mm Page Six ARMOUR TECH NEWS Tuesday, December ll, l934 i ville floor. The Cardinal squad was _.....) B l the advance favorite, but the score a Til: «IE .. failed to reach us by press time, w—m—o-v The North Central—Armani: game , _~. . __.,.. at Armour on January 22 is going to . $1§1® Edi—1g be the closest game of the season. i ._ . _ -.._.._ The Armour boys have three strikes 3 called, and will have to improve a lot College basketball has opened its if they expect to heat the strong soason with a lot of action, with each 1 North Central squad. team attempting to pile up as many 4‘ “‘ "‘ victories as possible before the Christ- mas vacations. Wheaten has started 4 off with a hung by defeating Mil‘ Forest, are due to open thEir sched- ton by a score of 28 to 15. This game “leis Saturday, the former With m" is an indication of what the Tech— mils Teachers, at Charleston, and the latter with its alumni, There are two i games scheduled with Indiana State, 9: NEE“? EAEER§ may mean that the cup changesi hands. The Dell; combination is- composed of capable men that Show, EAfiE EEEMEEAEE®N smooth team organization. Of. course, the champs still show life! i NAE‘ R UNfiS The fraternity matches were not HE FE .- indicative of real ability, but were, on the contrary, indicative of luck _._.__._ . and of a more sufficient supply of Sflhedule’s complehon men. Houses which swamped one, ' u s d by e b team well, themselves wampe ‘ Accompanl d y others. The condition that enlists is Upsets l due to the larger number of men in l Armour’s old opponents, lndluna State Teachers College and Lake ‘— one house, and also the uneven dis— FINAL GAME ON DEC.10 tribution of athletes. "‘ The box scores of the semi-final games follow: The ilitcrfraternity basketball tournament, which has for years hawks may expect when they encount- er the thatoncrs on December 18, l . Pi Phi Pi (25) B F P‘ . . _ the first on February 19 at Torre - ,, ' . i -t th We tworth Arinm, . ’ been a headllnu in till]. homeTathlletlc Habenstl’elt ............. 4,) 0 0, .i c n * ,3 m V Hautc, and the second on February SChedu}:’,‘;E:hsmm on Ms fly, Malinowski . 1 0 01 , One of the biggest upsets of the 22, at Armour. Armour has two Novem a l ‘ Ph' P‘ Ph‘ O'Brien ................ 4 3 1’ season occurred when DcPauw, of games with Lake Forest, the opener " . ‘rr- n.- l i l .. .. . . a. .,. - . l ‘ .. . . .... If“: 52:2:Ehsbimtesfx’c Phi Kappd Dunbar . , . 1 0 0 lA tense moment as Pop Warner scores a ringer m the Armour- necncastlc, Indiana, llioppcd their on Decembei 20, at Lake Forest, and 91,55“ , tFt‘ The Phi Pi’s to Si-amek 0 0 3; ‘outh Side Junior College tilt. Openlflg game to Evansvdlc college thedmal 'on January 9 at Armour. Sigma (Illlfkc . . ‘ . ‘ i, h .— w #, ' ~ .‘ . iby a score of 20 to 12. Last year Del It is dill‘icult to predict what those whom wmnmix the touinamcn as] Total . . . ...... 11 3 4 l (Continual IN?" page 1) ram plays and dazzling shots dumb'l Pauw had one of the strongest fives teams might or might not do to Ar- been a matter of form. led at the ,camc out on the floor and gave the i'oundcd the. other team ““1 the in lndiona and their cal-1v defeat has mour when they haven’t hit competi- half by a 500"“ 0f 12 t" 11‘ In ”ml Kappa Delta Epsilon (Z3) {crowd a look at their beautiful new mime ended with Armour way ahead caused a ' great deal 0.}? comment. tion yet. Possibly, with a perfect rec- Ecol}? halt, l;:¥v::c;;ull;h:y:mhevlvlit;b: i ? l: 1; ] redlswtiiatsmts With yellow lines have ‘ to Alli: llllle' ol 38~2(l. F From the looks of things, Armour has ord (after one game), the timorous lll::]l 931: 50ch 1'96“; 11 {Hogand ‘ ' ' ' """"" 3 0 0 i 8”“ t on; C b l i H “an?" 33 r, 0 the edge on De Pauw, and it is more predictions become the duty of our .' ' . - . En eT , age ome acx c I, . .............. . . _ , , ha 1 ~11 0 011971135! Triangl‘o Droppe‘i “1 Fm“ Jame Baker 5 0 4i Evidently Coach Krali't spoke at Christoph, 1'. ........... 3 2 :harlhpmgi’ztelshx tafciecthv {Sail/libs pp ,, ,, ,, The second game, played on the Freedman . . 0 0 0 or to the boys during the half for O’Brien, 1'. ............. 2 0 3th tli 1" ‘ h Wrestling and boxing occupy the same night, was between Triangle . 0 0 2 they came back to literally wipe up Mei-7., c ............. 4 3 i “1 cm. W m ,1 old Tech gym these days, The tour- and Kappa Dcltn‘lipsllofii. I'lg'lanfgnlei 0 0 the 'floors with the oppOSition. Merl Dolleiimuior, on 0 3 On Friday, December 7. DePauw namentg, being conducted by manag- known fol success in t e m or 1.8 -— —- again took the honors by making two Warner, g ...... . 1 4 )artiall succeeded in retrievin'r its 91.5 Biegler and Wheaten, are ex- track meet, was unable to stop its 1 9ibeautiful baskets. Then Hcikc Mileika, g. ............ 0 o I y ‘ " .- ,5. ~ ~ d . pected to uncover a good bit of. opponents and lost by a score of 29 ' scored two after Warnci- had broken __ reputation of last yc i when it e ‘l’cated Anderson by the smashing worth While talent. ,, . CQHNOGHCA'fiWl cwmwoow'fl 10 13, in a game approximating a Delta Tau Delta (36) up a would»bc basket-play by South Totals ..... . ......... 15 12 . . . , . . - v . ' . 9. T s . track meet. B F PlSidc. Again Merz sunk one, than South Side Jr. College zoo in g:h‘iggl1::°‘fes$t4zeigslm “1:; In the basketball game between On Monday. December 3. the neXl‘Eng‘BlT-haleri f ----- ‘1 0 1 O’Brien, star freshman player, put Conwill, '1'. . . . . . 5 1 down the confidence of the Armour Theta XI and Sigma Alpha Mil, J. bracket of games was played and liaise, f ..... 3 0 1 one in followed by llcike dropping,r S'iDl'lllCl‘, I". ............. 1 1 men but we still believe that the Low Roberts scored 27 points, and Sigma Alpha Mu met Theta Xi in Gallagher. c 3 0 0 one in over his shoulder. All this Lucas, fl 0 () odds arc/ill the Techawk’s favor obtained bids for a basketball career. game number one of the evening. Deane, g 5 1 0 revived the crowd, the players, and Singleton, c. 1 4 m * ,,, ' Due to the fact that Stan Bernstein Led by Roberts, who himself scored Bacci, g . .. 1 1 2 the coach, and correspondingly Archbold, g 1 3 North Central College opened its didn’t play with the Bolts. Roberts 27 points, Theta Xi emerged win-1 " —" "' plunged the Opposition into the Chatman, I; . 1 2 season last Saturday with a game] “me hold down in Gpnints in the next nor by the one-sided score of 43 to 7,. Total ................ 17 2 4 dumps out of which they nevcr'rose Jones, g. . 0 1 with George Williams on the Naper—l inim-fi-un mum, . Theta Xi (9) B F P for the rest of the game. Now the Niclds, c. 0 0 i .._.._....._._ ._... Bela PM Show” Class Kerchcr f ----- 0 0 0 I plays were all by Armour men who Erickson l' 0 0 ' COMPLETE PLATE Game {I’m-“1:19: xtYiIioRlii) Diltasaitrhg Roberts, 1" - 2 2 1 kept the ball consistently under and Quinn, L“. 0 O 0 findmna Auto Ened'mc C0. i LUNCH. 30c evening, was . e W“: Anderson, c . ........... d 0 0 around their basket free to shoot ori -- -- ~— PAINTING 8t REPAIRING l Changed Daily and Beta Psi. This game was also . , , . I . . S . l 1 ..d d 'th | no u tin for Norris, g ...... . 1 1 1 stall. Time after time the team Totals ............... 9 8 12 . gmtion a pecla W l ALKCE RESTAURANT :3e'hl.i,’¥l, tgncwmanho 33%“? At Stevens, g ............. 0 0 2 would take the ball away from the Referee—Click (Illinois). Rl'illfll‘d J- Mulroney, Pl‘Oll :; ‘ 7 ‘ pomf' m L m 1 g ' y ._, ..._ Junior College men and put it into Umpire—G. Stunner (North Ccii< Yards 3250 3728 Indiana Ave. 3 3 I wemwwfl' Ave. the hall the score was 7 to 5 augul‘- 4 , . _ , . . ‘ Phone Victory 9300 . l . 3 3 how own basket. 'lhe successmn 0t tral). . mg: a tight irame, but in the last half .. _ Beta Psi got busy and scored 24 more points to their opponents' 8, making- the filial score 31-13. Dou—l (lore of Beta Psi scored 10 points while Rahiliowitz dropped in 8 points i for the Rho Dclts. \ l Phi ll’i Phi, Almost! The next day, Tuesday, December , 4, saw the frats again ready for ac- tion, and Phi Pi Phi almost lost their l pants to Kappa Delta Epsilon. With 1 both teams easy victors in their first games a real contest was in the of- iing. Everybody was out to smear 1he "champs" and here was a chance. The. half found the K.D.E. bunch lending 10—7l A new champion in the making, but not quite. Haben- streit and O'Brien, the startlingi frosh, led Phi Pi to a slender margin ‘ of victory counting ten and eleven, points respectively. 1 Baker, with ten points, led challengers in their attack but a has i ket in the last few seconds meant victory. Once again Phi Pi to the} finals! i Delta on to Finals i The next game saw Delta Tau Delta pitted against Beta Psi. The Dclts early showed their basket abil- ity and were in front with a score! of 11 to 5 at the half. The second half was about even as far as points i scored is concerned, giving the Belts 1 the victory with a 23 to 15 score.‘ Doudera was high point man again for Beta Psi with 5 points to his credit. He was outpointed in this game, however, by Laise 01' Delta Tau Delta who scored 8 points. Delis Swamp T.X., 36-9 i The game on Friday, December 7 was between Delta Tau Delta and Theta Xi, to decide the second final- ist. Engelthalcr started the scoring for the Delts by dropping one ini after the first tip—off. The Delts did l, the ball handling for the first halfl and scored 19 points against the 21 points for Theta Xi, which were scored by Roberts on two gratisi tosses. Deane started the second half with a shot from under the basket. Two more baskets made the score 25 to 2 in favor of the Delts. Roberts, get- ting,- desperate, sank a beauty from the center side lines. He tried an~ other and took it from the backboard to make a total of 6 points for Theta Xi. The Delts maintained unques— tined superiority but Norris scored a basket and a free throw for Theta Xi ei‘c the game ended. A total up- set; with Delta Tau Delta winning by a score of 364). The championship game on Mon- day, Dcltzi Tau Delta vs. Phi Pi Phi, ©1934.Liooerra¢Mvmis Ton/iced Go. i % r , ’4” 415,75 domain; M“ .., . "ii .,- Winds