Wednesday, May ll, I938 ltle llocles as {Zelda N. Central Wins l3— 12 After Shutting Out Armour l l—O l‘lJfl. TITLE THREATENED Leaving the N.I.C.C. title de- fense in a delicate situation, the Techawks fell before an eighth in— ning, eight run rally to lose 13-12 to a fighting North Central nine at Naperville last Saturday. It was the Cardinal’s second victory over Ar- mour in a week, having shut out the engineers 11-0 at Ogden Field last Tuesday. Although the entire game was played in a steady drizzle of rain, the Armour spirit was not easily daunted. By- the end of the first half of the eighth inning the Techawks had built up a 10-2 lead. Then came the Cardinal’s big inning. After one was out, Jimmy Dunne misjudged a curving liner, letting Hcilman on the base. Roche then dropped Bettinger’s looping fly in right field. After a weird combination of hits, wlalks, errors, and wild pitches the score was tied at ten all. Willie Kruse fanned the next two men to retard the rally. However, Armour came right back and scored two reassuring runs. Yursis Relieves. Kruse With one out Dunne knocked out his third single. A hard triple into center field by Wagner scored Dunne. Wagner sneaked home on a wild pitch. The prospect for more runs was increased when Seidenberg walked and Krause singled. A] Yursis then went in to pitch for the Tech nine, Kruse having moved to right field. He promptly walked Theilds, hit the next man, and gave lleyden a single, scoring Thcilds. On a play at the plate, Gazoustus was tagged out by Green. A hit by Gabe] brought in the tying run. After Yursis yielded another hit Kruse was called in on the mound with the bases loaded. As an over— ture to the sad turn of the game Will gace Hellman four balls, walk- ing in the winning run. Armour (:2) El North Ccntrnl (:an . H. E. Roche. 1f. 1 3 llllnydcn. lb. I2 "2 (I Dunno. 2h. 2 a ll'arllcr. ti. 2 2 0 Wm; ner so 3 1 0 (Label. cf. 1 3 (I Seidenherg,c c. l 2 (ll'l‘iel‘omhul, II. u l (I Krusc, p. l 3 lch mo , s. 2 3 2 Green, ll). 0 1 0| Bettinlzor 3h 1 l 1 Gcbel. 3h. 2 2 (llOEntcrlc. If I 2 (l Krnuse. cf. 0 I (ll Connor. 2 0 (l l Leonard. ll' 2 l ”in mustua. c 2 2 0 Yursis. p. (I 0 (ll'l‘hcilnls lb. 2 I l) 12 I7 3i [3 l7 4 R. H. E. A mm" 013 210 (102—12 17 3 North Central . .001 001 083 13 17 4 ARMOUR PH l LLI ES The North Central Cardinals met Armour last Wednesday on Ogden Field where they were shown by the Techawks how the game of baseball should not be played. This display included a demonstration of seven varied errors along with the weak- est batting seen in quite a while and an example of what the lack of spirit can do. A pair of singles was the best Coach Stenger’s men could do against the Cardinals who clouted the pill for fourteen hits, netting an 11 to 0 shutout. The Techawks’ first inning of de- fense was pitiful. Only nine men batted for North Central in the first inning- and scored four runs on three hits. Rally Again in Eighth The Cardinals were-held in com- parative check until the eighth in- ning, when the Naperville boys had a stroke of luck that enabled them to raise their score with five runs. It seemed that whatever the Tec- hawks did went against them. Des- perate attempts by Pacocha to pick men off base resulted in a pair of balks, something that is rare with Armour’s pitching staff. Four hits along with the usual errors brought the final score to eleven runs before the Cardinals were retired. BOX SCORE NORTH CENTRAL ARMOUR AB H AB H E fleyden 4 l 2 Dunno l 1 Parker 6 l I] Wagner 4 0 2i n c 4 2 0 Kruse 3 (I ll Tizfenthal 4 2 1 Krause 3 1 1 Hellman 5i 0 0 Ban h 2 0 ll Bettinlzur 5 3 0 Grc 3 l) 1 Ocswflc 5 1 0 Skehnstlom 2 (I 0 Coolie! l 1 ll Pucuc a 3 (J 0 Gllzauekns 4 1 1 Gebe 1 I) 0 ' 1 0 0 Gilbert 1 0 (ll — - —— RelIwnlllt 1 ll 0 d3 11 4 Scidcnbcrg 1 0 (ll 31 2 7l hip "loch; llllclilgao gtete lllest blectlve Ballmen Hope to Regain Prestige on Trip to Michigan Wl—l EATON HERE TODAY By Howard Col/lo Lansing, Michigan, will be the set- ting next Saturday afternoon when Armour Tech strives to recover in one game what it has been losing in the past three or four—namely, pres- tige. The game with Michigan State is only what the Techawks have been waiting for ever since they beat Mills and Chicago, but with last week’s “relaxation” preying on their minds, the game has gathered new aspect and moment. Michigan State Prominent Shutting out the Maroons placed Armour on the level with the best of the Big Ten, and Michigan State with its reputed strength (greater than most Conference teams may key up the squad even moreso than it was for Chicago and Mills. The squad plays Wheaten here today before leaving on its road trip. The ballmen leave tomorrow after— noon for Ypsilanti where they face the Michigan Normal nine on Friday. The squad then leaves for Lansing that night. Willard Kruse will be rested until then, when he will as— sume his greatest task of the season. Joe Pacocha will carry the mound burdens in the Ypsilanti game sup- ported by Tech’s infield of Green, Dunne, co-captain Wagner, Gebel, and co—captain Seidenberg behind the plate. @oll Team ln lhwll hemp over Alumni Ecllmel Shoots how ”78; lion Dockets "79 Armour’s varsity golf squad de- feated the alumni squad a week ago Saturday at Southmoor Country Club by a score of 18-12. Ralph Schmal, a sophomore co—op student from. Hammond Indiana, playing his first year on the squad, took low score honors when he shot a ’78 in the morning doubles. John Fox, a sophomore architect, playing in his first match on the squad, turned in a neat score of 79 ‘for honors in the afternoon singles. Captain Twick Davidson, senior architect, made a brilliant surprise victory over Wesley Miller of the alumni, who has been club champion at Southmoor Country Club for a number of years. Both John Fox and Melvin Korrell, a freshman, showed strong possibili- ties of championship material. Singles' John Fox (79) defeated Jack Sho ahan (85. 30: Ralph Schmnl (84) defeated :Irry Davidson (85! 2. - wic Davi. (83) defeated Wesley Miller (at) zl/é- V; . Don Sunde lost to Bil So v 2-1:(garl Malmfeldl (as) lost to s. Johannl- son , . Doubles: Sunde and Davidson lost In Miller and Zingham, defeated Johannison and Dev land on. 3-0: Fox an In! Mack ey defeated Richards and ham- han, 2V2- / Ehem Bowlers to Face Faculty Medley ‘l'cam As a special conclusion to the first Armour Bowling Congress the soph chems, recipients of first place hon- ors, will meet a team composed of several members of the faculty. The date of the match is as yet undeter- mined but will be sometime this week. The personnel of the faculty team __ is also to be decided, but according to Bill Chelgren, Professors Swine- ford, Peebles, and Huntly will be among those to see action. All ar- rangements for the match are in the hands of the intramural manager. The match will be played at the site of the tournament, 35th and Hal- sted. As a result of winning the tourna- ment, the soph chems will be award- ed the customary A.T.S.A. medal. It was only after much discussion at the last meeting that the board de- cided to give medals for the activity. The reason for the hesitancy in awarding the medals was the fear that the tournament was just a pass- ARMOUR TECH- NEWS Page Five ”PHOTO BY MEHR | NGER “Sammy” Bingham of Armour Tech, Relay fame takes a hurdle on Ogden Field’s runway while preparing for the Beloit Relays which were held last Friday night. He will be one of the team's hopes on Stagg Field Friday when the squad faces tough competition in Bradley Tech, and Saturday at the Elm- hurst Invitational. WWW Junior Week, the most concen— trated intramural week at Armour, and, incidentally, concentrated to three days this year, is also the busi- est intercolleaiate ‘3. - I.” ballmcn face Michigan State, tennis squad meets Purdue on the Midway Saturday, and Tech’s cendermcn face Bradley Friday and Elmhurst’s guests Saturday. Moreover, the golf team, netmon and ball club are due on the road for two or three games apiece. I? lb it A glance at the batting averages up to Saturday’s game with North Central showed Irv Seidenberg lead ing with a 542 average. Joe Pacocha had made the high total of 11 runs, although hitting only seven times and averaging 250. Kruse and Green had the only two-base hits, while Kruse at bat 28 times had never struck out, but was hitting only 179. 5h £1 44 Perhaps we shouldn't rub it in to the baseball squad for losing- three straight games, especially since these followed a 13 game streak. Never— theless, while the team is playing around, relaxing, or whatever, with their easy opponents, they’re losing their own N.I.C.C. title, a good name, and everything they are actually capable of winning. The main rea- son of course, is that all opponents are keyed up to beat the champs. ling fancy and wouldn’t become an important part of the intramural ac- tivities. However after being in- formed of the turnout and the inter- est arising from the tournament as a whole, the board readily awarded the medals. The recipients of the same are, Nicholas Natinchek, Rob~ erI: Carpenter, Joseph Grigas, John- ny Cultra and George Molitor. Averages of the Champions Soph Chems TIP, G. Ave. Carpenter . ...... . . .2516 15 167.7 Na tinchek ..... . 2409 15 160.9 Cultl‘a . . . .2411 15 161.7 Molitor . . 1389 9 154.3 Grig‘as ............ 1704 12 142.0 Alex Bingham has compiled an enviable record in the indoor and out- door meets of the season, thus far being high scorer in the Loyola and Elmhurst indoor meets. His performance in the indoor season wm. climaxed by his victory in the 70 yard dash of the Armour Relay“. This victory received an ova- tion matching only that of Chuck Fonolw, Wisconnln's outstanding miler at the Relays, and marked the Tenth Annual affair with. the first track win by Armour at its own Re- lay games. He set a new team record in the dash while winningI this event in 7.3 seconds. So far during the present outdoor season Bingham has been outstanding in the 100 yard dash and a consistent scorer in the broad jump. Having,r watched the tennis squad sweep away several opponents on the Midway, we thoroughly recom- mcnt all Vines and Perry fans to consider Tech’s own Swanson and Natinchek. Armour’s squad is also unique in that Captain Kubic, Ralph Wagner and Bob Lang-e are power— ful men for their positions. ll: ‘4: Xl< We've at last opened our eyes as to the golf squad-and so has the squad. Having made three dis- coveries last week in Ralph Schmall, John Fox and Melvin Korrell, they’re ready for a victory march while marching over the pastures of Southern Illinois and Indiana . . . The golf and tennis squads reversed the tables on the baseball team, and proved to be “winning squads.” Thus Armour’s entire sport front is rep- resented with the strongest. ‘rh =11 =l= Dick Vandckieft, high point man at several meets this spring, thus far has been the only outdoor record breaker. This he did in the discus thrown. Bradley, hovli'ever, should be strong enough to drawn out some of the track records the Techawks have been expecting from Steve Finnegan, Sammy Bingham and others. ‘1': >3 '4: We’ll have ring side facts on the Michigan State game next week, and will plan to bring back tidings of a great victory. We can say definite- ly that it has been done. —Howard Ceylon Tech lleloy ”loom lilomes in Second Al heloil lleluys Competing in Beloit’s second an« nual Relays last Friday night, Ar- mour’s track representatives were nosed out of any placing positions, but managed to score a total of 13% points. Tech’s two mile relay entry compiled most of these when it placed second in that event for 8 points. Captain Dunbar took a third in the 100 yard dash for Techs indi- vidual high of 3 points. Vandeldeft won fourth while heaving the shot for 2 points, and Dixon vaulted over the dimly flooded bar for a four way tie and “(1. points. Armour’s two mile relay team consisted of Deuter, Ryan, Platz and Finnegan, each running a half mile in that order. Sammy Bingham, who was also expected to gather points for A.I.T. in the 100 yard dash, took a bad start and was closely called out of second place in his afternoon heat. Grinnell won the Beloit Relays with 661/2 points, Lawrence placed second with 53, Coo third with 37, Beloit fourth with 29, and Illinois Wesleyan (fifth with 22. Netmen that (lot Sir. Vlulor lquud Win 7-0 litter ”lying Wheaten 3-3 Hitting their stride last Thursday, Armour’s racket men slashed their way to a decisive victory over St. Viator by shutting them out 7-0 at the Stagg Field courts. The victory was accomplished by sweeping the five singles and two double matches. All of the victories in the singles were achieved in straight sets. Nick Natinchek’s service was workng per- fectly with the result that he did not lose a service during the after- noon. Swanson Trims Nolan Ed Swanson proved to be back in his winning,r form by trimming J. Nolan 6—3, 6--1. Kubik showed his best form of the season in downing G. Perona, 6-3 and 6-1. Swanson and Natinchck combined their skills to defeat the number one doubles team of Nolan and Dover- any. The first set was won in a romp, 6-1, but the Techawks slack— oned on the second to win by 7‘5. The second doubles team of Lange and Wagner encountered some stub- born resistance from Driseoll and Foley who took the only set of the day for St. Viators. After dropping the first set 1-6, the Tech pair came back strongly and won the match by virtue of 6‘2 and 6~4 wins, enabling Armour to make a clean sweep of the meet, 7—0. Summary: Singles: Swanson (A) defeated Nelan (V) 6-3, 6-1; Natinchek (A) defeated Dovorany (V), 6—3, (L4; Kubik (A) defeated Perona (V) 6-3, 6-1; Lange (A) defeated Dris— coll (V) 8—6, 6—2; Wagner (A) defeated Foley (V) 6-3, 6—1.. Doubles: Swanson and Natinchek (A) defeated Nelan and Dovorany (V) 6-1, 7~5; Lange and Wagner (A) defeated Driscoll and Foley (V) 1—6, 6—2, 6-4. Lose Doubles to Wheaten After winning three out of four of the singles matches at Wheaton last Tuesday, the Tech netmen dropped both of the doubles matches and had to be content with a 3-3 tie. Ed Swanson, reinstated in number one position for the first time, met his first defeat of the season. Nick Natinchek, Joe Kubik, and Bob Lange experienced no great amount of difficulty in overcoming their opponents in straight sets. but Swanson didn’t show his usual form and found Fisher :1 little too tough, being defeated 3-6 and (5-8. Split Up Team—‘Loae! Due to the fact that the number one doubles combination of Notin— chek and Swanson were split up, Armour dropped both of the doubles matches. Natinchek and Kubik foufi‘htua hotlymontested match with Wheaten lows Willi lllmllursl‘ "lo loch lulled Captain Dunbar Scores High With 3 Firsls At Elmhurst ALSO) WlN DUAL COUNT Armour’s cindermcn in good form last Saturday came through to win‘ over Wheaton and Elmhurst in the annual triangular meet held at Elm—- burst. The score stood 119 for Ar— mour, 55 for Wheaten, and 45 for Elmhurst. The meet was also scored as a dual meet between Armour and Wheaton and here also the Techhawks came through 100 to 30. Dunbar Wins Three Events Victories in the 100 and 220 yard dashes, and the low hurdles gave Dunbar high scoring honors. Armour secured both firsts and seconds in the pole vault, shot put, half mile, high hurdles, and 100 yard dash. Covington, Cerovski, and Met thews combined to get 1. 2, and 3 in the quarter mile, while in the dual meet the Techawks swept three events and placed first and second in five others. Summaries (J N]; MILE RUN— —-Won by Vernon (E): utII (A) nccon(1,n (W) tlill I'd; 1:9: ' uncu lllcll3 (W) fourth; Oullmll (W) filth. Time- “(I 5YARD llUN—-W Won by Covinlzlon (A): 01‘ "will (A) second; Matthews (A) th lrd; Lllml)l)('ll4(W) fourth: Lienbcmcr (E) fifth. 100 YARD DAS} A—Wn rm by Dunbar (A) lllnuhum (A) second: Bolllc (E) third; Mc- Donald (DA/(J l'oulth; Itosubm k (E) iiftnl 120 lllGll llURlJlil} ——Won by Rutllcnhcrg (A) Elwood (AI IIucond: PY'HHHL‘ (E) third. Soiimzl‘rledl 7(2)”) [0 urtll; Vlekeru (W) (if till. 880 YARD qlllllle>Woll by Plot] (A): Rya an (A) set 'nnd. ShIIL-tlc (Ell hirul Deutcr (A) I‘nurih; Durlund (W) fifth. Timo— -2 011.9. 0 Yr” ASH—Won by unlm m‘ llohlc (E) [501.5(de McDo nald u(A) third: ltdoyor (E) fourth: Noles (W) ilfth.1'imc— TWO MILE hv P‘innc lam (A) SlllI‘lhOrn (EJU (lo—(107%? Dom-ml (W) thirld 11(l’y4llllW)1m"uH Faust (A) flit th. 'limc— : (l 2201.0W HURDLES-—Won by Dlmbllr (A); Rothcnhcrn: (A) and Prusllc (E) tied for lltllnd'llim ViIIlerII r(W) fourth: Rosobcck (E) I :2 SHOT l’UTw-Won by Vandekiei‘t (mm (A) so round: Gav Vl ( I third Reid (W) fourth;C Knievim (1") fifth. Dintancc~ 40 feet I incline. (A): POLE VAULT— Won by D. "('A) and dEI- wuud (A) Lie ,(‘MfidlI-Ihcr (W)n thi lI:l Dunkin W) fourth. C. fill (W) fifth. licight~10 feet () inchc (Ms DISCUS——Wun by Gavin (W); Vundekleft (A) second: Stellmnn (A) third: Bulmoll (A) th: Rclmcr (W) (Hill. Distance—«1 8 foot. .IAVELIN Won by Jonson (El: Clark (A) second; Reimor tilhr 1 S( Ihman (A) l'nurth: lleidcnrtiuh (A) fifth. Distance—43:1 feel mun JUMP»Won by Ln- (W): Vnmlckicft (A) and Youmz IEI tied for second: I-lciden- ruich . Rothenbcrl: (A). Ilnd c. Red (W) tied rm fourth. Heightwo feet I0 in at)“ BROAD .lUMPv—Won by Clark Lee (W) as ml; 0. Reid (WI third In) (mum sm rind (W) il.fth I)i.~4t:lnl“l~ LII.) fcut ll ,, RELAY: WoI lIy Armour (neuter. Matthews. Covinxton and :mI hurot second' Wheaten third (A): ’l‘lmew SPORTS SCHEDULE FOR WEEK Baseball Wheaten here today At Michigan Normal (Ypsilanti) Friday At Michigan State (Lansing) Saturday Golf At Illinois State Teachers today At Wabash College Thursday Tennit At St. Viators today At Indiana State Teachers Thursday Purdue here Saturday Track Bradley at Stagg Field Friday At Elmhurst Invitational Satur— day H. Mof‘fet and S. Moffet. The first set was dueced at 5-5 and the Whea‘ ton boys went on to win, 7-5. In the second set the two engineers staged a comeback and rallied to a 8-6 win, but faded out in the final set to lose, 3~6. Swanson and Lange tried hard to give Armour a win in the doubles and a victory in the meet, but were outplayed by Fisher and Cheesehrow, 6-4, 6-2. Summarv. ‘ er (\V‘. def. Iced Swans-m .. roll (I\\) dgfcnted H. ‘vlofi'vi ' HM fevslxvl “alto: . .smce (. \)\ (feigned Miller (“l Wolfe: ( \VI \ishe: and (is «Dulllilt‘fli H. (\lofict and S2 ‘dNnilnCl’lKk (.\ 6 (1:21“an (“)o o: s.