"wee Two ARMOUR TECH NEWS Tuesday, May 4, 1927 AMOUK. Tech News richer and more enduring by injecting the spirit v: ‘ ‘ n Student Publication of the of tradition and achievement into the student The Slipstick l The Steam Shovel l l wither aampg’gggg ARMOUR lNSTlTUTE or TECHNOLOGY body. Cleave to the Slipsfick; let mm) W t N p CHICAGO, iLLlNOls Class organizations should focus school spirit. the slapstick fly when. it, may. ' ' ‘4. it": ”l" “ l3ubllSlled Weekly During; the College year Tradition can be served by the graduating class WW ’ “m . . v Cullen-e people Casting about for loin Member 1037 leaving some sort of marker. For example, the To preserve nonch'ilance whie jobs are, hereby advised to cross the l DSSOClGled Collegiate Press class of 1907 left the stone bench now in the reading trig column ju“ light up a 33:132er ”listlessionalt'balllootii .Wéfiww . , . . _ " _ ’ ‘ ' ‘1' prospec we is s , .. .. ,, 3mg“, Comes. in Um“ he" southeast corner of Ogden ‘Field. ‘ Mlllmll. Butts are so easy to find (perhaps only campus politicians A .. A suggestion that the senior class consider pre- C1115 time of year. would qualify anywav). ‘ __ . , .. .- , . u ._ , « IL[)lTl)li‘rlill\rli‘1hB%AllBirl car ‘[1 ors: low oft gave we of the good oys, w o ‘ J ‘ ‘ r ‘ Last week an article was submitted for publication. ‘, ’ . ‘ '1: r1] 1 'k‘l t tlc ~- k ' l ., a Mn”, do”. if ' , a ‘ . _ mcncna y at. L( on \ two 5, . ‘ , lily‘iiliintklit. B'irtu'iclt. w. E It. concerning the Honorable Jefferson Cnfl'ery, ambassador lcclion 1 "9 " imam "f pm double helpings. 'Pdiainount icccnlly changed the . Johnson, .I. n. K: '0. P. K Hl‘i. c. Kov. ,' to Cuba, who S We before the student body on Thurs, ' ' ~ ., , _ title on a story from ”You Can't: Meyer. 1:. ,i, Morrison, N. thmchck. n. lcriy. P _ F i. il- :5 W' ,, _ y , s. s. slim-mm day, April 22. This article was chected, not because Modern irls a!” ll . . t ' d‘ ‘ Prof Smurf»! befimw his: “film", m. Reason advanced is that it ,. film” ll,"()5miu" it was poorly written, but because the editors were cvi- g f L ”L. an 0 m '0'“ . " "I . ’ ” "’I , WWI‘I 100k l’l'etll’ 9515‘ 011 a marquee _ i. 4 ' ._. , dentlv just too afraid to print it »—»you get better reception after the Min. on. clecwtcal theory to the Jlllllo’)‘ coupled with: BANK NIGHT “YOU BUSINESS DEPARTMENT ' ‘ ‘ ’ Cur has stopped. F I’. l'}. Imilrlli'ng equipment class CAN’T VVINyn m: Manager . it. 13. inn-man The Armour Tech News, “student publication," owes __ will do more “harm llznu damage " I m m ““’“'“‘““"‘ 'S “m' R: l_‘ “mm“? it to the student body as a whole to print pertinent in~ H d J ' i m w ' _ ' _ n, 5 formation on any subject concerning the Institute. G ow 0°“ ”.6 K“_b°“ Play the _ . ' All” dlmlm” Stories are a spec- . I biohn.» 5 _ Previously all speakers have been favorably introduced, Suldthl')“: 11Twmi; sinlulluntgously?! Armour1 Stories are beg-inning: to mlty of'Jacob G. Lipman, dean of Vol. XIX. MAY 4’ 1937 N0. 11 and their Efllld qualities strongly brought out by both cc . "3 t. winder of the 'world {wonder wiy N. Kendall, Navt‘to you. the agricultural college at Ringer-5 v the presiding oil'icer of the assembly and the prowrites performed m WINTERSET ‘0‘ lkceps loafing- “"0““‘1 the V‘C‘ml-V ”l UlllvefsilY- in one he gave recent- A A I‘ll A P ident in thc Armour Tech News. We do not advocate the marrow night!I .. the Rt. istrai"s Oil‘icc. It must be ly in New York, be redefined per- Ctuc. y lf'eS‘ . _ publishing- of any unfavorable personal qualities, but ‘ ‘ the . tin-(l of clicking typewriters sour. connected with higher educa- NGXt Friday morning, StUdentS W1“ “ml; the” when a representative of the United States has such a We know of one gal Wh” was cuiod that; fascinates lllm' “0‘“ . ‘ . . ' - l ' A ' ' . ’ :5 t. .. H w . , - . . ., ballots for the offices of first vice—preSIdent. sec— “far from enViable record" as Mr. Calliary has made in ‘3‘ that “It“: 'l‘m‘k habit 0i (.0ny m- l l l A proftssm—C'asts imitation 0nd vice—president and secretary of the Armour performing: the duties of a diplomat, we feel that it is lutmg ‘m ‘ sound mi“ each word About We Weeks can. Mark Dam Pearl” before ”all SWIM- " i - A“ l ‘. ' All ,. d t‘ 1- . only fair that some cognizance be made of such facts, “he spoke. nis made a date {or June 11! Some A dean—Not smart enough to be “- lech Student ssocmtion. stu en {5 are e igi— The Miro“ in refusing to print mi“ amok show “m Male (over phone): “Hang, mfg” boy, Mark; in. too bad we a“ aren’t a tirelessor but too smart to be t. , ., . i , . ‘ u . . ' ble to VOLe' ‘ _ they are far too reactionary for a supposedly unbiased on; l- “Wh I’h‘ll ' , , lmm yo‘“ cargergrzsidfntfi d , The A- T- 5- A- Willi iol'merly called the A- T- student newspaper. It is the duty of the editors to print ”t”! '01.?” .V 1 mp, when did you, it. .1. .- be a Puller/:11»: :1: gen egougb to q A. A., Armour Tech Athletic Association. The both sides of every question, contrary to the practice gLMahligi(‘l‘Jtiet a little while ‘w'o an “The trouble with you l'ellowfiy" dean.” I u on gun to be a name was changed last year when the student which prevails amour: the large daily newspapers. but how about u date tonight kidl What lectured Prof. Woll'c to his ji'.‘ chem. 1t“ Alumnus~0ne who holds the 1 . ’d ‘h‘ 1' A T § A < . 1. fm what icason (lid the editors fodow such piactice . . , 7.. . ’ Juice class, ”is that you don’t shave preuident and facult . ‘bl f boty flglec t ‘1’ ' . ’_‘ ‘ ' was mple appropii- in this case? Will the editors continue to be overly» ‘1” you ‘domg.’ m Often enough.” However. “Duke” m I f u fy rifionm 9 °' ate since the assomation has adVIsory powers cautious in judging any future news? 6“]: Nm'thm' Evanofl‘ the only bearded thing in amt??? u 0Ie 00: a beam. i. . .. . -“‘.~, .._. . - . ' ' . ’ mine“ he was; -s ’g 1. over all school activ1ties, and aside from the Perhaps those students who attended an Armour as— mil/iii]? (m‘h’ ”(MN m“ I didnt the class, was reading): “The Tin mama about endowmenlsl'd m t amounts allotted to the class treasurieg and publi. sembly for the first time have gained an erroneous im- ‘ a a: M Eercd Man," in Argosy. Wasted .5. ,,.. 4, '1' , . .-' -. ‘ .. -‘ , _ ‘~’V'- ‘.l n , - , cations. administers the funds dcrlved from the 3:37:33“ 'Fdefifiiifidb?bulrmlvigii:fligmn'l‘qiilnliiitifn :1"; scoop: NEXT WEEK'S LUCKY £0” 5" W31” _____ _ _ Jo bleak the tonsioiilbefpre a re. , student activity fee. Behind the namc change ' ., . _ , BITES HIT PARADE! him: was wrinkled and in hei ‘l’lil‘lll’lg 0?“ “mm““t‘m‘v 1* M1911“ UmVC‘“ . . . ' ' the New Republic will make clear that the conduct at 3 M , . . 1 . bl h , . Sitv professor ioshed the boy: a “'38 the belief that StUdOHlS Wlth abilities “Gt the assembly was due to the type of speaker presented. ‘ 0:20“ Brmlilthe. Flypaper, S‘s" glfdfiyes l1: fie was an “Velma“ 0f little. After putssinfr out Lhe ‘qiues necessarily athletic should also be considered for l Qliotinu‘ the April tenth issue of The Nation: 2 {llllv dint? IllamlmlJZiifll'ii: P‘ljd'l'f‘ :bL 11153:; 151;):311L3; LTIZEEKHSEL tions he said: 5 i . . ' s : ,u' o .e . > r . '. , :J '. . ,. executive positions. When you vote Friday, remember that the Will-la far from enviable record. As Minister to Colombia MN'TV'G“-Rouiitl. when “‘0 you noinu‘ to learn to in- Please take 17h“... tln‘ce sent if“: i nei' of the first vice-presidency race will be presi— 1 be wat- involved in the 13am, 0;; mm. sion. A. Chief 3. She Broke My lit-art, So I Broke hale?" in lira-mm rdwfl" v r -‘ (114‘ dent of the A. T. S. A. in his senior year. An A. T. S. A, president should have personality, sincer— ity, ability, and leadership, Consider the candi- dates and role saiiely. Class Tradition “The prospect, of J(‘fft‘l'st)n ('Iail‘ery being: named as .Ambassuilor to Brazil is an alarming: one. Gallery has of the Division of Latin American Affairs in the State ‘Departmcnt he played an important role in the over- [turn of Mat-hallo and the establishment of the Batista idit'tutorfihip in (Tuba. As Ambassador to (‘Liba he has thrown his full support to Batista as against the demo- ciatic government. Ills: appointment to Brazil would be par :ii'ly unfortunate in View of the fact that the :lnnuvdcl' ed tria‘s of Luiz (‘arloc Pirates and Arthur Revolution, Her Father Owns a nut in opiavei'inp,~ falsctto: “Mother, “Gentlemen, this examination will be conducted on the honor ll L‘ r .I a w . ‘ m .t. 4. We Feed the Children Garlic, So, Don't be satisfied with a substi- Wo Can Find Them in the Dark. l Niel Afik fl” “‘8 original “WIN- 'i‘ ’l' V“ “TERSET" ticlxcl! ODE! 01m! ODI‘J, IT'S .lll'Fl’M l LII/Io Willie we,” for ,/ ail-(If : “i wish we'd get a few shipwrecked (by Hm 454)],(l1'Hl win/tun flu”; iHailors washed ashore,” mused the [.ilflc llr’lllir had 1);; mg mg cannibal chief. “What I need 1..- a Tampa, Flu.——(ACI’) . “Fall in love early and often," is the advice Prof. C. A. Morley, an unmarried professor of psychology at the Uni» vci'slty of Tampa, gave his coeduca- tional class. “Don’t worry about bust~ups,” he Senior students nearing graduation are often Ewart have now been lac-trim. . . . A loss quilr' charming “ml guy, i 1:00“ (We 0? Hill my “new... mad twining for - - " - ' w '- ‘ v . t:"- i, . . , y , a ., . .t- -... . . .' a .. tOO prone to feel that a college is a factory turn.“ And 1101“ ll“ New R tin of Prince Albert. Parker, FPE. log. The Pi Kappa And EaSEbal’I‘ his classmates rated Mentions. The havc also pledged R Y N“ vlin'r The baseball teams of all houses Junior Life judgment was a bust for I , Smoke 20 fragrant pipefploaf , . . .. have been swattin the ball‘ a few . . ‘ -h . maumvme FAMOUS Prince Albert. you danceind ("l-0P ,4] and D W lluvw‘ (7% g ’ most oi the class, althoug Kliphardt AR MA THE COOL it the mellowest tastiest pipe . ' l ' i ‘ " games have been played but the April did get a First Mention He claims 0 "‘ ’ y b ' k d . up. 42. * ' ‘ SMOOTH SMOKING— ° 3““ 3’0“ 9”" Sm" e . “3‘ , Fraternity Open House Social events are being;r planned in a big way. Fraternity open house on Tuesday night of Junior Week will feature radio dances at all houses. Let it be stated brie that stage will be frowned upon at all houses. “Red" residing: down to Nichols, the sti y I’hi Dell at the Dell. hous joui'nied the old alma malt-r at the ,y of Missouri last work—rind. .‘ moored five fait- ones with l and enjoy a night of dancing. him; ll must have been a great week- end. Rho Delt Afiair Entertainment and movie; the feature of the annual Parcnts’ alfair at the Rho Delt HOL re (in May 16. Max Zar. Bing (Ti-mbv impi'cs sario, is in charge of practice for the House Dancer, A rtdio dance at the Phi Pi llousc last Saturday night lll’OHEht out a gay CIOWd. The Phi Kapp Sonic] Farewell Party is scheduled for May 21. The TX put on an in 'irmal p‘rty last Saturday evcmn (lanc'njz cards, and other pastin were on» joyed. The Pi Kapps are also plan- ning a Senior Farewell dance as soon as the honored guests can t: i'antei' that they will be elsewhere next yeai. this paper is issued some thirty-odd fellows will [mow the llullll’ of the time that they spent working day and night on, their Cinema Lobby/s. With paragraph one filled with “things to come” the column goes to “things completed” and finds that . . . the freshmen have finished their nine~week problem and Robinson now has a First Mention. did almost as well and received a Mention commended while several of Sauerman showers are bothersome. The Phi Kapp circus day skit is rounding into shape; with the bellow» ing capabilities of Brinkman, they are sure of being: heard on tho field. Some Phi Kapps were guests of their Alpha Pi Chapter at the U. of (l. last week. that he works harder than anyone in the school and who are we to call him a liar? It has always been assumed that architecture was of prime import— ance in the lives of the fellows in the department, but when Moseley slicks his hair, cleans his nails, and then picks up what was obviously a big box of candy and marches out to the tune of whistles and catcalls we have , our doubts about the importance of l, architecture. ART GUM. l Remember the fraternity open house, Tuesday evening, May 11. An urgent invitation is extcndcd to all Tecbawks to bring their fair ones They (Ill low/11rd when I sill (llllllll to llm lllll’lw, lint (cum («line In their (it/('Sv—v’lllhd'll. i picked it up 11ml lair-[Ml SUI in. Ilw will and chill]; Income. Qmilu 1.111;” Will : “Whul flu: Hclll Il'u fun. In new my (ll/llUII‘v‘f‘Zl’lu it. it .5. do: i I‘Ioulfli, Course in, vain. AND THA'I’S ME, Pythagorns. The little child was sittingsr murely on the couch. watching: her: mother smoke a cigarette. Her littlcl it. (If, them. I had not ill/Mil llir' I’m-II, “Young: people should welcome lo‘vcrs’ quarrels. There, should be no remorse, because quarrels are nec‘ c "ry to trot experience for 22 Sue- cc. l'ul marriage later. The more experience one has in love, the less likely he is to be burned.” WHAT IN THE YEP ~- EVEN iF tT , WORLD Is THAT ’lHlNG JUDGE? DON’ TELL ME IT’S A PIPE .' YOU SEE, "THE INDlANS USED ' MANY OBJECTS AS PATTERNS . FOR "THEIR PIPES— 'THlS PlPE WAS CARVED BY SOME INDIAN WHO WAS HIGHLY ' IMPRESSED BY ASTEAMBOAT FRENCE ALBERT monar- BACK GUARANTEE turn the pocket tin with the rest of the tobacco in it to us at any time within a month from this date, and we will refund full purchase price, plus postage. (Signed) R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston- Salem, North Carolina. THAT MAKE PRINCE ALBERT THE WORLD'S MOST POPULAR ‘ pipefuls of fragrant V tobaccoineveryilwoz.