l l a l i x i i fin. T. H. Watts and F. J. Hoidenrcich Prof. Herbert Bolton, of the University of California's History de- partment, (believes he has solved the cutting classes. his preceding lecture. problem of keeping his students from He offers a daily prize for the best limerick summarizing Dr. Chester S. Maxey, Whitma recently asked his class why four p ence on their respective subjects. T one girl, gave good anwers. The were no such books. 11 College political science professor, articular books were good for refer, he entire class. with the exception of girl received the best mark. There It seems that Leap Year has failed its purpose according to the poll taken by the Indiana Daily Student. will not propose marriage, regardle boys, even through this year. The odors of lemon and coffee are used by Columbia University diag— nosticians to determine the location of brain tumors. Whittier College athletes, tired of a hum-drum existence, have started taking tap—dancing in a regular course oil’ei-ed by the college. We ap~ prove of such a move if they furnish . 3. Ginger Rogers with each and every class ticket. There war a big fire in the worn- en's dormitory ot the Lou Angolan Junior College that was found to be caused by a cigarette. A» there in no amoking allowed in the dorms—— the afiicial report reads “cause-d by cigarette which blow in window.” Not content with being the only coed in the University of. Pittsburg’s School of Engineering, Miss Lois Joyce plans to take an M. D. degree and combine medicine and engineer- ing. She feels that because doctors today use many kinds of electrical apparatus, knowledge of electrical en- gineering will be useful. Al. the University of California it is now possible for a. student to insure himself against being called on in class. The student asked to recite is entitled to damages of twenty-five cents. No longer will we be prejudiced against cabbage because of its board- ing-house odor—«that is, if Prof. Charles H. Myers of Cornell is right in stating that in. two years odorless cabbage, discovered at Cornell a few months ago, can be profitably pro- duced commercially. University of Miami marine zool» ogy students make regular weekly exploration trips up and down the Florida coast hunting for new forms of ocean life. All the students are equipped with (living helmets and use the ocean bottom for their classroom and laboratory. Personality of dates at M. I. T. as shown by “It machine" determines ticket price. The power of the girl’s magnetic moment (personality) will be determined by the number of lights lit on the “machine” when she passes between the powerful condensers at the door. “The students of today are incap~ able of entertaining radical ideas be- cause of their disinteresr in the prob- lems which communists and social- ists do all the spouting about," says Dean Wm. F. Zimmermann of Mid- land college. fihess Club Appoints N. Climber President New officers were elected by the Armour Chess Club at a meeting held last Wednesday in Chapin Hall. The men chosen were N. Gerber, presi- dent; A. Rune, vice-president; E. Seven out of ten coeds confess that they as of the circumstances. It's your job, F numerous. '1 Sweet smoking pi110,‘ bright, glowing stove, Companion still of my rum-m1, Thou dost my gloomy thoughts rc- . more, And purge my brain with gentle heal. x 1 Tobacco, charmer of my mind, When, like the matcor’s transient gleam, Thy submarine gone in air I find, l I think, aloe, my life’s the some! What else but lighted duel um I? Thou shew’ct me what my fate will be; And when lily sinking ashes die, I learn that I rum-l 13ml lilac thee. Anon. E ’F 111 SIC TRANSIT Just a mile Hm! I found on my table, 31/ the bills: of a your buried o’er, In a, feminine? hand and requesting My presence for tennis at four. Half remorscful for leaving it lying In surroundings unworthy (is those, I carefully dusted and smoothed il, And mutely bogged pardon of Roma. But I llwzwhl with a smile of (he prooerb Which says you may {real (Hi you will lThe case which has once contained roses, Their imyrmwc will cling to it still. ‘ For the writer I scarcely remember, The occasion hm; vanished afu/r, And the fragrance that clings to the lcllcr ‘ Recalls an Havana cigar. i W. B. ANDERSON [ 2 $4 41‘ MY CIGARETTE My pauvre petite, ‘ My little sweet, l Why do you cry? Why this small tear, So pure and clear, In each blue eye? “My cigarettee— I’m smoking yet?” (I’ll be discreet) I toss it, see, Away from me Into the street. You see I do All things for you. Come, let us sup. (But, oh, what joy To be that boy Who picked it up.) TOM HALL ‘L’ ”ll In Lord Byron’s The Island, Caw to ii, Stanza, 19, we find these lines: Sublime tobacco! which, from test to west Cheers the law’s labor or the Turlo mom’s rest; Which. ou the Moslem’s ottoman di— Koehler, secretary; and B. Vlilhelm, video treasurer. Prof. B. Goetz is the club His hours, and rivals opiums and his sponsor. The retiring president is '08 A. Majercik, a senior ‘ ' I ' in ’ ’, but less The last meet of the year will find ground, the Armour Chess Team meeting Wright Junior College next Friday evening at the Chicago Chess and Checker Club, 155 North Clark street. Though not less lei/cal on the Strand; Divine in. hoolcas, glorious in a pipe, When tipped with amber, mellow, in Wtzpfylng l Honor Cyclesw (Continued from page one) who led the senior class in scholar- ship, was a member of the follow« ing honor societies: Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma, and Sphinx. He also was a class officer, Student Honor Mar- shal, and on the managing boards of both the News and Engineer, Harry R. Dollenmaier participated In class athletics and politics, was co- captain of the basketball team, and a member of Honor “A" and Eta Kappa Nu. Rodger G. Knaus was president of the Honor “A" society, captain of the swimming team, mem- ber of Eta Kappa Nu, and an assist. ant Junior Marshal. John 0. Lar- son was class president and rush leader, an Honor Marshal, Sports Editor of the News, 145 lb. wrestling champion, president of Tau Beta Pi, and also a member of Black Knight, Sphinx, and Chi Epsilon. Howard I’. Milleville was comp~ troller of the Engineer and manager of' the swimming team. He was a member of Alpha Chi Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, and Phi Lambda Upsilon; an Honor Marshal and student pub- licity director. Donald J. Neal was president of A.T.A.A., a track star, member of Honor “A" and Salaman- der, and active in class athletics and as a class officer. Raymond A. Peterson was presi- dent of the senior class, was the head Junior Marshal, member of the wrest— ling team, president of Salamander, and a member of Tau Beta Pi and Black Knight. Roland 0. Warner was co-captain of the basketball team. active in class athletics, and a member of Black Knight, Honor “A”. and Phi Pi Phi. Son and Daughter of Professors To Marry Two well—known Armour Tech pro— fessors, after many years of close association in the chemical engineer- ing department, will soon be mem— bers of the same family. This will come about when Mary Reed Tibbals and Robert Craig McCormuck are married on Saturday, May 30, at 4 p. m., at Christ Church Chapel in Winnetka. The bride’s brother, John Reed Tibbals, will be best man for the ceremony. The reception will be held immediately after the Wilding ut the Tibbals’ home, 799 Rosewood avenue, Winnetka. The bride was graduated in 1932 from the University of Wisconsin, and is a member of Pi Beta Phi sore!" ity. The groom, following in his fa- ther’s footsteps, received chemical trainingr at the University of Chicago and was graduated in 1930. He is a member of Phi Gamma Delta fra- ternity, and at the present time em— ployed by the Chicago Mail Order House. The couple will make a trip lusting two or three weeks, after which they will live on the south side for a short time, seeking their per— manent location in the autumn. Newsers Hold Annual Fun and Food Frolic Dropping their pencils in favor of cards, ping—pong paddles, cues, and Esquire's cartoons, thirtyfive mem- bers of both last year’s and this year’s staff of the Armour Tech News attended the annual smoker held last Thursday evening at the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity house. Pro- fessor W. W. Colvert represented the faculty at the affair. A committee composed of J. D. Sheehan, chairman, W. J. Chelgi'en, L. B. Parker, and I. Thomas were in charge of the arrangements, vided ample refreshments in form of ice cream, cake, sandwiches. and coffee for the hot, tired news~ hounds. Since these followed three hours of strenuous mei-rymaking, none of those present refused the food. rich, and ripe; Lllce other chm-mom, wooing the our ress More dozzlingly when during in full dress. Yet thy true lovers more admire by for Thy naked beauties,——gi¢1e me a ci— gar! ARMOUR TECH NEWS Fraternities Are Hosts at Exams Eight fraternity houses entertained 142 freshman scholarship candidates last Saturday afternoon after they had taken the freshman scholarship examinations from nine until twelve o’clock in the gymnasium. Instead of the lunch in the Student Union, which has always been given in the past, the men were evenly divided among the various houses and treat- ed to lunch. Fraternity men then explained to the candidates the im- portant facts about Armour and tried to answer all questions. Professors Tibbals, Bibb, Seegrist, Winston,anwoll by (WI. Vickera (W) second, tlih'd. Time-— :l7.1. Shut Pulm- on by Wutflon 1W). Simeon (A) nonund. McDonald (W) third. Distance— Siegfried F‘loiiz (A i ii.) i. .z . lliuh .iump ...w,,,, by Itovain W). Iiejnek (A) End Mnlmouiut (W) iiecoml. I'Ieirzht—l'i ft. l i . I’olc VonlkWon by Itomeili (W). Concolino 4 . . A“ u [r A“ u H [A] und Dunn (AI second. Height—ll has wdled upon them! Po the world Kruuohimr, (:l 2; n alumni”. Ir a :4 2 L " ”L ,, i. 77 Lumber, My 4 n mwm-i 1r 0 o n? “5°‘yn'd “““AW'm "Y ".m’mfi‘m ”W Mc' at large the New Italy becomes a Swh H 4 u 0 Ham's .. n " lishnno Afll‘l’f necond, 'rimyun (W) third. . . ' ' ‘ 7 l r, . (u .- , n_ h't Morgan. in o n u‘wimn ,3» 2. 1 l ."m '- lzl-Wr and ”mm ”H" i 8% 0 T 5- mm m 4 ,, Hsemunbnm, N. Z I, I ‘ zzn Vnrd Duran-7W1". by Peterson {W}. Dun- shc has changed under the Fascist Lngun r 1i 0 fllAdnmoc, cf fl 2 l 1”" (A) 20cm", Hum'lm“ (W) ““"L regime them is no doubt. The Italy "31‘“ 6,51" c .4, g g‘fifim‘}? Q l ‘{ ‘,’ , Discuu “warp—Won by 0min ‘(W). Goes (A of today is no longer the land of a Recruit, 3h 2 0 1mm“, m, 4 2 2i second, Iwiiinicr (W) third. Difltmmcu‘ . . {)rr. 1» 2 o Illltodkin, 3|; 1 u n ,, “‘1 n 10% "L my. musical. peace lovmc. art 2111— ii}............., p l 0 (”Dunne 2x. 5 :: illwn Mlle “‘1“an by firehouse (Wi- bum . r ' 0 n ”i can uncond, mien (w, third. Tim lery people. Where she is headed or “if“; r] n n H ”7,01%“. how far she will {:0 no one knows. Showc‘huk rr 3 2 l‘nr'md "“"“1""W“" by “N” ”‘3 MCD‘W‘M . Tu, gm, n. , u I (In second Slcitfrlell [W i third. Distance Will Italy eventually come to bank- mmwnéki m z I 1 I .“oorhr. 2 in. b 0 . ‘ . ‘ . -\ ' . .nve n ' r AWun y mm (W). McDonald "1?th and (113“?th 0’” W111 bhe W1“ _, . .. I‘llclve, " f: j ll w» second, ltcihmer My third. Distance - ~ or us b .10 final] : ‘ 2‘. fl. 1 in. the 'long and ’ duo atl ’ y , "J ‘J 2i "2 18 1" 220 ram Low Ilurdloow—Won by Vickora (W). finding a place of respect and equal-r 1 Mucomb ...... .0 00 000 0()0-—— 0 othenbcm (A) ocuund. Fleig (A) third. .1 j . . ., # 'l‘imc-—:27.8. ity among: the nations of the world. Armour ....... 11 00 700 00x 18 m_l“u,_w,m by Whmmh Wmfli » W n, t, YOU DIDN’T % ~ TOO BADJUDGE. ON DADDV" "w o AMAN’S , MEAN To eisolsoei OF- LOST WHEN HE, MOT so 5 y HASN’T A DiL>E HANDY / /) WW‘: ,, / ; ‘7, 0H, I’M some , AFRICAN NATIVE PIPE -BLJT STlLL SMOKES. HE BUILDS A CLAY MOUND wrm BOWL. AND gram. IT’S ABOUT AWKWAQD, OF cowese, em PRETTY " EFFECTIVE A‘T THAT ./ P2 ,2 . lr, ..' My”; - I . a- . NEVER OWNS A ’ VJELL, lT LOOKS LIKE YO HAVE ‘TO TQY lT, JUDGE OH, A BPOKEN R. W. r pipoiuls of Ern- 3 grant tobacco in every Z-ounce {in of Prince Albert ess. Get a pipe load of this princely tobacco, gentle- men, and get on the joy road for good. Our oifei' stands back of every big red tin of Prince Albert. li’lllllimllllll'lhb FQREWER A man discovers more about the joy of living from smoking Prince Albert than from a whole book of philosophy. P. A. has what your pipe needs. Coolness-becauso it’s “crimp cut. ” Mildnesswbe- cause the “bite" is removed by a. special Prince Albert proc- 9 worms , l I ' \ flvhm _. . yacht. grog? s. himt’fliifi 2% MPElFlllfi ©§ 5". A. A? (bill: mfih’. Smoke 26 fragrant pipetuls of Prince Albert. IE you don't find it the mellow- cst, tastiest pips: tobacco you over smoked, return the pocket kin with the ms: of the tobacco in it to no at any timu within a month from this data, mad we will refund full purchase price, plus postage. (Signed) R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CONII’ANY \ . . - \‘Ni Wins ton-Salem, North Carolina ea». :5" ”New my 4di’ea?""’° :uwfimw. « Fifi ‘1- .~.-..~,§M