Tuesday, November 16, 1937 Senior Squads Press Undefeated Juniors as Touchhuii Finn! Nears F our Remaining Squads Battle to Reach Friday Final Coming into the . final week of touchball play are four teams, three from the senior class and one from the junior, the latter being the only undefeated team present. Although it was originally scheduled to have three teams playing this week, diffi— culties arose which brought about the present four team arrangement. ' On Wednesday at 2:10, the senior fire protects open hostilities for the week when they take on the junior chemo. Thursday morning will'find the senior mechs and schmiers clash- ing to reach the finals. If Fire Protects Lone If the fire protects lose, the juniors and the winner of the Thursday game will battle for the championship Fri- day morning. Should the juniors suc- cumb for the first time, however, on Wednesday, two of the three teams will draw another semifinal game, which with the final, will be sched— uled as soon as possible. A meeting of the four touchball captains, intramural manager Chalk grcn and director of athletics Schom“ mer was to have been held yesterday for the purpose of easing up the play in these final gamesu In view of the fact that several injuries have been inflicted in play, director Schommcr has decided to take action. New rulings were to remove in- jurious parts of the play. That punt- ing would be changed to a system of free kicking, whereby rushing and blocking kicks would be banned, was definitely decided last week. Block- ing was also to have been modified. Austinitea Lane to Soph Mocha The soph mechs took the field against the Austinitcs with a shore - age of players, but went on to practi- cally massacre the hapless Austinites, 26-6, last Monday. territory of the fire protects, once in each half. McIntyre and Downing, along with linemen Beardsley and Arcnds led to the breakdown of the chemical organi— zation. With the two red heads inter- cepting passes and the linemen inter- cepting runners, the sophs didn’t have a chance. The fire protects scored their first points after McIntyre had inter- cepted a pass and Dunbar had run the ball up to striking distance. Then Downing passed to McIntyre for the initial six points. Fire Protects Take 18-0 Lead In the second half Jim Sheoban started the seniors off by intercept- ing a pass. this time to Beardsley for a touch- down. As soon as the soph chems received the ball, McIntyre inter- cepted their pass, and then proceeded to pass to Drowning 'for the eighteenth point. The seniors resorted to running plays after a sizeable gain through a pass to Dunbar, and Downing: ran across the goal unscathed. Due to a poor kick by Carpenter, the seniors regained the ball near the goal line, and Dunbar passed to Lange for the last touchdown. , Junior Chemo Down Seniors At 1:00 o’clock last Wednesday there were two undefeated teams still left in the tournament. At two-thirty on the same day the junior chem team alone held this distinction. They earned the honor by downing their older brothers, the senior chemicals, 12 to 7. The game started with Rothonberg kicking a long high punt to Green who ran it back to the center of the field. It looked like an early score for the seniors, when they recovered a junior fumble on the five yard line, but their first pass was intercepted in goal by Adcszko of the juniors where he was promptly tagged for a touchback. The next play led ultim- ately to a touchdown for the juniors. A long pass, easily three-quarters Again Downing passed, ___ They scored a touchdown early in the first half when the West Siders fumbled the ball near their own goal. The sophs took the ball and on the of the field, sailed from Rothenherg to Krusc, who, on the next play, ran_ the ball to the one yard line. The ARMOUR TECH NEWS ‘ intramural Slovenian Set Date of Tourney With generous facilities being sup— plied by the mat and glove depart- ment, free lance boxers and wrestlers will actively participate in the annual school tourney, scheduled to open on November 29. Entries for the intra- mural affair will close tomorrow. This affair is strictly for novices since no man who has won any kind of award in these sports is allowed to participate in the tourney. All students have been invited to enter by the muscle department, which is hop- ing for price additions to the ring. Coach Weisman has extended the invitations by offering the use of all and any equipment which the school has at its disposal to those who wish to' get in condition for the tourney. W juniors completed their touchdown march when Kruse caught a short one from Adeszko, but they failed to make the extra point. Adding injury to insult the juniors again scored when the ball found Lyckberg kneel» ing in goal waiting for it. Senior Chem; Score By this time the ire of the seniors had been aroused, for in three plays from the next kickoli' they had scored. This was accomplished on a pass from Kubik to Marshall. These lads re- peated to score the extra point. The second half was chiefly a kick- ing duel with Rothenberg and Mar- shall as the leg«men, respectively for the juniors and seniors. The juniors felt none too secure with just a five point lead, while the seniors were striving vainly to overcome this mur- gin. Consequently, neither squad gave the other scoring opportunities. Es— pecially effective in preventing scmu ing were timely interceptions by both teams often breaking: up plays on the verge of touchdowns. \ Vthe A.T.S.A. board last Wednesday. opposing Morton Jr. College at Mor- SEMIFINAL TOUCHBALL STANDlNGS W L T TP 0? Ch.E. '39 . . .6 0 l 91 19 NLE. '38 . . .5 l l 123 20 GILE. ’38 . . .5 l l 114 24 F.P.E. '38 . .5 l l 107 24i Wrestlers Upon Against Morton Juniors to Help fluorite” Manager Three new intramural managers This Wednesday will be selected from the junior class to assist present manager Bill Chelv Armour-’3 mot artists will open grcn, It was decided at a meeting “I their 1937-38 campaign tomorrow, This system, whereby the best 0f ton and will close their season on these shall become the senior man- agcr next year, is the one used on a large scale by the universities. Preference in selecting the men will be toward students who are interested in athletics but are not on varsity teams. Only those men who turn in applications to Chelgren will be con- sidered for the positions. The duties of manager Chelgren have included contacting class and dc- partment leaders for intramural games. This has met difficulties which could have been overcome by the help of assistants. He has also had to referee and judge important class events and keep complete rec- ords of all games played. Relief for the intramural manager from a partrof these burdens will be the duties of the new men. The sys— tem will also make it easier when dis- covering a good intramural manager for the coming year. Rho Delis and Delta in Touchball Final Fighting- up to the final whistle, the Itho Delta Rho touchballers edged out the Sigma Alpha Mu Bantams last Tuesday by the score of 45—6, accord- ing to the latest recount. Dclts outweighed the Sammics 5 to 1, on the two-yard line. their foes to a from Dunbar was but the Bantams held March 9 against North Central, ac~ cording to the schedule just released. The schedule at present consists of 12 meets, six at home and six abroad. Other contacts have been made, and the team hopes to have additional meets. Coach Weisman has been sending his charges through some hard prac— tice sessions. With experienced men from last year and promising new candidates, the team looks forward toward compiling an even more on- viahle record than that of last year’s team. The schedule for the year: Nov. 17—-Morton-—-thcre. Nov. 22—De Kalb—41ers. Doc. Ill—«thatonm— horc. Jan. 10-——North Central—etherc. Jan. lfiflhawrencewherce Fch. 7—Morton—hcre. Feb. lZ—Lawrenccmthcrc. Feb. lib—Dc Kalb—there. Feb. 23~~Whoaton—thcro. March 9dNorth Centralw—horc. l March IBeriLthta-here. line, Tullgren recovering. The Delts’ first two passes were grounded, but The Rho the next was intercepted by Sassman The first pass, intercepted by six to six score for most of the first Scherer in mid—field, and a touchdown half, which was played in the day- resulted. The next points came after Mew that a flock of: good sophomores are Intyro intercepted a pass from Van-) (”1'6 there in the farming. These in- time. As night fell the Rho Drelts started their Rothcnberg to Seidenherg com- bination, and put Epstein to gallop- yard line. ‘ . Sigma Alpha Mu drOppcd the ball behind the goal,and;1$95 to be a cracking good player. resigned came up with the ball and a safety} Norkus, Johnson, inp: around end. soon gave up hope and themselves to their somewhat inevit- able defeat. Delta Tau Delta eliminated Phi Pi 14 Phi last Wednesday afternoon in a dokieft and ran to the Phi Pi ten The Phi Pi’s intcrcccptcd, Page Three fingers Queuing December First In less than two weeks the Tech- and it’s a strong and well-balanced team that will meet the Milwaukee Engineers in the Armory on Decem— ber first. A full schedule has been arranged including the Chicago game the Friday before Christmas and an exchange tilt with Detroit University here later on in the season. \hawks will open their 37—38 season, Coach Seen Big Year Coach Grant Stenger foresees a big year under his fighting Irish co. captains, O’Connell and O’Brien. Dif- ferent than in past seasons, the team boasts no individual stars, but 1). full lineup of steady, experienced men, including eight lettermen. Con- sequently the team promises to be a smooth and consistent unit, not de- pending on one or two men who may or may not be hot for a game. The new ruling eliminating center jumps except at the opening of halves and a few special instances, ' will make the game an even faster one using a larger number of play- ers. Twenty-fivelmcn are reporting for regular practice, making a large and strong reserve team. Plenty Reserves for Team Besides the two captains, Sheehan and Wagner, senior lettcrmen will be playing this season. Four junior letterincn have returned to the squad. ,Swanson’s red-topped six and a half feet, chrickson’s speed, and the ex- perience of Janicck and Kubicka will make the team a tough one to heat. With a look farther ahead than just this next year, it might be noted cludc Schcrer, who made his numer- als last year, and Weber, who prom— and Charlton with A pass to Tullgrcn gave the Deltsl‘~‘Xl"m"i‘mce from 1951? year are 9-11 six more points to brim: the score to to 0. Phi Pi Phi completed the scoring 1/1—6 battle which saw the ball travel on a pass from Larson to Dunbar over from one side to the other rapidly on the goal. The rest of the game con- intcrcepted passes. The Phi Pi’s sisted of running, plays because 01‘ the fumbled the kick