a tie; wl)od;.r,e winniiiy: for the sophs and the f1..i taking‘ second third. The tie was finally broken when Muiiku> and Bell finished, one, three re. ectively in a sprint 40 yard and ‘Eenior, bopb fibers Page Three s To Present Strong @lllfflfi In Tournomenl‘ Sophie (Securing lilo halting Power Fore-cttinu the possibility that some unknown freshmen mie‘ht upset. them. the sophomore L‘hems look like. the team to beat in their bracket in the coming: softball team despite the cries of the Inechanicals to the op- posite side of the question. for this opinion is the few practice Immx's that the chems have played thus far. by the junior schmiers, they came back strong to give the sophomore mechaIIic-als a trouncing that cut the boasts of the mechanicals. Despite the fact that this is the first year that the Chemicals will be playing; tog-ether, they pr ntcd zI smooth working- outfit in their first few appearances. Thus far the hurl- ing: has been entrusted to ll/IacAleer and he has turned in two good per— formaiices, holding the, junior chems to six runs and nearly shutting: out the mer-hs. If he s able to continue at this pace. he should pitch the chcms to the title. Folk On First In the infield the chems look pretty good with Giltzow at third, Brierly at short, Erickson at second, and man- neI-r Folk on first. Just how lone; the latter will stay on the initial suck is a question since he is more at home in the outfield where he played dur- ing the summer school tournament. if any of tho outfieldcrr. begin to fall down on the job, it‘s a sure bet. that Sammy will soon be out there tak— inc his place. At short the chemo should have the best. player for that position in the lower bracket. Brierly, in addi» tion to showing power at the bat, has Izivcn more than a good account of himself in the field. Teamed with Erickson, he should help compose the star keystone combination in the sec- tion. Al, third base, the clicins are expecting (liltzow to stand up against the best third-sucker inthI- leacruc but this remains to be seen. Lurx A Sewer In Center In the outfield, Lachmnn in short center is a graduate of the Rats, the freshman team that. reached the tinnls in last year’s tournament and then were beaten in extra innings. Based on last year’s record, Loch- nisin should do all right and be one of the chems leading: hitters. Left, field will be patroled by (Irose‘in while Lurz and Bauer will take care of center and right respectively. Lurz is, in our opinion, the surest flychas- It)“ in the tournament and it won’t be unusual to see him making; the catches the left and center iicldcrs are supposed to make. All in all, the chrins look mighty mod and unless some freshman team Ionics along, as they invariably do, and really plays ball, it looks like .;ure thinir for the Freudnicn. 11 breast. stroke. Thus the intercluss1 swimming championship was won by, the class of ’42. Those who brought, the freshman class to Victory worm! RIII‘lemacheI', Pctermao. Bell, and Munkus. The sopl‘IoInoI'es, who hovel seen the championship slip out of! their for the second time due to tics, Dodge, DL‘Money, and Stowcll. Final Standing Phi Pi Phi llclti T1111 ll . » l‘hi [\nppn Sipmuw l‘i kappa l’hi lfl'. 11w Yo. Rlil..\\‘~l"hi Kuppn Sigma ((ll-rn, (‘huiltoin Lance, Taylor); l’hi l’i Phi, Pi l\" ppn Phi, llt‘lt‘d T111 Della. limo .1__ '1 V H) \‘l‘. lllll‘ AhT‘S were: Powers, - Blumc, ‘l'y .x. l‘ROK l5 . Tnleott, TENNIS SCHEDULE Chicago Normal April 28 There North Central May 2 There Loyola May 5 There Purdue May 6 There IndianaTeacl’Iers May 10 There. Butler May Ill There George Williams May 17 There Chicago Normal Wlay 18 There Cbticago “B" Moi/19 There Vlheaton May 22 There North Central May 23 Here Loyola May 24 Her llelta lau Delta; TulleII-n, Delta Iau Delta; SIhmal, I‘I Kappi Simon, Anton, PM I’ Phi. I‘ime—-: ‘Zfill 40 Y. FREI‘IS'IVYblisi'l‘alcolt, Ilclfn TAIL) l)(‘lll lltlxliolil, l’lil I’i I‘lIl: Tailor, Phi Kappa Simon: \'iIIiIlI- '{iI'lL Phi f’i I’lii. TIIIII- cm H). lI‘lZ!‘IlI1\T".lYll~l'l‘ on. llwltn Tau Hello; .linII. I’hi I’I l’hi: lleiIlI-nreirh. Pi Kappa Phi; Peter» st“ 'on. All are sensonu. lu'. Ur men UIII to: tilt pus-I mm i been \xoikiiio out daih in Iiidl’}.l‘l1t“'lt .zi‘>o pit Ii‘.\ \\I'.iI s‘oo reserve Iii: Itt 1‘ ,Il llltllt k t‘apiu‘o opponent: .. lé-II’