Page Two Armour Tech News Student Publication of the ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Published Weekly During the College Year I936 Member 1W7 associated Colleoiote Dress «new» '28? Single Copies, 10 Cents Each ,_.._._..-—- Judging Ability —Via Personnel Route A tremendous demand for qualified college men by industry is on its way. At least, this is the report made in a current executives’ periodical by Mr. Edmond F. Wright. The article shows em— ployers how they may find college graduates who will stick, and gives a few simple rules for gaug- ing the ability and character of the men they ’fimldlfhéilll may seek to hire. Mr. Wright’s pointers are: “1, Eliminate any prejudice you may have against the ‘collegiate’ attitude; 2, Don’t give him the ‘school of hard knocks’ gag; 3, Don't be too critical of the pros— pective employee’s dress; 4, Test the candidate for effective thinking; 5, Having arrived at a rough estimate of the candidate’s I. Q., test him «I» no Per Year EDITORIAL BOARD Lundrith 13. Park Co-Eliitorsfin-Chicf , Dusk Editor ,. Make-up Editor Fentu n» Editor Col um n fists Literary Editor , M. Lubcr, .1. Ken. is. Renders , R. George. A ,'.t I . , _ ‘ . “Tm“: iu'ih. o. Bodkin. T. w . r _ for ‘0. Q.,' his gumption quotient; 6. Test for Now» Reportnrii L Bu’n. IL Burtusek. W. Erlckslzn, (1 Fri. 1. c. Mum. .1, n. Keane. 1’. Kosovski. c. Kiiyaclk. contributions to extra—curmcular interests; 7, I'. ”hilly. ii if Vilfiinilfk M°W°"‘ N' NM'MM' R‘ ”m' Find out, if you can, what his immediate group S""’$i. lib-'5“... c. Toil‘ll'f'z’i'vfé’flfiufi: lif’llirégllfi?’k“l' thinks of him: 8. Test for personality; 9. Test for ‘# M‘fl selfldiscipline; 10, Place at least one responsi- _Smm'uI§-_ K: $332313 bility on the candidate in whom you are inter- .M. _Luber ested." Er'mn’ Since employers are being advised to consider No. 10 these factors in prospective employees, they are excellent points for the student to keep in mind. Wanted—A New Emblem Quotable Quotes In search for an emblem or a sticker that will “No great civilization ever has developed immediately signify Armour Tech whenever seen, leisure and lived. There are few, if any indica- the A,T.S.A. is sponsoring a sticker design con— tions, that America will be an exception. Given test. It is hoped that designs will be presented leisure, man will go to sleep——that is, he will let which will incorporate youthful expression and down, get soft, become an onlooker, cease to be originality. vigorous and thus lose initiative.” New York Almost every college and university has an University’s Dr. Jay E. Nash, professor of educa— emblem which immediately identifies the school tlon, belleV?S America W1“ perish 1f 1100019 don ‘3 when it is seen. To date Armour has featured a 3010” hObbles- _ standard unexpressive sticker. “There are two broad avenues to follow—the Show your installth Techawks, and enter the avenue of escape and the avenue of fulfillment. COHteSt now. The time is short——May 13 is the The man who follows the avenue of escape does deadline for submiSSiOn of designs. Student ideas not come to terms with life at all. He either loses are wanted for the design of this new sticker. himself in activities feverish but unsubstantial, The design 068d “0t be elaborate 111“ it ShOUId or falls into lethargy. Those choosing this path Signify ViVid action. are not real adults.” Cocooncd-adults take a spur- Begin thinking about your design and submit ring from Pres. Harry M. Wriston of Brown Uni- your entry soon. versity. BUSINESS DFPARTMENT Advertising Manager . Arlvurtlsini' Assistants Circulation Manager Circulation Assistants R. b. Kohn, H. P. Kuaatzky. R K. Sm Vol. XIX. APRIL 27. 1937 I There will be a radio dance at the ‘ house Tuesday of Junior Week with every one welcome. We take pleasure in announcing the pledging of: George Frost, Cl1.E. '39. WW i Frotemii‘y Notes W PHI KAPPA SIGMA I The Phi Kap ping pong team wusl again victorious over the Theta Xil team last Thursday night in thc‘ match held at the Delta Tau Delta house. This brings the team one round nearer to the trophy. Plans are being formulated for the annual Senior Farewell Party to be held May 9 at a place yet undeter- __.._.._....__—— RHO DELTA RHO Congratulations to Brother Sorkin on his winning of third prize in tho Upsilon, honorary chemical engineer- ing fraternity, and to Brother Miner on his winning of third prize in the A.S.M.E. student competition at the This week's column is the individ— ual opinion on anything of every fel- low who is now conscious of the fact _ ‘ ' that he is behind the eight ball and mined. The annual picnic is to be hclIlI recent; Middle West convention. May 23 at Lake Geneva. The house has been engaged in practice soft ball games with other houses on the campus for the past two weeks. well, a charette is a chuictte . . . Round the room from left to right they say: I. HUBOIS, “I have started my project two weeks earlier than usual. The Slipstick Cleave to the slipsticlc; let the slapstick fly where it may. ARMOUR TECH NEWS Warren threiber, looking up at the goose swaying above him at Phil Smidt’a, “Boy, l hope that bird isn’t alive.” II: is ill Carmen Basile had his first date last week and according to “Swede" Carlson he had beginner’s luck. ’l: ’l‘ 3.: After failing to screr up enough courage in a half hour wait to enter the Art. Institute, Francis X. Popper (male) went home, only to return for a similar vigil in front of the Rialto~but his nerve failed again. Tuesday, April 27, I937 How many things a woman can carry in her purse has long been a subject of conversation among college men. Now the males at the University of Wisconsin have a Ripley addition to this type of bull-sessioning. >l= >l: 1%! QUOTE SOBOLIK ON MONDAY MORNING: “AH, WHAT A NIGHT“ (WHILE GAZING AT THE CEILING.) Around Washington By Marvin Cox (A.CIP. Correspondent! Washington, D. C.«Gctting a bill introduced in Congress is one of the easiest things in the world to uccom» plish. Draft your bill, persuade some Congressman to drop it in the hopper, and there you are. Securing action on a bill after it is introduced is somethingr else again. Around 20,000 individual bills were introduced in the lust Congress, but only a small fraction of them were acted upon. So, while the American Youth Con- gress experienced little difficulty in having: the American Youth Act in ti-oduccd in the House and Senate, they are having some trouble in hav‘ ing‘ hearings before a committee. And, naturally LI. hill appropriating $500,000,000 for the advancement of youth will require a number of hear- ings before it is favorably reported to the Congress for passage. The Youth Congress in order to speed action on the bill is, therefore, adopting a course long since found effective by later unions, utilities, and other groups seeking legislation which is favorable to them. Local and regional Youth Congress groups and each of the 3,000 individuals who made the Youth Pilgrimage to Wash- ington in February have received sample letters and telegrams with which to bombard their Senators and Representatives. It seems that a coed lost her hand bag at one of these night—clubs out~ side of Madison. She didn’t notice the loss until returning to her soror~ lty house after the date. Instead of fussing around and driv- lng' out to the club the next day, she decided to wait until the following Saturday, when she had a date to go there again. At the check—room, she asked if anyone had found her bag. Several were brought out. Could she identify hers by the contents? “Why, yes,” answered the coed. “mine has a pair of pajamas in it!" 01 ll: ’1! By cutting; the shells of hens’ eggs and gluing a small glass pane over the hole with petroleum jelly, ex- perimenters, under the direction of Dr. Howard Kcrnkamp, of the Uni— versity of Minnesota’s farm, can watch the actual growth of baby chicks while in the shell. 1k 1l= )II The atomic theory is not new. It was advocated two tlwiwwrid years ago by li'piom'us, the Grog/c philosopher, and Lucretius, the Latin poet, say Iwo professors at the University of Michigan. III )1! Having a girl during spring quar- ter, calculates a math wizard at the University of Minnesota, is equiva- lent to cariying 10 extra hours, for which you get some credit but no honor points. American Youth Congress is adopt— ing this time honored practice to get its legislation across. However, your Washington agent predicts that the Youth Act will not pass at this session of Congress. ’Less you take this too seriously let This legislative game of having the folks “back home" write to the Con- gressmen is an old trick, and some- times highly efi'cctive. And the me hasten to add that I picked the New York Giants to win the World Series. Growth rings on baby teeth have been discovered by Di‘. Isaac Schoor, of the college of dentistry at the University of Illinois. These rings. he states, show a relationship to the child's age. London, Eng.~—(ACP)——Thcrc is no mystery about the Indian ascetics who walk through fire; they simply have tough feet. So said Prof. J. C. Fluizel, of the University of London, in regard to experiments recently conducted by that institution’s Coun— cil for Psychological Investigation. Glowing red embers were thrown into a trench 25 feet long and 5 feet wide. The temperature of the smok- ing lane was about seven times and oncdlalf as hot as boiling water, or 740 degrees Centigrade. Even Ahmed Hussein, a 23—yearv old Moslem fire—walker sulfei‘ed burned feet. The amateurs who walked through the ashes were burned in varying; degrees. “My feet seemed to sink into the flowing; ashes," said A. J. Bould, a university student, “and some red- hot Cinders stuck painfully to the sides of my feet. It was not too had.” “I didn’t feel much heat," said R. Aclcock, the son of an asbestos man- ufacturer. “My father is an asbes~ ton manufacturer. Perhaps asbestos runs in the blood." 1: lb ll| A TEN—FOOT HIND LIME OF THE GIANT DINOSAUR DIPLOv DOCUS CAN BE SEEN AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN’S MUSEUM. IT MUST HAVE BEEN TOUGH ON THE CAVE MAN, TO HAVE TO CARRY AROUND THE HIND LEG OF A DIPLODOCUS FOR. GOOD LUCK! >11 ‘ri: lit A poor man’s fraternity, Pi Alpha. Sigma, has been organized at Syra- cuse University. Their Initiation fee is typical of their desire to keep ex- penses down to an absolute minimum; only $2.75 is charged. In this, its first year, it; has the highest frater- nity scholarship record ever made on the campus. I will also aS‘ En lish.” ' p“ b g .. _ , Pl KAPPA PHI i w 2. Bradt, The Depanteis Piotec- We play our first baseball game Good morning Gentle Reader, 3. m. the Association, Bradt President, next week, and the fellows feel sure still challenges all comers, even Mr. that if we keep up with the good Loebl.” work being done on the practice field, 3- Four vacant boards (Spring and we can give the other teams a good the girls). run for their money. We are also 4. Mike, “I had it first. Litwin." uying to rustle up a golf team, and 5, Ostermam, “Get the 11...] out of if it is possible to build Hoffman to. the per player he was in his pro grammar school day, we may have a chance in the tournament. A new atmosphere of quiet is being “ noticed around here lately, especially 1 have dropsey— since we received those inspiring bul- here.” 6. Lake, “Architects must union— ize, me as President. Get the black- jack.” 7. KUBICKA, just dropped trig. Krathwohl.” though they are nice, there’s no use 8. ART GUM, “I'll git this thing in letting them go any further. done yet." 9. Goldsmith. (Sorry, not quot-1.:- ble.II 10~ Bouland, u1 want free beer by visits from two prominent alumni, L N. Fitts, President of the Western 11. WAGNER, “I’ll tell ya later, Division and Hugh Shields, Comp- I gotta think.” troller of the Central Ofiice. ' 12 Street “I’m up a blind alley y, Baseball has become the sport of 13‘ DAVIS, “Yes Mr Mell U ' the day as warmups for the baseball ' ’ ' ' ' tournament begins. The track and 14‘ Wi‘ki“5°“v “Today I have a golf teams are getting into condition 1’13“” for the Interfraternity Meet. Over the bridge to the junior room. The new officers took over their 1. SCHEEL, “Charette is h—l." duties this week. We hope they do as ’2. Pelz, “My mind is full of well as their predecessors. esoteric vagaries.” Phil Robinson’s two one-act plays, 3. Lander, “Joe Wagner's grouch coupled with “Dixie" Duncan's “takes gets me too.” DELTA TAU DELTA. and wider sidewalks." Love to Professor letins from the office. After all, even ' , smart looking. The Shelter was honored this week off" of Gypsy Rose Lee, account for. 2 u. For theuaamt few weeks we have exposed you to the ravinga of the now defunct Pyldhazorunrwe have injected Morfecn into your systems and to call: your wounds we also gave you Ecjay. Today we nail your coffin, I am proud in presenting—“ME. (ZAZU) Heard at the FP-‘s‘nman Dance: “1 love you. But in an impersonal way.” “Bore me, simp. Why, how could you? I wasn’t listening!" “What, again, Daisy, Aw Gee, this is the third time tonight " “Dat’s my English Prof. Ain’t he I like him the most on account of he learns me more than all the rest do.“ Reporter—I’ve got a perfect news story. Editor~—How come? Man bit dog? Slave—N0, a bull threw a Profes— SOI‘. a. 1.: 3.: Once there was at. Scatchman who was so close—Jhat he got his face slapped. ‘ol: #5 ‘4 Nurse——I think he’s regaining con- sciousness, doctor, hc just tried to blow the foam off his medicine. 4. Parks, “I'll have a raw egg in the grins on the Delt’s faces this week.;' mine.” 5. Woolsey, “It"l—lcarst' me to say TRIANGLE this, but down with the press.” The fellows are preparing for the Bits about ’cmS FISCHER and baseball season with a practice game. HRACHOVSKY are now stonewarv- Delta Tau Delta we hope will be the Mg and fwd it rather strenuous . . . victims. LAKE can be taken down . . . SCHEEL is an expert pianist and our ping pong team lost to Delta Tau lave SKUBIC lessons in harmony Delta by a score of 2 to 0. i The Class of ’37 is home in bed. Ilence this vacant silence ( ...... I. Same with the freshmen. And now Saturday: Wally Hock gave a very the same for ’ ART GUM. who asked and some that did not. Milwaukee beer tastes better ac. :ording to the boys who went there glowing recommendation to all those Before closing let me add that the present bunch of fresh have yet to show anys sign of possessing a sense of humor . . . O Yeahll Well, if you wanna show me why doncha drop some contribs in the News Box. Despite the fine play of Dave Dahl THES 15 A CHALLENGE” >1: st: The call of Spring is lurking Beneath yon skies of blue; I do not feel like working, In fact, I never do, And that’s ZAZU. i SMOKING THE BFHDE. -6ROO WAS EVIDENTLY THE INDIAN WAV OF BEGINNING A PEACEFUL, H UNION APPY Is EASY ON THE TON 100! so PIPEFULS TIN! g: an ‘10? ‘ MI: STEP UP, MEN, FOR COOL— , SMOOTHv-TASTV PIPE ‘ SMOKING. PRINCE ALBERT AND ON THE PDCKETBOOK > THE BIG POCKET pipefulo of fragrant tobacco in . . ; every Z-oz. tin of Prince Albert 1v: .. . , , . , / M PIPE ‘ A MIEI , TOO. 1T SUITS PRINCE ALBERT MQNEY- RACK GUARANTEE Smoke 20 fragrant pipefulo of Prince Albert. If you don't find it the: mellowast, tastiest pipe tobacco you ever smoked. re- turn the pocket tin with the rest of the tobacco in it to us at any time within a month from this date, and we will refund full purchase price, plus postage. (Signed) R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston- Salem, North Carolina. GUE. IN WELL, JUDGE, M‘l SINGLE STEM PIPE AND PRINCE dbl—BEE? ARE PEACEFUL COMBINATION ME TO A T J THAT GOES FOR ME TOO. RA. Is ‘CRIMP CUT’ AND THE ‘BITE’ IS TAKEN OUT