'Tuesclay, October 30, l934 Cbmpwcs By John K. Morrison About 100,000 college students are getting government aid this year under the federal emergency relief administration act. Students will re- eeive about $13,500,000 in the school year of 1034435 or approximately $1,500,000 a month for nine months. Number :7 will be ["41le near! year. [Is ji ' more have worn 'rmmbt, whole season or purl, of II. ml injf' from fluv New York lmivcr than 13. Five ‘r-oyhlm-s in the last six years who "in: which incapacitated them for the ’ 1 football jerseys The Texas university coaching stall has its line candidates practice block~ ing and charging on a cinder track to hit the ground. keep them from being too anxious to A 21-year-old University of Minnesota co-ed, who will receive her degree in the engineering school next June, was disclosed recently as the designer of the plan accepted for the new $2,075,000 bridge to be constructed across the Missouri river at Omaha, Neb. The co-ed developed the plan while in bed recuperating from an automobile accident. Minnesota writers spend their spare time trying to figure out the nationality of Arthur Clarkson, Gopher halfback. Clarkson is a res- ident) at Minnesota, Great Britain, and was born China. He is the son of a Swedish mother and an English father. sports «A citizen at in The oldest Greek letter" college fraternity in the United States is Phi Beta Kappa, which was founded in 1770. Indiana university students will see and hear many great artists of the stage in the music series of 1034- 35. Some of these artists are (lio- vanni Martinelli, Mischa Levitzki, Jacques Gordon, Bronislaw Huber- man, the Russian Symphonic Choir, and Nini Theiladc. Dr. [Robert 1". Mchl, director of the Metals Research laboratory at Car» nrglc Institute of Tr'hhology, woo awarded the John Scott model and u, premimn of $1,000 1' his discoe» cry of tz method, of In My pictures tlwough It (/I'ool lh' no o of slocl as u, moons of delcrm hing internal (le- I‘holoymphs wore secured by (1 ,I/mhmo Hiya omitted by radium. Harvard university owns enough football equipment to outfit (1,000 lll(‘ll. A professor at Roanoke college claims that many 01’ his students will be as l‘amou. ' Napoleon at the rate they are going down in history. A Dcnison univereily regulation reads: “The student may be rein’ elated only if abocnce is; caused by long continued illness or death." Thirty-nine freshmen were prom- ised the presidency of the freshman class during Rush Week at the Uni~ versity of Florida. “Drowning,” wrote a freshman at Alabama, “is the science of taking enough water into the lungs to keep from living.” Detroit Institute of Technology’s commuter-king travels 108 miles daily. When asked about his daily ride, the student grinned and said that calculus was easiev to study while riding. The oldest university still in exist» once is the University of Bologna, at Bologna, Italy. It was founded in 1hr eleventh century. Students at the University 01' Washington in Seattle are in the midst of a doubleseated bicycle l‘ad. More advice for the fresh! Th" lime it comes from the Buclcncllimi, Inclmcll university paper. We quote only one of the seven gems of advice: “There is only one way to gel, at pro~ fessor out of the room. Tell him he is overpaid, and he will (/0 through the roof." '—‘_ i . . . Such things as quizzes and note taking are unknown to students 01' the University of New Mexico. The, only time they are required to attend classes is for the final exam. Before the exam the student buys the text- book written by the professor and studies it. According to the Sage- brush, the school paper, this method enables the student to work while he acquires an education. Universities in Japan have only 35 women students. Coach Bo McMillin, coach of the Indiana university football team, has dispensed with the services of the water carriers this year and now sup» plies his charges with a mouth wash to garglc. Opposing linemen won’t have to bow their heads to escape the presence of a “horrid social ol’l'cnsc" so commonly described in advertising copy. Dick Hartley, coach of Northwest. ern university’s Wildcats, had 34 sophomores in a squad of 59 before the start of the football aeason thin year. Rog 'stration of students at Indiana university exceeded the 4,000 mark for the first time in the history of the school. The enrollment is given officially as 4,016. This mark was an increase of 425 over the last high record set in 1029. College students do worry! That astounding discovery has just been made by Purdue university psycho~ logical researchers. Among the causes for worry were: studies, 42 per cent; financial, 30 per cent; family affairs, 15 per cent; rc~ ligion, 4 per cent; and strange as it seems, affairs of the heart, only 0 per cent. Oh yeah! From the Loyola, News: Thc student‘s life is not so tough . . Suppose you had to touch, the EMMY! Fraternities at De Pauw univer- sity have a new system whereby every freshman sees every house and every house sees every freshman. An investigation conducted by a northern college revealed that there are six million college graduates in the United States. Incidentally there are the Same number unemployed. As an incentive for senior mus- tache—growing, the Student Union of Purdue university awarded a prize to the possessor of the best brush at a dance recently. WANTED Blonde to attend Michigan game. Must be attractive, a good dancer, and good company. Daily Northwestern. If any assistance is required in se- curing a similar date, the columns of the News may be able to help you. “Modern American humor is too smart to be funny," according to the Rev. Leo H. Mullany, of the Creighton university English depart- ment. W. S. E. Presents Collegiate blight (Continued from page 1) Although Russia is twice as large as the United States, its natural re- sources are far below ours. The re- sources which they have are located in out of the way places where the transportation facilities are poor. They have comparatively valuable re- sources in the valuable metals. Plat~ inum is abundant. Agriculture Developed Fifty thousand miles 01' railroads compare with our 160,000 miles. Roads have not yet been developed for speedy traffic between the cities. The airplane will probably pave the way for successful transportation. The five year plan has developed agriculture. Before the common farm was introduced, the people tilled their own little patches in a crude way. Unit farms necessitated small pieces of unused land between the proper- ties. With the common i'arm all the workers live in a central town sun rounded by the large common farm. Every day the people go out from the city and work on the form. All the livestock is kept in common pens. The undeveloped land between thc unit farms is now tilled, rotation oi crops is possible. and modern farms ing implements are employed. Industry has taken the largest strides. Pig iron production in Russia is second only to that of the United States. Immense blast, furnaces and power plants have been constructed under the guidance of American en- gineers. The holdback in power pro- duction by water is the llutncss of the land1 which causes a lack of head. Large assembly plants have been constructed for airplane parts and machine parts they do not make themselves. Strange as it seems, Stalin is not the president of Russia. He is the .....-&RMOUR-TECll NEWS.-- 01' the collcg " “Armour News”, First .Name of “Tech Neale” As all organiz tions do have, the Armour Tech News had a beginning. The first issue, known as the Armour News, was released on the morning of April 9, 1928. Vol. 1, No. 1 was a five—column paper, issued under the capable supervision of Professor Hendricks. What was contained as news dif- l'crs little from that of today as far as subject matter runs. In running through the files, one notices that ever gentle reminder contained in that memorable issue, namely; “Mid- Semester ‘Valentines" Ready l'or Dis- tribution", with an additional com— ment acknowledging the consideration 01' the office in withholding them un- til after the Easter holidays. Ideas don‘t change, much. Then too, the News was conl‘ront‘ ed with the task of deriving student subscription, which meant either the sustaincnce or giving up of this medium of college activ .y‘. The Slipstick‘.’ Yes, the first stu— dent read column of the News today started with the first issue. Humor? Well, if you call this humor; “And at the top 01? the canning industry we find, not Mr. Heinz, but the dean leader of the communi tic party and the power behind the government. Voting in Ru la is not by secret bal- lot. A vote is Ignified by the raising of the hand. Elections are held in a pyramidal system. A small group elects a representative. This repre- sentative joins with more representm lives of the same group range. They elect a representative to represent them. This continues until repre- sentatives of a high order elect ot- ficials. Although the government is theoretically communistic, the gov- ernment is capitalistic, government bonds are privately and money is in circulation. owned, Best Boot: Reviews (tlo'niimmd om. page 1) taincd by considering what book reviews were written. Some of those that received a prize were Dance of Life, Crime and Punishment, Good Earth, Parade of the Living, and Cyrano do Bergerac, by Ellis, Dos- toevsky, Buck, and Rostand, speetively. rc- SlDEL lNES (Continued from prlf/e ]) for reform that the average labor leader, the average demagogue who shouts for a depreciated currency, or for the overthrow of the rich, will not do anything to help those who honestly strive to make better our civic conditions . . . , There are many wrongs to be righted; there are many me ‘ures of relief to be pushed; and it IS a pity that when we are light- ing what is bad and rhanmmning What is good, the men who ought to be our most ell'cctive allies should deprive themselves of usefulness by the wrong-headedncss ol‘ their posi— tion.” Lengthy as the l‘oregoing is, we dare say nobody will contest. the validity of using the same to par» tray present conditions. To say co- incidence herc establishes a cycle may be in error. We are inclined to recognize a continual struggle on the part of the individual who THINKS he is on the bottom. To us, the name Roosevelt has come to mean that “pig—headedne on the part of the opposition obstructs progresslvo fol v .1» It 'ocia] lil an intricate and extensive study. Men and women work together. People have been crowded into cities because the hous— ing has not increased with the in- (lustrles. En the manufacture of Granger Rough Cut Pipe Tobacco the Wellman Process is used. The Welhnan Process is dif- ferent from any other process or method and we believe it gives more enjoyment to pipe smokers. . . . it gives the tobacco om ex— tm flavor and aroma ...il makes the .tohacco act right in a liz'llew—buwz slower meal smoke cooler o n . it makes the tobacco milder .. . it looms a clean dry ash —— he soggy residue or heel in the pipe howl IIGGETT 81 MYERS TOBACCO CO. awe ' \‘ksfiw . Are Awarded Prizes l l . . , . Page??? Movement Begun, for Camera (3le A movement is now under way at Armour toward formation of a cam— -m club. The mainstays of the movement point out that photogra~ phy implovos one’s knowledge of artistic composition and enables: him to appreciate finer things in lil'c. Should such a group be organized activity would include visits to dis— plays 01‘ established camera clubs in Chicago, to the photographic de- partments of large newspapers, and lo photographic supply companies. U the group were sufficiently or- ganized, speakers l‘rom the photo houses could be procured for meet- ings. “fll‘l‘ us the movement would like to see a large turn-out 01' stu- dents who enjoy taking pictures and wish to learn more about art. They may sign the notice posted on the A.T.A.A. bulletin board in tho foy— er of ti 5 main building. Backers also des c the co-operation of pro— fessors who have been doing photo— U'raphic work, as well as their as- anco in conducting such a club. 0 l' Examination ls Given To Sphinx Candidates An examination for the purpose of determining eligibility of new mem- he s for Sphinx, honor literary so- ciety, was given last Thursday after- noon by the active members of the organization. Organized in .1007 for the purpose of bestowing honor upon men of lit~ erary achievements at Armour, Sphinx has functioned continually as a guide for the principles of Arman. publications. The men who completed the exam- ination are asked to be present at the Beta Psi rfratcrnit‘y house at 7:30 o’clock this evening.