Page Two Armour Tech News Student Publication of the ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 3300 Federal St. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Published Weekly During the College Year I 9 38 Member I9 39 hisocioled Caller-aide Dries; scnuzummn Poll NATIONAL AsznTisle m National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisher: Representative 420 MADIEON AVE. NEW YORK. N V CHICAGO ' 30510" ' L03 ARGELEB - SAN FRANCISCO 'lintniI‘Il as StcOIId class matter December 8, 1937, a the post olllce at Chicago. Illinois: under the Act, of March 3, 187 9 «W $52.00 l’ci' Ycar EDITORIAL BOARD lliiloizinilliil ., ,. ) . I l K ROBE RT Ht l‘UI-(ENF KAI NIIV IM'ZIII'I‘UIL I . ' ' “ll/N I‘IR I’M‘IIIXI'Y: AIIVISOII Dcsk Editor II.» 'rI It 7. . I" Frank RA'h, Robert Mvad E. Czlvnnagh C. Beckmann, JI Kucom E. iniuka , ”0 rnurtl Sivrnfrld (I. I“ro>I S, 12II-I»nlin. Ii. MN“ Hanuslia, W. Limbo. I“. I). Blown. 'l‘, Iiruwn. tinny; J. Ila rlman. L. Imiy KraIlI-m (,(ilumvl ILK'DIIYIA‘I‘ i: valiuum n, w Mm MeAlIwr . it. 'Ihibault CR rllnIlvrhill Hr. .l. AIM R. Mu-l urray. . Ran. l, IJIIIIiiltztlcil B. Flood. (i. Ilanvm, I‘. III- -oIVl om-y. II. W Simimmi, W, SI 7 BUSINESS DEPARTMENT -Ih mix-urns...“ Jillnlnll'r aihv [:3 Sign mm m .. . ,. Elli‘dlliilliil‘. Munu‘fm c.,.o,..- u Ahmhumson M‘lnuizer~Ex(-hanges ...... , . .OR neg r Smit, .I nuts II. nominal". . Harper,'ul1!i‘n. M. Johnson. Ii. Lam‘s. l.. Mazl‘ .l in. any. R, Simon. Vol. XXIII. Tuesday, April 18, 1939 No. 9 Iiiliailn1 ’I‘hc meInhcls of the staff of the Armour Tech News wish to extend their deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Robert AIndt upon his until'ncly death last week. The news staff, membI‘ls ol the faculty and the entire student body wish to cxtend thcil sincclc Sympathy to, Picsiilcnt Ileald on the death of his: mother Mrs. Pred- I‘i'ick 0. “mild, ln Pullman, Washington last I‘rida)‘. Newly Revised Constitutiunw CONSTITU'I ION AND BY-L ARMOUR TECH STUDENT ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTION AR".I‘I(I l‘) i This Iii'iumixnlmn mm 1..» linuwll m IIII- AiIMIIIm II2:I ll s’ll' me. i ASSOCIATION, AII'I'iCiIi: |l OBJECT of tho Armour 'I'I'I'h Student Association shall IIIv In -nt I‘xtrzH-urnI-ular notnillc». l('l‘l('LI‘Z Ill MEMBERSHIP nlu 'I- m ”1!: mvanlzatlnn uluill III IImIII-II to flu (LII-till) and Illumnl of the Ar 1mm lniitiluu of 'lI-ahm-loy) AR’I‘IIJIE Iv I“ s Sui-lion l. Eul'l') sludvnt. by paying n mudvnt ,Mtltily I'm. .wmmmr IH'I’UITII‘M "Il‘mlll‘l‘ of IliI‘ Armom TII-h SIudI-m Aius‘utlzh'nn seem". Z. 'l'hv imImi .Ir Comm ”I...“ In”. ill. imwvr u. mak. pn- \lhlUnS whrnliy faculty and alumni may l)l.‘{'I)mI voting I'Eh'lnlhi'r‘, oi Ihl Armour 'l‘I-I'h SIIIIIuIt Association. ARTICLE V MANAGEMENT S¢flllln 1. ‘i‘hI- mtlnalzvml'nl of Armour 'l‘I-m shall hr I'IstI-(l in the ISIIIIrIl (If Control. Section 2I ”in Board of Control «hall (‘UIZIHt of th, I’ImIdInI t'm» IIII» 'I' IuII‘r, tlu‘ IJiI'I-I‘Iul' of l‘hya E'Iluuatlon one f};(‘ul‘) siuIlI-nt oll'iII-rs ol‘ the Aimuur 'lI»I h Studvni Aa- 'I'ilIv IiliJI-rI (IIsu-z all Nll‘dl .quIIvnlt, StuIII-m Asnor In ‘I ion rIprI Inlntiw, IhI ‘(L‘ lion. am! a nuphomoro nml II l'rI-silman rcmwmnlatw‘ win» an to ho Ila-1411 Ly Ilmx- rvspmvtm» I'llIHf-I‘b at tho mm A»! Ila-xx clam l-it-Iriion . Section 3. ()m» Illi‘ully l-I-pr vmntivo (ll) thl- liImiIl ul‘ (Iinlrol shall the £4\Utl('1ll Iill' cm of the Annuur 'II-Ih Slalom. , lilylnninlr of Hu-h sIhuIIl yI Section 4. TM slulll‘nl pnwlint In Inc «or Lm- rho-tings or the mum ”I ('Imu'ul. ARTICLE V] ()I‘ 'll‘I-ZICS 'l'hI‘ IIIIiI-I'rs In" this on IIIMIIIII'I oliall iIau- n l‘n‘szvhvli. dont. SI-I‘mid VlCI‘VXII'PSlLlI'HlI SI-I‘n-Iar)‘ and ”'llia 'l‘hI» studI‘nt IIIIII-Ir‘ of this III'IIMVXIY-HIIUVI shall lw immi- "IIII‘II m a IIrlh'le) blurtlIln in whiI-h any quulmxl may ham III.» ilr l low» of submitting his mmc Im Ihr luillul. Thu I‘aniliIiaII-s mnm’nalml III thI» primary I-lu'titm tor the rvsycrtnv ()lllt' shall lu‘ thosv Iv... rluduIm II‘('I'I\II\V. th- mml Hill‘s m lhl- l'lI'C‘lI) 1:; «use ,.i rluu iiuiimimv «:5 IiL‘I‘ (‘I'lll or \‘Iilvsl. l,l‘Hl(' oi four IIIIH’IInflU'd, auction ll. 'I‘hI- stutliIII u’l'l ll.\‘ of Ar'mIIur 'I‘I‘I'l’l Silllll‘lil Iiml shall III» III-'IlIil L): a will of tlu I‘llllf‘t‘ student loud} from Ia'tliIIaIIs il4~'II~Il in (ht IJIII’IIJI!) I‘lIc Section I. 'II’IA- 4»lIIIii>1I III ilil‘ blufll'nl, ull'lnms hhall l» ('UmYIIILI..( I'iImplNl‘rl oi" the sIuIiInt mrmh, 1'» of 1m a,\«.,I,Ii.lliun \imi iiwtlal. Scull-In I. ‘i candid-nus mm I): I~,.4.< A» .».In.i\I le Sct'tlun ii, Iho (fifllIIY‘N «I' this lIerIli/aIiInI "hall in Iv‘lutv'i during um Jmll ~I'I'VI' (or u'I‘ )l m. lxki‘lll In ih.« um Ii‘siI uh 111 who. uimn I'Invinl; «MIMI as First pvvsiill‘nl, shall auIismallIIally lurnma‘ l’iI‘ limit of ll‘h‘ Iiruanxmtimi. SIrIion Ii. 'I‘hI' I'Iv'nulvlll HI this or'nani of his taking Iiil‘lII‘. lI‘ inmnlcti', I! h JUIHIII' )I‘ar and III- Marl llI> Sv'lliur 3 Il‘ IhI- following Snlmmlur The First V141 JIi'IslIIInI I»,l this Ilv'uani/atiun 1 u hix Ilvuiun hi I'ivlllllllllllli his Si-iiliomi Iil~ .lunim \ .zi thl Iulluwlnu SIWIILImII I I‘ll sunni \n-v.pnsulmit oi Ihis orxaylizaiiun mu»! at thi‘ limo .,i' his .tlm, »l i,4 ALUIIIII‘IIHQ in» Junior ylm and In: mun II, «.m'i hi~ Sum” y-ar thI l'ollowinlz SI‘DLI‘mbcr. III: K‘lIrIiam Ill tlr Iixm must at thI‘ ler of hi» i»lI:IIim-l < in IhI- hfllI‘ of nmiy ll, mm y, .1 “ml I..- II III I r - ‘ : - 'I i >1; I ~ , I r , . , I , ';“”{“‘ K 1 } ’“ '“d b‘ “M3 l" ‘” l“ “m" in In mil I4 Lu.“ Iiund or Ammo hummu- or I..." III! .,i .Imw {mm ,. ., »..,- h H i m T . .. ’ 4y him“ fvom «ills. wipiu. “ "““““ “ “ "WWW '“I‘ ' “ “ ‘ r " “"' "2 2 ”iii. allmlnhllalion or thin i‘uml shall 1.,4 Han-xi in :4 \rmmu immun- or ’l‘i-I-hmnom lion ,. II ~i,:iil in lhv- Iluiy “I th~ silitlt‘nl l’r «mm In mm,- ‘1 .uilnm, 11 4in Iii. IIIIIH'II or (‘o Iiol. “mi m "‘ Ir In III 1f on sin 7 Single Copies, 10 Cents Each 'l‘HOlVI/IS HUNTER FRANCIS OI’II./\ IIAR’I‘USEK IIIVI II‘AHEY 1-1.,yu Amlmnn w z IiIm mum, at x l' um,- .. I, . ll[”"*"lUl Ili ’I‘I‘ himluuy ilml Ihu: ARMOUR TECH NEWS ”Elm §fi§asiicfcw Cleave to ”The Slipstick' Ii cl ; let @ the Slapstick fly where it may WWW??? 'fi‘” ‘5 mmmmmmfimmmmh Stude (to prof) : What‘s that you wrote on my paper?” Prof: I told you to write, plainerI =E< >I< [2y passion moved, he overstepped, Scaffcrl (it her firmcs-t warning; Slut urquicsccd; than parting said, “I'll sure you in the, ”writing." . ,x :i W t "What’s the matter; were you in a wreck?" ”No, my best girl told me that she had a nice little place in her heart for me, and I tried to final it." 1.: 'vlfi rk :1: Fresh: Hey, Hm, I go! sumpin’ I‘ll bet you'd like, to we. EndIcs-s pictures of Frcnch girls. Sop/1: They're no good that way. (Read it again. You’re bound to get it.) s= s as s Sheriff: Sorry, young- lady, but there ain’t no swimmin‘ allowed in this lake. Coed: But why didn’t you tell me bcforc I undressed? Sheriff: Wall, there ain’t no law agin’ undressin'. 2)! :I: ll I? "Melvin! Melvin!" "What Ma 7" “Are you spilling in the fish-bowl?" ”No, Ma, but I'm coming pretty close." - I, “Do you, like short skirts, Mike?” “Nair, they gel lipstick on me shalt when I ”mu." dance wit, 71f Xl‘ 9‘ I'Ic rounded a bend at close to forty. A sudden skid and the car overturned. They found themselves sitting together, unhurt, alongside the complctcly smashed car. He put his arm around her waist, but she drew away. “It’s all Very nicc,” she sighed, “but wouldn’t it have, bz-cn easier to run out of gas?" In order to clarify in your poor bewildered mind what is happening economically in the world of today, you should know that Socialism means that if you have two l cows, you give one to your neighbor. Under Communism you give both cows lo the government, which gives you back solne of the milk. Under Fascism you keep the cow; but give the milk to the government. which cells some of it back. And under New Dcalimn you shoot one cow, milk the olhcr and then pour the milk down the drain. I'll Y0 SILVER! BY-LAWS ,‘\l{’I'l( I.l4‘, l SI‘EIIIAI. EI.I“.("I‘II)I‘~‘S Iiny 4IIiI-II IIIIII'I thnn Iiu I"I I. VirI‘J’wviIII-III u-siiuis or 1. imam, Io innilnlxl‘ hi, IluIiIn I| nu4 r slmll ii,» lluml @Ay llIII' limd 4.r I‘umml, A vipmial HlullI. t I‘lIcIlon than hr ill-M IA) llllAIhI' SI rim VIKI- i‘lI-sidlm .'\Il'l‘l('l.l<§ ll lN'I'IiAMllRAI. DEPARTMENT smIIm l. Inlrzimurnl conLI-nm mum-win" Inlt‘YI‘lI;~; alllll'tll' (‘Iln- Int. lnlt‘rIrqu-l'nlly alhlctir . mm tho lllla'. mull liv umior 1h. viirII-tium oi In. intrnmuinl mummr simian 2. Th. Imrnmuinl quII‘luI-r s I III» Iulpmnml 11y 1m I’m-J IJIIII of Ihl» Aimour ‘I‘I-I-h .‘ItIldont Asmicimlon. Sellinn :l. he Intramural mummy-I mum “Hum," intramural I‘I'hl'lL uII-I lurnl-Ih any II'l‘IMNIIIV lunlpml-m umplr Jud up . nu-«wuy mil-I .xml mukt any (IUII‘ nu Mum‘mlnt serum-I I. ”m inunmumi mmmmr shall in» rwnuywihll‘ for all In- lmmuial II|ui|Ian‘.’ llVl"Il1~ 'io fulfill tin. mpunslnlilty the lnmxmllmi nuinalzv-r hhull hau‘ at his Ilinptmnl a fund fl‘IfltI‘Il rm mil. [IIanmI‘, smhm .y. i‘m his wurk, ml» mom mummy awni- unit I. i“. ili (‘HI‘ZI‘JKS AND ('HP sermon l. lwu rim-1 imuii- ‘ hnll i..- It, mnnnI‘r it Ilt‘t'mtl iIIIvinal-lc. (l! I-IIm-r IrullI‘i shall rpm”, a mum man-r with :I "unlinkrnm I.” Ih: .1. \I 21,. ml award in, lli‘i m‘rviro. l‘l‘ rllilll Ilium set Inc INI“ I‘Im} record l~_\2 KlS>lIiLj inc I’n- l!‘(‘il students at tho l'nivcrsir {any to. iv «if lII‘IIIiII-ky haw- slarli‘ll on lllL‘ll' minutes,