Tuesday, January 19, I937 dillfdllh debit lb httdlllb dilllll‘fl ill llftllt Milli Tecbawl: Personals Cut Down Strength of Team FINAL “EAL”, 35-23 In an intense battle, which held the Macomb loyalists thrilled to the last minutes of the game, Western State Teachers outscored Armour, 35-28, when the chhawks invaded Macomb, Illinois, last Friday night. Five men were driven from the game because of personal fouls, The fouls led Armour to dilficulty when O’Connell forced himself out of the game at the end of the half, and More dealt his fourth personal during the second period. Both Heike and Wagner left in the last two min- utes of the battle. Although Tech took the opening point the Western Leathernecks gained possession of the ball for a long rally. Play centered about the Teachers? goal, Armour losing its chances at every gain of the ball. Hughes, Stewart, Stearns and Hen- derson led the scoring to a maximum lead of sixteen points against two Tech freethrows. Heike Leads Heike led, as Armour changed conditions, with a free throw and a neat hook shot. Merz sank a long, and Wagner dribbled deep into the corner to pass to O’Brien for a set- up. With the score at 16~10, a time- out slowed down the play, but Wag- ner broke loose again to loop an Ar- mour basket with one hand. Hender- son retaliated with a long, and Carey with a free throw. Western’s score stayed at 19, but a side shot by O’Brien and a one hand toss by Heike closed the half at 19-16. The second period opened in a mad light for the offense which sent the crowd into hysteria. The ball oscil- lated from end to end, O’Brien and Henrikson snatching the possession several times. Merz worked one in to Heike who cinched the first score of the half. Henderson fouled and Shukes sank the resulting free toss, ARMOUR TECH NEWS | errant/ass morons The winning interclass swimming team. Reading Vandekieft. C. D. Pierson, C. D. Parks, R. A. Winblad, V. Svagdis, and R. A. Dodge. by Mchrinucr Photo from left to right: R. N. FIVE CHAMPIONS NAMED AS BOXING TOURNEY CLOSES Final bouts in the intra-mural boxing tournament were fought on Jan. 11, and five new school cham- pions were acclaimed. In the 133 pound class Allegretti out-slugged Fowler to be proclaimed champion. Both men were punching fast with Allegretti concentrating on body punches. They loosed a number of round house punches that failed to connect, but Fowler took advantage of an opening and dropped Allegretti for a count of one, and then Tony came back to drop Fowler for a count of five. The bout ended soon after with the decision going to Allegretti. The EaccioLittle fracas in the 147 pound class kept the spectators alive and roaring. Bacci started a whirlwind attack that kept Little backing away. In the second round Bacci‘ continued his wild man tactics and gave Little no chance to use the right that he kept cocked and ready for action. A unanimous decision gave the bout and championship to rBacci. The heavyweight bout be- tween Palonis and Hock was another that kept the spectators on their toes. Both men fought fast for the first two rounds, both throwing: lofts which seemed to connect at the same time. Hock seemed to have the bet—l Pill KAPS, SQPHS TAKE bth’l‘S ill Sltllllllll/llltlll ll’lbb'l‘ With one of the most decisive vic- tories that have ever been turned in in the intro-mural swimming meets, the Phi Kaps walked away with the cup by taking first place in every one of the events, along with three seconds and a third. Behind the Phi Kaps, who amassed a total of forty— eight points, came the Phi Pi’s with ten points. Third and fourth were the Rho Belts and the Pi Kaps, with eight and four points respectively. In the other division, the inter— class, the sophomores piled up a to- tal of thirteen points by winning both of the events run off. The son. ions and freshmen tied for second place, each having six points. Especially impressive of the per- formances turned in by the swim‘ mers was that of l-lavlicek of the Phi Kaps. In easily winning both of his events, the 100 yard and the 200 yard crawls, he far out-dis- tanced the field, especially in the lat— ter event, when he came in with forty—four seconds to spare. Other l’hi Kaps whose performances made such a decisive victory possible were L. Downing, in the back—stroke. and Maxant in the breaststroke, each taking easy firsts in his respective events. tcr of the third round when he land- ed a few solid rights to the head. The decision was close and the judges couldn’t agree at first. Palonis was finally awarded the bout and championship. Page Three formal Application ’Will Be Sent to Little Nineteen Association Soon Although Armour Tech was elect- ed into the “Little Nineteen” at the meeting of the “Little Nineteen" Conference last December, official membership will not be realized un- til a formal written application has been sent in and approved by the membership committee. As a result, no Techawk teams will compete during this school year in conference competition. Next fall, however, will see our teams in of— rficial conference competition and eligible for the championships which can be won. No championship team is selected in baseball or basketball except such as the newspapers may declare. However, in cross-country, outdoor and indoor truck, tennis, golf, and swimming meets are held by the conference, and champion- ships and medals are awarded. Wrestling and fencing are also con— sidered for conference competition. Minot Enter Three Sports Nothing definite has been decid- ed yet as to what sports Armour will compete in, but it is likely that most, if not all of the above named com- petitions will have Armour as a pal" ticipant. To retain membership in the conference it is necessary that a school compete in at least three sports. A feature of conference member- ship which may receive widespread approval is the eligibility rules which must be observed. Each contestant must be carrying at least 12 credit hours of college work per week, he— sides having received credit in this amount of work the previous semes- ter. Each player’s scholastic stand~ ingihas to be ascertained periodical- ly to show that he is passing in his studies. Work above passing for less than 12 credit hours makes a man in- eligible until the next scholastic re- port which may be within a week, fortnight, or month. In the eighth semester of college, it is. only neces- sary that enough subjects for grad- uation be carried. Fresh Ineligible No competition allowed after the eighth semester and in no more than four seasons of competition for one sport. Since freshmen are ineligible, this latter is only possible if a man leaves the school for a semester and then returns to his original school. One year’s residence is required for eligibility. Participation in but one contest constitutes competition in a season. The same eligibility rules pertain- ing to amateur-ism apply to the Little Nineteen as prevail in general in all amateur competition. The only im- portant exception, however, is that “summer baseball" may be played in leagues other than those of organ- ized baseball. mm: THE BOULEVARD CAFE 3100 S. Mlclliiznn Ave. Tel. Victory 9354 Invites You to Try Our Special llnll' Milk ch Chicken or Sirloin Steak Fried in Butter with French Fried Potatoes an no Slow, ltmliuhrs, Sculllun. 35 brood and hu'tcr l'or only . ..... l: After 8:00 P. M.. Lunches BEG ASSIGNMENTS (régbt) don’t seem so hard with Camels! For Camels case the strain, stimulate digestion, and add to your sense of well-being. Make Camels a regular part of your dining. Get a "lift" in energy with a Camel-— which momentarily tied the score. Carey edged ahead with a free toss, and Stewart sank another to raise the lead. Armour worked the ball in to the basket, but in the bit- ter excitement, failed to sink a dozen tries. Score Becomes Close The score edged to 26—22 before Merz was forced to leave the game.i Western gained three more points and Armour followed with three. Stewart tipped a basket in and Shee- han compensated with a long. Wag-i ner gave Armour its last point a min- ute before recovery became appar- ently impossible. A foul by Wagner and one by Heike put them out of the game in the last minute and gave Western, State its last two points. High scores were taken by Stew— art of Western with 15, and Heike, who carried 9. BOX SCORE Armour (23) 1 West. St. Touch. (35) ll). F l B. F. P they never get on your nerves, or tire your taste. ALLAMEREGAN uocuEr STAR. Phil La Batle (below), says: “Good digestion and healthy nerves are ‘muscs' in this game. I smoke Camels w‘for digestion’s sake'—— and because Camels never get on my nerves." a. manual“ Mime Cnmvnny. Winnwnsninm. N. o. Digestion often needs Camel’s aid. tool FTEN during a hard, tiring day, smokers pause to get a "lift” in energy with a Camel. And at mealtimes, Camels offer a helping hand to good digestion. They help you, to enjoy your food more. And Camels increase the flow of digestive fluids—- alkaline digestive fluids—“so vital to a sense of well- being. Make every meal more restfulwmore pleasant ——by smoking Camels. With their matchlcss mild- ness, Camels are better for steady smoking. sill my ~ ,. i, p f Heike. r. 3 3' Iliflughcs, r. 'l 2 é . , O'Brien. r. 2 l llBarclift. r. l o 1 CIA” llil Afififislws Still. (right), erz, c. l 0 4| arey, . o a l ,, ,, . . Kubicka. c. o o DlSteurns, f. 2 2 1 Pat Patton tackles a blazmg onl- Henrik'n. g. 1 0 OlHendci-son. r. l 1 4 . . (lg/zinger. t; l a ascewm. g 6 3 1 welluqmckly gets the inferno under 7 ’ ll . 0 y '. 0 0 0 Shulc’e‘ge g o 3 oiciliimian. g. 1 o 1 control. “Even after that I can tuck Sh h , 1 0 0 ___. . elm?" g o o oi 12 u 12 awayaheartymeal—provxdedIhave ’ 9 10 ii plenty of Camels handy,” says “Pat,” enjoying a hasty bite (above). "Smok- ing Camels helps keep my digestion in proper trim. I smoke mighty oft- en. And Camels don’t get on my nerves!” Fresh Quintet Loses to For College 50-36 Armour's freshman basketball ‘, team suffered its second defeat of ' the season when they were turned back by the Fox Secretarial college 50 to 36, last December 18. The fresh were outclassed by the long and tricky hook shots of the Fox quintet. After a rough hard—fought ‘ first half the Tech team was trailing 29 to 20. During the second half the fresh were unable to keep up the pace set by the Fox team, and fall—i ing behind while their opponentsi continually forged ahead, the froshi found the score 50 to 36 against them when the final whistle blew. o MEN'S NEW SMASEI it“?! “Jack Gakie's College" Incoressible Jack Dakie sthis bass: Also Benny Goodman'smSw-iug Band. George Sioll's Concert Ora chcsmx. Hollywood comedians and singing stars—rind special collar: mlcml Evczy Tuesday night—9:30 . .T.. 8:3!) pm C. S.T., :50 \ pm insert. 6:30 pm 115:1. are: ' " WAS C—Columbis Network.