Page Four ARMOUR "TECH NEWS Tuesday, October 49:, V338 0071011563 .35."; By JAMES HEBSON A travel-while-you-learn policy has been introduced at St. Lawrence University by Dr. H. Bloch who conducted a Scandinavian Travel seminar _0_ this summer. In. an effort to radio—educate people that they might better appreciate radio programs, courses in. “Radio Li rollcges and unirm-sities this fall. sterling" have been initialed in many ”.0— A noted American educator recently predicted that in 15 years there will be no deans of men or deans of women. Canada lino commissioned the Royal Canadian Air Force to train more fliers. Plans call for a large expansion of flying instruction schools. Yale University has received a bequest of $500,000 to be used to further the study of Good English — Dr. Joseph .lvl. Gwiim of Sam Jose should subsidize collage marriages. State College believes the govcrmnout ._,~,._ The University of Colorado will offer this fall a two-year course for the 53 per cent who spend only that amo unt of time in college. __0.. l A course concentrating on tlie'llfc, times and principles of Abra/mini Lincoln is being planned by Lin :1 Memorial University. _,~,__ A prize of $100 was offered Princeton undergraduates for a new Tiger football song. ——o-'— ., Johns Hopkins- University hasl adopted a new policy of limiting the number of undergraduates enrolled. Syracuse University has adopted a new course for those who foil. 0__ Experts estimate there are 4,000,- 000 youths between 17 and 24 un- employed. In. the lain}:L six-month period, Princeton Uniugxoity has received gifts totalling $1,066,605. ' , from New York City to meet losses due to the Sino-Japaneac war. _0_ Liberal old age payments. have drawn large numbers of citizens to California, according to a study at the University of California. By 1939, Mexico will have: a Na— tional Polytechnic institute fully equipped to accommodate more than L 2,000 students from all ports of the Republic. __0_. The University of Washington pre- sented in special janitorial course this #0-- The Virginia state corporation summer for those who aspired to such commission has issued a charter for posxtions. The lecturers were out- the founding of Mount Vernon Uni— standing custodians of schools and varsity. The University of Washington has received 11 WP/l grant of $140,730 to “improve recreational facilities." St. Paul, Minn, courts and charit— able institutions will serve as the lab- oratory for College of St. Thomas 50- ciology students. _0a. The Univcroity of California has instituted a new course called “Public Opinion and Propaganda. __0- The total cost per year for tuition, l room and board at Harding College is but $200. *0... Commonwealth College has no paid faculty. . w At the Unive California at, Los Angeles 7,8’4 tudents drive 120‘, college daily in 4,654 cars.» to. [Clara is higher learn-- ing in the we > , ' 3 A larger Droggnt/Ionio'f'thh2021133 thorpe University faculty ‘is ‘in‘g “Who’s Who”(t ‘ y othe‘rl‘college" in America. .‘ » ..., a John. D. ”who you’ve gthe‘ University of C éugo more than ;34' millions, visite twice in his not \ The Chicago P lice Department re: cently purch’t'i‘, crimevdetection ;{ laboratory from Northwestern University, a pioneer in the field. The Society Girl, the pretty young thing under a. floppy hat on the‘ womens’ page, has been put under the l scrutiny of a student of sociology and i made the subject of a master’s thesisl at the University of Chicago. 0 Working students at the Univezu sity of Oregon rank very highly in studies. Men who earn 50 per cent of their expenses are in the highest scholastic brackets. Canadian “Mounties” are going; soft these days. One of their numbert received the Bachelor of Civil Law de- gree from McGill University last sum- mer, in addition to a scholarship and a legal research ’ l . Aiding 13 ilhriatiun colleges in‘ China, $300,900 in being distributed ml institution only u d? for $25,000, the’. other large buildings. l l y l r { , with the defeated Czechs. sameness-r- ' 1 (Continued from page one) i now has his cake and apparently in. tends to eat it. ‘. Russia pledged her support to Czechoslovakia some weeks ago, but the coup that Chamberlain, his yes man, Daladier, and the strutting dic- tators pulled off at Munich overnight. left Czechoslovakia Without an op- portunity to appeal to anyone for support. The fault “is not in her stars, but that she is an underling." And with England‘s .forsaking the Czechs, and France’s seeming: impot- ence to comply to her obligations, there ended all sense of international fidelity. What trust have the smaller countries in Europe left for the dwindling» democracies? With the formation of the four-power pact, it appears very much as though Eula, ope's little nations will become| pocket change to be passed around in paying off minor obligations among the large creditors. It is significant that Russia was en- tirely ignored in the Munich confer- ence. English distrust and German hate forrBolshevism have united to begin breaking" up Czechoslovakia, the final obstacle to a solid front but twten France and Russia. With a band of steel composed of Nazi Ger— many, fascist Poland, Hungary, and Italy stretching across the continent on Russia’s. west, and antagonistic Japan on her cast, it appears as though things were going nicely for the dictators. It is also to be noted that the French Chamber of Deputies has not been called. A break up and consequent ousting of Dnladier would only tend to toss a wrench into the wellsoiled cons of Europe’s diplo- matic machinery, as the French pop- ular front is strongly sympathetic This crisis should never have im- perilcd Europe had England had the way in restraining the forces which gave rise to a Hitler. Her secret sol" vice knew some years ago that re- m'mament was taking place. Had England joined with the League and lent support to the German liberals then in power, the minority brown shirts should have been nipped in the bud. Undoubtedly the English and French capital in Germany, the in» tercsts of Eugene Schneider and of l Aim News; l' | ’I‘ra-rah, sound of bugles, und'stuli'l The (lance of the year. The first dance. The colossal tei‘pischore. THE lVEl/V ARX DANCE. Which means get ready to SWING, YOU B‘OLLCATS. For details: ‘ ‘ Time 0:30 on Friday nite, Oct. 2].. Place: l‘hc Edg-ewater Beach Hotel. (lrch: Al Trace or The Colonial Club. Get a line on the beautiful femines and date 1110. one up for this great occasion. If you don’t, know about these or« rhestras just ask Swingmastor Dun- !‘m'lll and he will put you in the know. Beaux Arts News: Gun Below and (.‘m’miiighum (Wild Tom from Oma- ha) have returned. Sunny May is showing the south side how to do the Beaux Arts. We’ve at least found out about fllii‘nISiiic, he’s just “Out of Order.” Backdoor Smicrmmz. and Motel]; came through with mentions in the summer problem. Mandel was elected massier, and l’uxinlc, sous—massior. As a 1 sult news of the ARX dance was forthcoming. The manioi's are all too busy'nowa— days what with work and visiting art classes. Maybe they’re trying to flat dates for the dance, or do you thinlv so? BOZ—ART. Krupp and Fritz T. Hyssen were in— fluential in letting- the bad yeasts work. Pressure should have been ap- plied than, it is now almost too late. Many ucc‘use England of having played the role of coward and coin-- promiscr in the developments of the last decade on the continent. It is not at all improbable that she has wanted and actually cncourgcd these devel- opments. Her cgg’s aren’t all in one basket. Lady Astor could attest to this. Britain may have her money on democracy, but there‘s a large place but on fascism as Well. ‘ Hitler and Mussolini now hnv'c'al: free hand to pour troops and supplies into struggling; Spain. Franco needs ass once badly. The loyalists um holdinp: their ground and have in- flicted some severe losses on the fue- cist armies. Prophecy in Europe is Sloophmin-Awuiis Mountcun Sheepon . Misguon Root, Eggs From. Tennis Courts By ART HANSEN Deer Sally: Horatio Pigeonbrain, noted engi- neer and (:leptomainiac, wonce sod. quote: enginears are of two klasses, intcligent and those that get mur- ried. Sooner or later hea leaves the first klass and enters the secund. 'l‘hen hea i7. lost. Wel, Sally, life wonce lug-in is a bed of roscbushea. I hav again: got into the swing of'things at skool. Put or In the groove, cull men a taxi, hit meu withe a hotnote, yew jitterbeetle. Yes, my sweet won, swing is hour for the first tyme sinze the revonewros hung- chle Duckbrain Hiss JO yeers ago fore making mountain dew. Gosh won I hcor swing music, I foal like alco- hawl iz flowing threw my veins insted of blud. . Our neck. lllh prof. tolde us a joak the other (laye, wich tho slightly puz- zeling to mea, yew may understands. It seams biz mother-in-law was alarmingly sick. Won night the ole doc who were Handing "her shook hiz had and sod, mime sivelys; “She hcz (got tew £5,034th a, hot climate. Mind, I dmi’tlmeen '5. warm plane, but a hot won, unguotc. Wel, the prof. dizap» posted, ‘but sune emerged from the cellar carrying; a axe. Handing it tow the docter, hea exclaymcd, quote, Hey, doc, yew dew it, I can’t, unquote. .lt Wont Bee Long ’l‘hoyro’s‘ a vag rumor (very war) that the Missin Bilding nlteraytions wil sune‘ bea finished, and that the louse of '1944 is going to (leadicatc it. Wel, they shure head a gude stew- dent union, and if I flunk a cu'ple of yeers I ‘Awil' lieu hear wen they com“ pleat it. Rite now I hear that a junior lyre-protect (they g‘oa around blow- ing; owt matches fore pe‘eple) named Booster is going tcw audition u [look of horns girls fore the stage showe wich wil lieu given daily frum 9-12, 1:5 four the stcwdonts. lt iz reported that the howr 12—1 o’clock is tew bcu 17 Spain before we settle too comfort ably in our easy chairs to listen to futile, but it were well to look the world series. A cris" for more crucial than this last presents itself there. left open in the case sumbody wants tow dew homework wile hes eating lunch. It looks like that iz owt, tho, (Zaire who wantes tow eat lunch wen ’70 hcutiful koru~D girls are frea for an hour. They might get lonely, and hub is more romantic than an engi- ner‘l {Won not an engineer.) It it also rumored that they our [going tew put the steep slopes of the Mlshion roof tew gudc advantage, pastooring mountin sheap on it tew giv milk and put owt of bizincss milk that originates in milk trucks. Just think wat it wil meen tow the stew— dents and faculty (1981‘ Sally, fresh [goat milk and fresh eggs from chickens that they owr going tew raize in the tennis courts. I heard that they owr going tow plant winter weat on Ogden field, and open a branch noan as agricultural engineering. 'l‘hiz wil probably deal with the bend- ing moments and compressive and tensile stresses set up in a stalk of went as it sways in the wind. , Owr Footbalm Team Looking threw the records of deer olde Armore Tech, I have cum tew the year 1378, and find mention of the Armour All-American Footbalm Toem. Wat a gloryus yeer, thatvwon. There lineup red: Dead Endw—Allen, Fishing- ’l‘ackle—Stoopnagle, Life Guard—Baker, Rockefeller Center—a- Bcrnie, Draw Back——Benn‘y, I-Ialf Wit—«Baby Snooks, and Eye Full»— Lombard. The soesons skedule ran sumthing like thiz: Septobcr l.—-A. A. A. (0) against Minnesota (87) at Dunning, 111.; Octemher S—A. A. A. (0D against Army (92) at Sing Sing, N. Y.; Nawondmf'ziz—A. A. A. (V2) against. Slippery Rock Coeds (55) at Vassar; Decewai‘y Ell—A. A. A. '(99) against Rover Boys Grommet Sk‘ool (100). Then I saw thiz hediniz: “Cus- ualti‘cs. RE: Requisition to tiiea’s- urcr’s oilico. Itemz—Septober 1—2 doz. splints. Oc‘tcmber 8—100 yards gauze. We], must klose, az I just :fownd owt, I am sitting; on a wad of gum, and like sum European nations, I hav a foreign entanglement tow solve. 'Yures, Stoopbrain Bliss. BURNS PAUL WHITEM AN Even! Wednesday E wm'ng GEORGE GuAcm ALLEN Every Friday Evening All C. B. S. Stations EDDIE DOOLEY Football Highlights Every Thursday and Saturday 52 Leading N. B. C. Stations Copyright 1938, LIGGE‘I‘T 8: Mvcss Tooncco Co. . . . you could . mom a floor will/rho I fellows asking for Chesterfields today?” ' . Millions of smokers are signing up with Chesterfields . . . glad to find a cigarette that has what they want . . . refreshing MILDNESS " better TASTE pleasing AROMA; Ami here’s why. . .. Chesterfields give you the best ingredients a: cigarette can have. .. . mild ripe. io- boccos and pure cigarette paper. ”wellness museum for millions