MEMO-WWW , Tuesday, May is, I937 linen ”liaise Razed firefight Win in Fourth inch N. i... genderenoe ”Fido 'Wheaton Yields Victory In Northern lllinois Division TECH WINS 74 Armour (7) W'l-maton (4) AIL II. II A“. II. It. Lugullu, cf. 4 0 l Grosser, SB 3 0 0 Pncnchu, IL 2 I l Mcrrifl, II'. 'I (I ll Inzncr .5 2 Z’Dlehl. cf 4 0 0 Seidcnhcrmc. 3 I) 0 EIIIE. 3i) 4 2 I Krusc c. ”b 5 0 (| Earth. rt". 4 I l 4 l V Wool- SlIcwcli‘k.b r5. 4 I I mimzmn. 2b 4 l I roan, . 3 2 2 McDonald, 1: I o 1 ficbcl, .‘Ih. 4 l I) chrman ! 2 l 0 Johnson, 11. Z 0 0 Totals {II B 7 Tolalfi 30 5 II Armour .......... 202 002 010—-7 Wheaten ..... . . . .030 001 GOO—~4- Downing a strong nine from Whea- ton last Wednesday 7-4, the Tech nine hung,’ up their fourth straight win and clinched their division championship. So far this year they have been un— defeated against teams from this group. Getting only eight hits oii‘ Whea~ ton's pitcher, Johnson, the Techawks took advantage of every opening to bring in scores. Kruse’s stellar pitch- ing held his opponents to five hits, al~ lowing only four runs to come in against him. Tech Scores Early Scoring began early when Logullo walked and Wagner singled, both of them scoring on a wild throw by the Wheaton catcher, McDonald. The Tech team went scoreless in the sec- ond while the Wheaton ball team staged a rally which was quellcd only after three runs crossed the plate. Ellis started the ball rolling when he went to first on an infield fiy. Earth was safe on a fielder’s choice but was later caught off third. Woolmington singled and McDonald went to first, being hit by a pitched ball. With the sacks loaded, Veerman scored two runs on his hunt on which he was safe because of Donne’s error. Mc- Donald scorcd later when a fast hall got by Scidenberg. Two More for Armour Retaliating, the Tech team scored a pair in the third. Wagner, with a terrific triple to center, scored Paco- cha who walked. Wagner later scored on Seidenbel‘g’s sacrifice. In the sixth, the Techawk’s brought the tally to six runs when Pacocha singled with two on. Showchuk opened with a single over first, Green walked, and both streaked for home on Pacocha’s single. The Wheaton nine pulled in their last score when Ellis drove a triple in deep center and came home on Barth’s single to right. With the aid of a trio of errors in the eighth, the Armour nine brought the tally to its final score, seven runs. Shewchuck was safe on an error but was later tagged ofi‘ second. Green made first on an error by Ellis. Gebel singled over second and Logullo sine gled on a bad throw to first. The final run scored when Green came around on Pacocha’s sacrifice. Wheaten Rally Fails A desperate strive by Wheaton in the last half of the ninth went for nil. Woolmington reached first on an er— ror but got no further. McDonald fanned and Veerman grounded out. Johnson watched three pitches whiz by, thus retiring the side. Tennis Team in Win (liver @ards Last Wednesday the tennis team brought in another North Central scalp 4 to 3 when the latter came here to open the Tech home season. Three of Armour’s points came from wins in the singles while the decid- ing one came in when they split the doubles. Swanson came through with a two set Win over Groom, 6—1, 6—4, but Hoser in turn evened up matters for North Central by outhitting Natin- chek 6-3, 62. The visitors took a short lived lead when Eksteron brought in his three set victory over Boehme 6-3, 1-6, 6-4. Kubic evened up matters for Armour with his 7—5, 6-4 win, and Wagner’s victory over Shissler gave Tech a 3 to 2 lead. With a split in the doubles the score moved to its final standing at 4-3. Frat" Softball la Taken by Helm Last Tuesday Delta Tau Delta brought the inter~frat softball tour- ncy to a close by overrunning the Rho Delts 1943. Scherer of the Delts pitched a noteworthy game, his blinding speed and extraordinary control allowing only nine hits, five of which were in the eighth and ninth, when the score showed there was no need {or hear- ing down. The Dclts scored two ions in the fist, a double by Engeltnaler scor— ing Bacci who had singled, and Engelthaler coming home on a two- bagger by Street. Two more were scored in the third, While the Rho Delta didn’t chalk one up until the fourth when Scidenberg and Ruthen- berg grouped two doubles for a run. McIntyre of the Delts connected witha homer in the fifth with one man on base, while six more runs were garnered in the sixth and sev‘ enth. Scherer was still mystifying the Rho Delts with a fast ball that broke just in front of the plate with a terrific hook. By the eightn tning‘s were pretty much the Delts’ way with a nine run lead, and both teams be- gan to relax, consequently looser ball was played from here on, the Rho Delts letting six runs get through them in the ninth. MARGARET HUT‘I’ON —free-5tylo and hack—stroke champion and famous for her record-breaking perform- ancee as a pal gnu- r—has mnoked Camels since I935. FINAL EMM3 AIMEE-“ME Charlie Getchell, ’40, says: “When I’m plug— ging away at studies, ll like to enjoy Camels steadily. I’m all for Cam- els-they never iangle my nerves." ARMOUR TECH NEWS Finnegan Sweeps Pentathlon Event with gfiflg Point?» Siteve Finneg‘an, track flash of the c class, swept through the field of four other letteimen to win the pentathlon with 3008 points. His ncaIest competitors, Dcuter, Ryan, and Rothenberg, followed with 2627, 2605, and 2603, respectively. . Of the non-lettcrmen who com~l petcd, Tullgrcn was high with 2268, closely followed by Bodnai, 2218, Neal 5 score of last year by 33 pointa,i whexeas McDonald‘s win 112st ycar for: place for this win ’5 lettcrmcn. his points in the half mile event, rounding the track three times in 2 .08. 9. third aftez another terval. [ Steve (lid the broad jump at 19 feet 8% inches, for another first. His nearest rival was Braun in the non I letter division who fell short by onlyi 2% inches. Simeon was second for) the lettermen with 19 {cut 1 inch. Rothenberg was the flashiest in the 100 yard dash in the lettermen’ s divi- sion, when he hit the tape in 10.9) seconds. Biaun, running,r in thc othci b1ackct, burnt up the track in thcl same time. The 100 yard low hurdles saw Tull» men taking first with a speedy 171 seconds. In the highs, Rothcnberg, checked in first 14.7 seconds after the. gun, and Finnegan was second. JANE FAUMTZ MANfiME started smoking Camels 2 years ago. This Chicago girl's superb diving form won her National and Olympic honors. WE Wfii‘l the Olympic diving crown! Marshall Wayne, high diver,says: “I enjoy a Camel when» ever I want. Camels don’t get on my nerves — they’re mild!” 199 we we, ~ 7:11:11 , . fiat» :111 Jim Simeon W Ins High Jump For 'li'ech’s Lone connected at last. against Wheaten last Wednesday th';1 Tech nine clinched the Northern Illi» nois Conference title. and number six 1'01 the season. is again. t the thiec losses they have Braun, 2140 and Kruse, 2060 ane'[mcn So far they have downed Dc gan’s high of 3008 exceeded Don Kalb once Ccnt1al Their losses came in theii opening: the non- Jetter men was above s"w”“d'1253111115 with Chicago, and tho mid-Heu- Hon loss to the Little Nineteen leadeis. Finnegan leaped in a good deal of i DeKulh Ryan finished second with an include a home a'amc l‘iiday with three second lag, and Deuter came in Wheaton, and one at Iakc Fun-st on three second in., Saturday. when he failed to get a hit in the Wheaton game. 1 in cvcry previous contest played this season. however, Wagner and Dunne, who urday (11‘ this week the track tcam will biimr an end to its outdoor sched- ulc. scheduled to meet Wilson and on Sat« urduy they close at Loyola. JOSEPHINE MIDKIWI —lIuIds records In both sprint and distance free- utylc events. Camels have been her favorite clga~ I'ette for 3 years now. Wildl- A championship nine! Yes, we've With their win Running; undc ideal conditions at Peoria against an excellent squad from Biadlcy Tech, the Techawks 1'vll viclin182 to 113, Saturday, May 8. Got- ting firsts in every event except the high jump, the Bradlcyians wcnt into an early lead which they continually added to as the meet progresncd. Englcthorn, star spilntcr for the home team, had little trouble in win- nine his events, romping home in the excellent time of L9 in the century, and coming: in in :ZZI) in the 220. An— , other member of the home team Whose performance was outstanding was Bare, who came thlough with wins in the shot put, discus and javalin, bu— nirlcs taking- 11 third in the high jump. Faust and Deutcr trailed Berry of Bradley in the mile, while Zweil‘cl ol' the home squad just managed to nose out Ryan in the home stretch. In the century Englcthorn showed his heels to Dunbar with his 19.9. Bradley continued its sweep with its wins in the low and hiirh hurdles. the 220 yard dash, the half mile, and the two mile to conclude the track It was thcii (omlli con .9 utivc win, This N01 th and Wheaton once. Elmhu1st twice twice, Next week’s baseball schedule will 1 . 1 Krusc finally broke his streak He had hit safely In his place have come up, ihave hit safely in cveiy game ex- events. They continued in the field iccpt the Heason s opener. events, whilc Armour proved quite .1 1. ,,». consistent in taking seconds and Mary Dilation Restaurant 3258 Princeton Ave. Menu changed daily. Home cook— ing. Complete steak or chop dinners, 351:. With meets on ‘chncsday and Sat- On the former day they are . 1 S ocial 301: d' or (Continued on page four) F 111111 | Page Three Bradley Tech Swamps flimonrfl‘nefi Team 8243; Wins .23? (Glut of .M i__r_sM thirds. Simeon's easy win in the high jump was the Tech squad’s only vic‘ tory. SUMMARIES MILE RUN—Won by Ilcrly (8.:1 Faust (A) Hccond, Dculor (A) Il.IlrI.l Tina—J: 4.1.9 .110 YARD “UN—«Won Itynn IA.) sclwolul Timo— l1 lwcil‘cl (3.) “Finnegan (IL) third IIH) YARD DASH—Won by IinL'h-lhurn (B): r (IL) III-cum]. Vim Scoyc (3.) . Time—J ..Il YARD HIGH HURI)LES—Won l1y Mor- IIIIII (IL): otlIImlIerI! (A.)'1Ie1:ond, Sun- dcm (IL) third. 'I'i InlL‘-—- 1. YARD RUN—W11“ by McLauKl’Ilin (IL): I'I‘ian-Imn (A.) second. chifel (3.) third. "1e—2:11/1.1' YARD DASH—Won by Englethnrn (IL); DuIIIIIII (1L) Hurond, Timu— TWI) MILE RUN-“Won by I'Iucttc (IL), IicrrLy (I3) second, Faust (A.) third. ‘--:II 1‘ l) 220 YARD LOW HUItDIJt S—WIIII mm ( .); )unlmr (IL) “ccondv hcrn (IL) thrill. 'Iimemz 7.2. SHUT PUT—Won IIy Bun: (IL): (An)L uncrond. nullllflllllmll (IL) ---41 In at I0 inches. "Hill”h JUMP—Won by Simeon (A): Vande- ‘It (A) scc,oml re (IL) third. Di»— IIinct—fi feel 9 inCIIeII. POLE VAULT—Won by Olsen (IL): Eraun I) XII" tied for wound. IIBIKht—IO for! (i Inclllm. .lAVIHJN— Won by IIan- (IL): Bcnuchump (I!) second, Stclunun -(A.) (llird. Dlslamc —IH ('11 rt 10 iIIoII‘l ~Wo III 120 11110 220 by M11 r. flotlicn . Vandckicl'l third. Dim IIISFI by “are (II): . Vnndckiolt (A.) tlllril. I27 l'ccl llIlUAl) JUMP—Wan VIIn Haley (3.); "r-lmrn (Ii. ) second. Sllnunn (A. ) third. II-‘(nncu—Zl foot 6 Inc CIH'H Miller (3.) Distance—- Til-IE BOULEVARD CAFE 3100 5. Michigan Ave. Tel. Victory 9351 11 ' vi.“ to Try Our Spec 11.111 M1111 111111 Chicken or 51:11:11.“ Steak 11.1211 Vin Iluttcr with lrcnch Fried Potatocn 3 11ml (rlllt' Slaw. ltmliMIII-S,Sc11lllon, nrrml and butter for on y After 57:0" 1’. M. Lune Iii-on 201-. DOROTHV POVNYON HILL LENIIIRE MIGHT WINGAIID ' —1hc forcmoot woman free» csoaam cmamnn 5, ,c 5M,“ 1d,. world‘s records, 16 national once. Camels have been Iwr cigarette for 4 years. er —- —-madc Olympic lilsIory In herspeci.1cul.1rspring« board (living victory in 1932. ShchccamchameI smoke:- that some year Copyright, 11131. a. Myuonis Willi? 'l'l‘lEfiE AWE iiiifihliilllmfi $1!le Dorothy Paynton Hill speaking: “I‘m always in training. I prefer Camels for their mild- ness. They never jangle my nerves. I can enjoy smoking as often as I wish. Another advan- tage of smoking Camels is the invigorating ‘lift’ they give me when I’m tired.” is part of the game. For —pcr1‘rc, medc beauty-«the Queen of the 33—foot plat- Iorm dlvcvvbccame a {an over 2| your 111:0. L011 Angelou incomparable Came 1.. bacon company. Winston-Salem. N c. Lenore Kiglal IVngrIWJ—onc of the greatest woman athletes of our times-adds this: “I really get fun out of swimming. Hard work foul years I ve been a Camel fan. Camels help me enjoy my food no matter how tired or strained I may be. I’ve found Camels do not irritate my throat.” Camels are made iron: finer, amiss EXPENSNE resumes “Turkish and We. mitotic-u than any other popular brand.