Page Two Armour Tech News Student Publication of the ARMOUR lNSTlTUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 3300 Federal St. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Published Weekly During the College Year l938 Member “939 @550ch Colleoiole press WM.) m “new Auvunnmum uv National Advertising Service, lnc. College Pub/fiber: Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y mm - aosrou . L... ”a...” . 5m "in...“ r December 8, 1937, at “Entered as second class matte under the Act, of March the post nilice at Chicago. Illinois, 3. 1879." «Wyn-(1 Single Copies, 10 Cents Each $2.00 Per Year EDITORIAL BOARD iciiiromN cuiiii , , RUSSELL Ker/u. MANAGlNii EDITOR 1201mm JAFFLE news EDITOR MA EPHnAiM spurns EDITOR OWARD govLc corv EDITOR. . OMAS mumps BUSINES. .xNAci . ROBERT wmmmn mcum‘v A Mi WALTER HENDRICKS common. DEPARTMENT Drink Edit , , Carl rm. l-writ» l‘ldi , ‘ n_ Keane Assignment Editiiru Rubi-rt Uilrtunek, Jumps Meyer, l‘runrls onlla An i. Sn» Edith . . . Tfm Clark r. - m t . rr llritv'yurlli'ztdtir: G. mm. H. (a , if. wiioiis Columnist.» A. m. .1. Helmon, is. bternteld. Luubv.S.Silv1-rmun. 1;]in “km“ J H t 1w M. (Inmrns, Z. .nun. . . aw. . .‘ or man Roms-l. iii- . Hunter. E Kalnin. w. Laube, n. Kr niz, 1-. Mandel. is. H, Quandcv, r. iii-ii, i2. Roscnthal. c. m cm H . - 5mm.» w i i. Anderson, J, Fnhey, F ng'cefitcr swim livpmixl r, lit-Money, R. Tatar, w, Stmoxuni Cartoonist .. . J. Mirumm- BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Frank Slavin . Ralph Erinmnn . ,Itiibert S Kuhn Roger Smith Adverliiiirig Mariam)! tum rim l l l l l l l l l their meaning and significance. Circulation Ma . ' lxih’ K. Alli: R. Jacobson. W. Muclrcy. L. M W. Spr-th. I ma ii uhmion, Vol. XXll. November 1, 1933 Fraternity ill Notes ‘ lly I'llJWAIll) CIIEVALIJ‘ZY i-iycd by the Al i ilrriiiiy mm must in» m. _ panmmt f0, 31 3. fratt'rn _\' (‘lIIl'llvllt‘l-UTP 5 'M. Ihursdny In . I . order it appear III the, next isiiuu. ing modest pride, now Show» . iuio cum ill-l0 . . . ‘ careful llousc activities are piling up, milk. and ing‘ this full one of the busiest and ' :intcst we’ve hall in many year, We \\‘lll play the Phi Kaps in ttiuchball this ailii'l'rl()()ll-—-iln(l mayi the best team win. We are really ' looking forward in the belt game, however (llhhuh‘llng‘ we beat the Phi L a l pie; m. R. Buszxncon. lgoal toward which t No. 7 i well strive. i < one pin “it. fit ill 5% .. it. u. Mr. McCormack i Ari ardent traveler-Ma worker-«Wu rigorous football playcr~~ hcad of the chemical engineering de-. 1 l . l 1 apply today to a personality combin'l ‘ 2 l tsoli in accomplishments, buoyancy. - them: Cir-moms, we begin to see image which looks like that of Fruit; fi-ssor Mcforin' 'K. complishincms will (' turc, however, when we find him, at pioneer in chemical viigineorinu‘, milk/l HUI the firs! analysis 0 1 could not help but notice that a number of honor- ‘ :ary fraternities have pledged this week. ”Wonder ARMOUR TECH NEWS The Honorary Fraternity With only a cursory glance at our first page, one what they are?” might muse a freshman, or “So What?" might scoff a sophomore—not realizing Honorary fraternities, in an undergarduate col- lege, are organizations composed of students of a common field of interest who have been selected by members, already in the fraternity, on the basis of scholarship, character and. in some cases, activi- ties. At Armour there are seven strictly honorary fraternities. They are Tau Beta Pi, engineering; Phi Lambda Upsilon, chemical engineering; Pi Tau Sigma, mechanical engineering; Eta Kappa Nu, elec- trical engineering; Salamander, fire protection engi- neering; Chi Epsilon, civil engineering; and Sphinx, literary. One of the most important functions of any hon— orary fraternity is to confer honor upon deserving individuals. They serve as an effective means of separating wheat from chaff. It is essential for the underclassman to know that even now, in the com» perative calm of the collegiate pool, this process of selection is going onmand after he graduates, the process will be many times more rigorous. Many times the comment is heard that an hon- orary does not aid one after graduation. This falla- CIOUS argument was spiked by Professor Spears when he spoke before the Tau Beta Pi pledging ceremonies. "The key of Tau Beta Pi,” he said, "serves notice to the world that its possessor has outstanding capabilities in his chosen work and commands the respect of all," in addition honorary fraternities form sort of a he undergratuate body might ‘torics, and he claims that we now have one of the best equipped chcmA ical engineering laboratories, par so, in the country. “Every week," said I’rofcs‘ ir Mcfjormack, “requests; come from chemical engineering in— structoi's about our laboratory work Last year at least , i pCl'SlF-Ll‘lll l l i —-all those facts quiet vigor which, . and equipment. twenty people asked to inspect our Combining} . , . . laboratories, VVL- arc still {expanding Tuesday. November l, l938 l The Slipstick Cleave to the slipstick; let the slapstick fly where it may. w flwhrfifi WWW”. RM! 029 ugh A tier/eel, a. t slcet, (1. low lids/(cl. . . . Greetings, my little alligators and Impetus, let’s all truck down to that In. the groove, my little 1. railings. All iclcies who don't «any jive Imri’ better get whack]; and sch'nmltz it, to thrill swing. The ad- mmced class of rug cutters iiccdii'i lick until you. hear that slush. Zing out. All togi‘lhcr an Hm down beat, “Was it read." N0, 710, no, no." :5: it ill . » nymphet“. m brown and yel- gut—bucket. We’d like to pass along to you a conversation of two cheek-to-chcek- ers at a recent pledge daiicc. Her: I think dancing makes girl’s l‘cet too big, don‘t you? Him: Yeah. tPause.) Her: I think that swimming gives a girl awfully large shoulders, don’t, you? Him: Yeah. (Pause) Him: You must ride quite a lot, too. a ii «i: =7 .loe-——-l want to change my name, our honor. Judge—What is your name? Joe-r~Josoplu Stinkus. Judge-«I dan'k blame you. What do you want to change it to? Joe Charlie. 0 “Now children," said the teacher who was trying to boost the sale 01' class photos, “just think how you’ll enjoy looking: at. the photographs when you grow up. As you look you’ll say to yOljl'M’ll', “there's Jen» nic, she’s a. nurse; there‘s Tom, he’s a judge; undia-m” “There’s teacher,y tie, “she’s dead." it ’ said little Stir. it is Armour engineers are often baffled by the fact that some of the girlii with streamlined figures offer the most rosifilance. (It can't be. The experiment in Mach lalJ prover, clifv ., i an, and tlrvclnplng,r this work." Ht- pointed out the fact that there urc 72 l‘illlt‘g‘t‘r‘i in the United Stair-s that, courses, l 5; me of his acv‘ lcar up his pita? _ ‘ ‘ lotl'irr chemical engineering, whereas only '26 warrant their at". crediting by the A.l.i"h.l*l., whichl 1' fresh iiiciil; . . , . . illH'H its accrediting as: an alllll‘dtt‘l Kapsl, to avenge last year's defeat in the finals. 'l‘hcy may have Puhl, but we have Roihcnbcrg. (Tnngratulations 10 brother .lafl'ce, who iiiadc Tau Bcte last \NCL‘l’i. Wu’re proud of you, Bob. Our Pledge Dance comes Saturday night. Thri'c'll be a hot time at' Thorno llall that. night. Brother Spencer and social committee (lid ‘ themselves proud. , inl, l’t'll KAPPA Sllfily’lfii Congratulations to the Phi l-‘i's {or a showing of good sportsmanship. The honors for that game go to Jack Bolarid for scoring, the touch- down and Jack (Ihauley for the point i ail" the touchdown. 1 Friday evening the Chicago, Northwestern, and Armour chapters . along: with the alumni gathered at} the Palmir House. The l was the “Founder’s Day Banquet." Thc following cvcning many ghosts, dcvils, and all sorts of weird figures were seen among-st the Jack . 0’ Lanterns; as a result, the Hale lowecn party was a huge success. ! A week ago Sunday the Mothers Club held their meeting. A card and l bunt-ii party was decided upon for} Tuesday, November 53th. Last year i 200 people were (niertaincd and this i year an crcn greater succcss is pre- dicted. occasion ‘ Tl'l ETA Xi “'0 wish to congratulate Delta Tau l lloim for their victory over us in the l Luuchball game last week. Now that the boys have I‘ccuperatcd, they pl‘eA for to oxpmid their energies upon . ping: ponu'. Last, Tuesday we were happy to havi- with us Harold l’. Dzivison, (‘xwrutirc sori‘ctary ol the Grand imm- ..i' Theta Xi. Arm spending- i the evening: with us brother Davison left to visit, the Psi harm-r of Theta Xi at. the l'tllVf'l'hliy oi" Minmwiia. \‘Vr- are minim: everything: in tip iiip