QMJOUJES .j-T... They wanted to interview New York city's ex’mayor, Jimmy Walker ——did two Brown University fresh- men. 50 they posed as reporters and stopped Walter and his wife, the for- mer Betty Compaon, as they were leaving the hotel: “Are you Jimmy Walker?" “Yes i" “We’re from the Brown D ily Her- ald," spouted the duo. “We'd like an interview." “Okcy,” the ex-mayor answered. “Make a statement," the rookie rc- portcrs suggested. while the Walkers stood and wondered. Jimmy was will- ing, however. ”On what ?" he asked. "Make a statement about Brown," suggested the freshmen. “0h, want about Brown, and departed. you can say anything you " smiled James J. The “wrong number" it'lophuuc [log Hm! fraternity boys somc’iimcs pull {lidn'I slap a Birmingham Soulhr’r‘u Folio/1o rot-d for long. S/Ic had to speak wilh hcr enamored our and that was all Ilmrv was to if. Whom. the frnl phonu rung, lhc fol— lows golhcmd around. The uuswcrcr wu-ognizcil 1hr l'v'mu/c voice and suid: “This is Ihr slum shop, nuulmu." “I'm sorry. Wrong uumhm',” Rho apologized and tried again. When Ihc boll rang the second Him}, a cheery voice oncwcrr : “Your prrssing xhop thM can, we do for you?" “Wrong number,” 31m mullcrcd and dink-d doggedly again. “This is John’s Funeral Home, who is. . . “W?” “Well then,” swapped the coed, “let me spcolc to a corpse named R. spcaking. L....c.’" .. “Yes, mu’um,” and the sludcnt be- hind the voice came to life. TABLE MANNERS ARE A PART OF THE BASKETBALL CURRICU— LUM AT MARQUETTE UNIVER- SITY. ON TRIPS AND IN PRI- VATE DINING ROOMS, COACH BILL CHANDLER ALLOWS HIS I—IUSKIES TO TAKE TURNS IN DOING SOMETHING WRONG AT THE DINNER TABLE SO THAT THE OTHERS MAY TUNE UP THEIR ETIQUETTE. A campus bank at Rutgers Univer— sity makes small loans to students at about onwthird the local rate of in- terest. It is run by undergraduates in the money and banking course for practical cxpcricncc. ln treating strawberries with car— bon dioxide, three experimenters at the University of Minnesota farm have found a way in lengthen their nah-able life. Famous for ”pulling: strinyss" while a student body president at Ohio Wes— leyan University. Charles Horim- is at. it again. He is now :1 member of a Marionette company. A rcccizf. crchaugc dinner at which 5’18 girls ale in Hu- mc‘n‘s dorms and 38 mm, ate a! the girl’s has met wilh dcmmulc for an encore by Si. Law— rence Uui‘om‘sily students. Phlegmatic, crunch, batulent, caca— phony, treachery, sap, jazz, plutocrat, gripe and plump arc the ten most un— pleasant words in the English lun— guagc, says the National Association of Teachers in Speech. Neil and Steele Knochcd vilified By Allmislic Antics of Humorous Heel Ecjoy and R. W. “Can I have a Hilcher and Gold- farb?" “Just a minute, I’ll look it up. No, it’s not listed." Tick-lbck (two minutes later.) “Miss Neil, have you The Sex Life of the Iroquois Indians by I-Iilcher and Goldfarb‘.’" “No, we haven't!" Tick-tick (two more minutes.) “Say, have you got Ililcher and Gold— farb‘s Studies in, I-Iumldifioatlou'!" “No! I wish you’d quit pestering me about non—existent books!’ Tick—tick (one minute and twenty- two seconds later). “Miss Neil, could I have a Hilch. . . ." “NON" (Three seconds later). Neil, do you suppose. . . ." “N0! WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS “Nu-ill. l?!;““...&’“. .. ." Tick-tick (ten minutes, ditto). “ . and another thing. . . . Come back, I’m not through yet!” “F’r goodness sake, ’71, I jus mauled to return a book. Musla been, sumpiu’ she ct.” Meanwhile, four floors above, Zazu, eternal altruist, kept up the good work. ”Yeah, sure Bert. Hilcher and Gold— farb‘s Outline of Busiucss Economics. The whole problem is worked out on page 64. Listen, Griesbach, you know me better than that. I wouldn't kid you." . “Okay, thanks. I'll go down and get it before someone beats me to it. So long, Zazu!” “Hnyeh, hnyeh! There’s one born every minute....lessee now, that makes KREIMAN, TI-IODOS, GROM- BACHER, KRUMBEIN, ..AND GRIESBACH. That’s twenty-one, twenty-two, hm, twenty-nine. Not bad! Oh, say, MASIN, here’s a swell reference for that humidification problem. It‘s “Oh, Miss Meanwhile, four floors below, Bert, the bewildered recipient 01' a brutal bum’s rush, dodged the last book, which, by the way, was not Hilchcr and Goldfarb. “Hmm.. . .Hilchcr and Guldfarb. . . .helluva name . . . . Zazu . . . .oh-oh- . .wise guy. . . .hmph.. Goldfarb . . . . hm . . . . say, I‘oner! C’merc” “Bzz, IJZZ. . . .Swell, there’s one burn every minute!" Tick-tick (More time. Four floors above). “Pardon me, Professor Swine- ford. Does Zazu have a class. here? I've a note for him from Miss Steele." “Yes, Hoyer, that fat-bead in the second row." “Oh-uh looks like they caught up with you this time, Zazu.” “It all comes back, don’t it, Zazu?” “Maybe she found a Hilcher and Goldfarb, Zazu. Better go and see!" “We'll miss you, Shtoonk." “Aw cut it out, guys. It ain’t fun— ny. Wonder how they found out. . . . some stool-pigeon musta. I’ll say it’s a frame-up. Tha hell, I’ll tell the truth. I’m not afraid. . ..gosh, won- der what she’ll say. . . .migbt as well go now before they get me.” Tick -tick (Time marches on). “G