Four «tummy-ii cunt-glut.- l’i‘vss 'I‘tl ADL'LT platl'orip—speakers, soA eial workers and editorial writers in all sections of the U. S.. toda. youth is the major problem for all thinking Countless Americans. the solutions of ti ~4 problem offered . are ‘ up in the public press and from the ‘ public platform, with not one of them >t'tllllllL’,’ to end the light for the welfare of youth “ring: the bell” to ' and the ruling; generations of the‘ futuie. Hut, 's the l'iiiversity ot’ Cali- foinia Ilaily Trojan, these adults are so concrincd with the conception of youth as a problem that they fail “to iealize thoroughly that they consti- tute just as much of a problem to youth as youth constitutes for them, or more. For instance, most of the students at the university expect to be trying soon to find employment of some sort, to be votinc' in elec» lions, and to be assuming: positions of importance in their communities. STEPPING ()UT of the universi~ ty to function as an active. element of societv, they face the prospects of a strite-torn world that is in the grip of economic depiession, that cannot choose between the ea)‘1itali"- tie and commuiiistie economic sy - tems, that does not know whether dictatorship or democracy is the bet— ter type of government. They face a world controlled by persons who, themselves, cannot think analytically, cannot distinguish between propa~ ganda and fact, cannot get along: with each other, not tolerant, have no particular sense of integrity. “There is need for a realization among those who run the world, that although youth may be truly a prob— lem, there is a better way to solve that problem than by working; on youth directly. That way is to work on the economic, political and social a re system into which youth steps as it 1 reaches adulthood. and remove, some of the causes of the problem. Until such time as that, is done, there will be a constant recurrence of the ‘problem of youth’ with each new succeeding generation.” COLLEGE NEWSPAPERS ant student organizations have been boni- barded during:- the last month with letters from “a (lhinese student“ ask» ’ inf: {or support of the Chinese cause in the current “incident” with Japan. These letters ask that 11. S. students “send letteis to men in key govern- ment positions urging them to make, unlawful the or shipment ot arms or munitions, and other war materials to ageicssor nations." Sur- veys of collegiate opinion on the SinoJapanese w; ' indicate that col» leeians heliere Japan to be the au- gressoi'. that the Ii. S. should take the side of waitoi‘n (‘hina sale Bl'T MOST colic-glans believe to» day that. the U. S. should not 1.51) be» yond its borders to fight another na- tion’s battles. Not so word»stronir are most editorials on the subject as the n the l niversity of Mis. s- sippi Mi» sippian, but most seem to be in accord with its sentiments: “No one questions the fact that agr- one gr on and brutality are abhorrent to a civilized people such as we Americ as pride ourselves on being. But for such a nation to be pinched by the nose and carried into a propa- p'andistic woodshed to have whippzd into shape its mind is equally abhoi’v rent. it‘s about time the l}. S bev can to be a little more selfish in its convictions. If nec ‘y, we can ‘livc alone and like it.‘ The only thanks we've t‘\(‘l' had for slickine our no. -: into the affairs of othei nations Is a bunch of repudiated debts and an invitation to play the suckir again." BUT ON the t'oieiu'n situation in general, college and university un- dergraduates seem to be in as much of a quaiidaiy as most I'. S. citizens. The l’olliiuinu' seems to be the gen- eral trend on the campuses toda, Opinion is divided on the Spanish question. Many believe, the embargo should be lifted. As many that it should be i‘naintained. All believe en refugees, and many student ,' in): funds to financial- ly prove their ympatl'iy with the downtrodden ol‘ all nations. Few s.'ppoi't. the persecution of minorities, and most all heap coals shout ‘ that aid should be giv- . surface, the distance that was trav» crsed can easily be found. In this way the depth of certain geologic layers can be found from the surface of the earth, without taking samples or do» incy any drilling. In the work that Dr. Poulter (lid at, the south pole the problem was to find out what the actual shore-line of the Antarctic continent was, and to check on some of the land that had been reported by previous expeditions. Since they had no knowledge 01' the velocities of sound in the types of geologic strata in which they were go» iny; to work, it was necessary to estab— lish o datum level and then extra- polate the data into the new regions that were covered. The datum was ARMOUR TECH NEWS FQULTER‘S TALK AT "TE-EH NEVV§ bANQUET ((‘oiiliiiucd from page orici firing of the charges. By making use of an automatic recording Seismo- graph the times required for the wave to travel its path were accurately measured. By making use of the laws of re— flection and a bit of trigonometry it is possible to tell how far down in the earth the reflection occurred. in this way the outlines of an island, heretofore unknown, were plotted. Another island, supposed to exist by virtue of previous exploration, was found to be non»e.\ stent. In addition to this the thickness of the ice at sev~ era} locations was also determined, establishing to some degree, the shore- line of the continent. The theory of these underground Photograph 0! the $l0,000 seismogmph used on the Anlarclic trip of the Byrd Expedl- rinn. fixed by taking soundings off of the fate of the barritr ice. The velocity of sound in the sea water at that pai~ titular place and the stiucture of the ice were determined. The depth of the ocean at the edge of the ice, was also found. After the preliminary work had been taken care of. the work on the intciior of the land was arted. In order to get the greatest possible amount of data in an act: rate fashion it was necessary to de\ . a neat. .ysA ' ting: the seismic equity merit. as done in the following,1 manner. The ~leds. upon which the equipment was ea: ied, were linked together by a long cable. The length of the cable between each of the three sleds was carefully measured at fire~ quent intervals. in order to keep it constant. By this means the spacing of the sleds was known, without do— inn: much measuring, at each stop of the party. All that remained to be done was the digging: of the pits for the placiin.r of the explosive charges, the rigging of the earphones, and the A duplicate insiwmom win he on display a! the Immune! Thunday evening. explorations is the StllYit‘ as that in— volved in the location of oil fields in the south-western part of the United States. The, main difference in the. equipment used is in the weight in» volved and in the physical size. In the ease of the oil exploration the weight of the recording: equipment runs in the neighborhood of five or six thousand pounds. Because of the limitations imposed by the use of sleds and purely man power, the weight of the equipment on the Byrd expedition had to be on the order of five hundred or so pounds. This in‘ cluded the weight of the explosives that were to be used. Seismic vibrations can be used in many other than under. ground exploration. By passing: the waves through structural members of airplanes, boats. or buildings certain charac *risties of the structure can be determined, which could not, be found readily by any other method. Considerable work has been done in this lield, that now the methods have been rather well worked out. w a y s i ri so Honor filtrisrie all ltopkins University before Affair/lb. (in .lanuai; z. , neers attended the dent’s Night of the t‘hicago set of the Amci'ir' n Smitty of Mcchan» ieal Engineers which met in the lin- perial room of the Medinzih Club. The purpose of the inciting: was to honor Professor A. t; (‘hr stic, of rncc anical eiig'neerine’ at the John Hopkins University. over 200 annual enei» a pro- fesso r Professor (‘hristirn besides brine, national president of the soci< _\, is a world authoiity on power plant practice. As i'eatuicd speaker of the evening, he gave a fully illustrated talk on “Modern Steam Generators” of denunciation on the heads of the totalitarian states. Democracy is supported enthusi- astically. but many believe that steps should he its sup» port by groups of all ages. General accord is expressed with the “keep American out of any idea, and many favor a policy on the part of our officials that would pre» vent them from making: actions or statements that might arouse the ire of foreign nations. Opinion is about evenly divided on President Roosevelt‘s reai‘mament program. tak c n to pro mote war” Hold Meeting To Discuss Election and fiance Plans secre» Coed dancing partners, new i tary and treasurer. and new steps will 1 .i,, to be the subject conditcrcd at cur— rent meeting of the dance club, to-- morrow in the Student l'nioii Audi- toriui. at 4 The meeting, which follows tl'u> dance class, will be up. der the, direction of James. W. Dun- can, the newly elected president, while, Dan V. Stone, will have charge of the dance c cs as usual. The dance teach ballroom dancing, club was organized to both begin» ning and advancird, to whomever wished to learn. The only requ're— ment in joining the dance club, for which there is no charge or dues, is that one appear at the classes. The female dancing: partners will be invited from the local colleges to attend dances sponsored by the club. The-st; dance: will be, attended only by the iaieinbers of the club, dim: to the present plans, At »1 pm. the advanced :-la.<< will meet, to he followed at 5:00 by the businrss meeting: The beginner's class will begin immediately thereafter. All who desire to learn to dance, to im- prove their dancing, o: possibly to be eligible to meet the coeds, are invited to attend this nicotine. ‘ Record Crop of Freshmen E l i l l i l l l l i that not, enough current entered his , the large generator 3 a‘ peak load. , imately ‘ ol’ the Armour plant was 34.5% kilo- cameraman. , Walker nmll as Semester Start-s new high in the number of fiesAhmen eniolled featured last week‘ 3 day school registration. A to- tal of 317 green cappms includingr 71 new men weie emailed up to late l‘i'idaV night. of the total of 976 iepiuteied in their classes by this time, sophomores with 265 students led the pump 01 upper years The juniors weie represented by 221 stu» dents while the seniors have 137 men signed up Included in the total are 36 part time students. The fiuuies shown above are. not complete by any means. Registia» lion continues for at least t\ week at"- tei classes have bciz'un. Official com‘ plete figures will be released within two weeks on the actual numbei of students now attending: hool. Tests Given to New Students Orientation tests in mental ability, comprehension, vocabulary, mathe- matics, and visualization were given to all the incoming students last Friday afternoon. it seemed that the freshmen enjoyed the tests, partic- ularly after the newness wore off, and a spirit of competition prevailed, as each student tried to outdo the other. The first test was a general men— in] ability examination, being: the psychological examination of the,I American Council on Education. The second t1 st was intended to find out how fast the student can read and yet comprehend what he has read. The, reason for this test is that a stu- dent; who car. read and comprehend 400 words a minute can do his home.— work four times as fast as one who can read bu‘. 100 words a minute. Ranges as great as these are common in all large colleges. The third test was a vocabulary examination. This was followed by a quiz on the student’s aptitude for mathematics. The last test given to the students was one visualiza- This test is of primary import— once. since it determines the stu- dent's ability to visualize objects in ll'i lion. space. Students who have a poor sense of visualization usually have a difficult time in studying for an en» grineerini;1 pro on and usually make poor engineers. These tests enable deficiencies-to be, discovered and corrected. lilo. Wail ker flames Human ShorhCircuil Demonstration If volts were votes, lJoctor A. (i. 1 Walker of the Les earch Foundationl, would have won the election. Withl Doctor I". W. Godwin, he was demon- strating: their new apparatus for the taking; of pictures of a bullet in flight. l The demonstration was for the bene-i lit. of Jack Iiieb, a motion picture news atom and suddenly there, was a daz zling‘ di~play of electrical fireworks as from 30,000 to 40,000 volts passed through Dr. Walker’s body. Ito had touched an exposed wire. As the voltage coursed through hizii body, the. scientist shouted “Get mel otl', (let me o1 .” The cameraman, automaticallyl jumping to his camera, screamed “He’s beim,r electrocuted" and start-l ed crankir Al Sch l “1'. Walker leaned over the appar- l l l -away. i .ebei, publicity directoi, l fainted at the display of spaiks and i J" in falling opened the switch and Dr. straightened up, unharmed. The cameraman, Lieb, probably dis- appointed a bit because he was cheat- ed out. of the greatest scoop in his life, was more in need of attention than Dr. Walker. It. was explained that: the voltage was high, but the amperage so low body even to hurt him. The average student, is advised not to try to repeat the experiment. PGWER PLANT».— (Cni/limicn’ [ram page (new) e‘inei-ators. All the alternating: cur— rent used at the school supplied from the mains ol' the Commonwealth Edison Company. The CHI)L\"ILV of is 1740 an'pere. The mall engine gen- erates 800 ainpcres. The, average daily output of the boiler approx» 400 horsepower. During the. month of Janna y. the power output is wattvhoui's. This required the daily coi'nuniption of 14 tons of coal. Navy ill/loo inspects Foundation’s tubs Following the introduction of a little oratory by the United States Army department at the Research Founda-i tion, Commander H. W. Graf of the United States Navy called to investi~ gate the usefulness of the foundation laboizitmies as an aid in carrying out theN National defense program. Com- mandei Gial‘ called last; week and conferred with the officers for some time. However, it has not yet been ascertained whether or not the navy will make use of Armour-'5: facilities. In connection with the clientilc of the Research Foundation. it is of in- terest to note that since the concep- tion of foundation some two and one» half years ago, over 300 individuals, companies, and associations of manu» facturers have uti zed the services offered. These services include test- ing- of all types of equipment and l i original re earch in fields of phy~ sics, chemistry, x-rayn, high prer- sur and any number of other sub- Jut’ Many changes are being made in the. offices and laboratories of the foundation proper. A new reading room and library which will contain all types of testing and research standards and procedures is under- way. This material is made available through contributions received from the individual members of the board of directors of the foundation. In ad- dition to this, subscriptions to many technical journals. which include foreign publication, have been pur- chased. In the shell of the, old refrigera- tion laboratory, the research founda- tion have constructed a new combus» tion laboratory. The principle use of this laboratory at. the moment is in the testing of strikers. To aid in this, a 150 h. p. boiler was installed. ESTEIEAMSHQVEEL (Contiiiimd from page Iwo) they came up there for other things and it wasn’t tafl'y pulling. :1: 21K xi: Will NORM RlCE please bragging about how he goon out on dalezi Saturday nights and it costs him 241 canto surface (three fulll fares and one half fare). After all, we all can't go to one girl friend‘s quit only ' house for supper and then go to an- other’s to sit and pork for the rent of the evening (or can we?). the, Runner-up for absentaiiinded professor’s memorial cup is Prof. PERRY. After waiting~ for 15 min- utes for him to give the final exam to his dynamics class, Mr. KELLY had to call him up. “Oh. rig-ht, I’ll , icd. —l» a‘: be right over, n ht r1: ()llll. mime. depurlmciil: De MONEY lid/idles I/ie .\'.Y./l. put/roll (1/ school, mitt [IO/v} Iirla'. charge. [if the (tough from lhe rcrteiil play, “.lt)/H‘1l(’]/’.‘l I'4IIl(..H ill ‘I: 1'2 Professor Paul is more famous than you might; suspect. He is men- tioned as iraz'nu' into the crystal ball in the third stanza of the swing song, ‘I must See Annie Tonight." >5: Vt: Overheard outside the Dean’s of— fite on repistiatioii day last Friday: “What. subjects are, you taking this .wmest "I" Ingenious ieply: “last semestci s. .r » i ll'(thi—Oo~rizi»tio.’.’.’ l/l'hul's the ex— m'lcmciil, Ilml? Wily. (trains are a'iicr.’ ll lint.’.' [11‘ liter: “Yippcefl” Sin-Ia. Iel's give a cheer 1939 Tuesday. February 7. t: hump.» Crowned in Fight" learner/s With all but two bouts completed in the, ting, the seniors and fresh aic tied the The. seniors have three victories, and the of three remaining~ interclass boxing: and wrest- for honors in tourney. l'rush are also sure wins. The will be run off this week, and it" Will» man defeats Rehwuldt in the 175') lb. two bouts wrestling: division, the lrosh will take tourney honors. Five weight divisions were wrestled the. senior, proved to be. 1‘>1'(il‘i‘li.