ARMOUR TECI—l NEWS Wednesday, March 20, I935 If}; John K. use of a new ruling- at Yale‘ university under which members of the three upper ‘ s must pay a minimum of ) per week at their residence dining halls, Alpha Delta I’hi has decided that without restaur- ant patronage it will be impossible to maintain the expensive Yale chap- ter and local members are consider- inu' returning their charter to the national organization. The fraternity building is only three years old and houses unusual fa ties for members. Its fate re- mains undecided. (NSFA). A San Francisco City college stu- dent writes that several of his bud- dies conducted a survey recently aftci one of the college dances and discoveied that over 1, (500 cigarette stubs were found by the janitoxs. Of these 765 were scarlet tipped, with 665 that were not scarlet tipped. There were 230 butts which it was decided, after much thought, must. have belonged to football men who thought they saw the coach coming. The American Campus. More students are registered for the commerce degree at the Univer— sity of Georgia than for any other undergraduate honor. The Illini's Ideas on Engineering: I‘m thankful that the sun and moon Arc both hum: up so high, That no presumtuous hand can reach And pluck them from the sky. For were they not, I have no doubt That some. reforming ass Would recommend to take down, And light the world by gas. them And there is the story about a professor at the University of VI/ashv ington who was slowly going to pieces over the habit that coeds in his or s had of continually powder- ing: and rougine during his lectures. One day, he irot into a huddle with a male student in the front row. Next day this man came in, sat down, pulled out a razor and shaving mug and slowly proceeded to lather up. The Iiftieth anniversary of Zeta AI fraternity, was celebrated e School of Applied Science in December. This fraternity was the, first Greek-letter fraternity on the ('ase campus and was founded there in 1384. ('omn'iandcr Richard E. Byrd grad noted from the United States Naval Academy in 12112. Byrd was on Lllt football team, was captain of the eyinnasium team, was on the track team, was an expert riflemnn, and also Welterweight wrestling: cham- pion. The names, addi‘cs.e.‘, and telcr phone numbers of all freshman women at the University oi Pitts- hurg-h may be purchased for ten cents at the school, A sophomore at Cornell, asked how he could dili‘erentiate 3 moles from a student answered, “Ask him what ‘i’r' is, and if he says ‘it' :1 pronoun, he's a professor." sor is Graduates the College Commerce, University of Kentucky, publish a pamphlet called “liare‘ains in “rains,” in which the picture of each graduate, his age, height, weight, chief interest and experience, are listed. This plan was followed last year with the result that all but two graduates were placed, and out of the II obtaining positions, only two proved unsatisfactory. from 01 Joe Demyanovich, Alabama’s star backfield man Iiom New Jeisey, never touched a football before his I‘ieshman year at Alabama. Roy Reiglcs, the unfortunate cen- ter win. the University of California ‘ who ran the wrong way in that mam. . arable Rose Bowl game with ' illorrisou. .Georgia Tech, hadi the intestinal fortitude to live down his razzing and was elected captain the follow- ing year. lv'mm the I'm-(luv Exponent: Her rrimson lips were Irv-"mire ships l'uliI he look ”10 nolion And famul they were ships [771011 (1 pointed ocean. Imi pointed ’l‘he Syracuse football eleven is a perfect representation of the nations making up the population of the U.S. The team is composed of a French- man, two Germans, three Hebrews, a Hungarian, an Irishman, Italian, 3. Pole, and a Swede. Wouldn’t it be funny it' they talked in their own language when excited? Illinois Normal has not defeated Illinois Wesleyan in 20 years. 4 mindrop fell to earth so old . . . . ’l‘lir day was dark and bleak and cold 0h, little boy, runs! calculate How far it fell Io hmt one degree Ccmiyrudc? Purdue Exponent. Although a bit involved, we re~ print the infoimation that the Uni- veruiy of Southern California has Winter football practice to prepare for >pringr practice for the next fall season. The llnivers ed by the president, v of Virginia, found- Iiist great Democratic Thomas Jefferson, is about to get a group of modern buildings through the recovery program of the latest Democratic president. A grant of $379,000 from the Public “forks Administration will he used for the new construction, Fire Protects Hear Speech on Insurance Mi. I'mil J. Hepp, r I’. E. Lri'adii» ate of Aimoui in 1914, addressed the Fire, Protection Engineering: So- ciety last Friday morning! on the use of inspection bureau reports in in- SUIuIN‘t‘ company ofl'iccs. I From his experience with Springfield Fire and Marine Insur- ance Company, Mr. Ilepp explained‘ how reports originate and are moved from the bureaus through the vari— ous departments of an insurance or- fice. Reports originate from field work done by members of inspection bureaus which are tained by all fire insurance c0m~ panics. Reports, as written, usually consist of a detailed explanation of the building construction, occu- pancy, common hazard, special haz-i ards, fire protection, and reconnl mendations for minimizing of thei risk. ‘ ‘ the I The reports pass through the statei audit bureaus to the insurance com—I pany. An underwriter receives the, record card and places the property: insured into one of a large number1 of classes of risks. At the account- ing’ department the record cards are punched to the agent's account. To avoid insuring: unreliable risks, the' record of each particular property, to be insured is looked up in thei, National Boaid file which contains: a list of all suspicious fires. . To illustrate the intiicacies ofi some reports, Mr. Hepp explainedI the work done in inspecting the Commercial Alcohol Company Io-l cated just outside of Pekin, Illinois. Among the details tale. into (on- sideiation in the rating: was the slope ( of land. In distillery fires, barrels very often are broken open, andi theie is a chance that the ’burning‘ alcohol flowing“ down the slop,- WIII ‘ set another building afire. Mr. Hepp made an statement to the effect that effor l l mutually main-i K iiitel'e