Page Four ARMOUR TECH NEWS Tuesday, December ll, I934 (7071011565 "a; I I I 3. 3y John K. Morrison llcre's a story coming from the Ohio State campus: An English pro- fessor at that institution called a tumbling: l'rosh up to his desk, after the class had been dismissed, and asked him in a harsh voice whether he knew the e: ay he handed was one ol‘ Emerson's. The boy turned white and said in a bitter voice: “i got it from one of my fraternity brothers, but I never thought he could be such a low down cheat!” In 1016, Minnesota's football team defeated opponents by scores of 47 to 7, 81 to 0, 67 to (I, 54 lo 0, and 49 to 0. The victims were North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Wis: cousin, and Chicago. Minnesota lost to Illinois 14 to 9 in one of the big},“ ucst upsets in sport history. Carl M. Dozcr, a junior at the Carnegie Institute of Technology, is; a well known announcer on' the Blue network of the National Broadcast— ing Company and is affiliated with station WCAE of Pittsburgh. The Florida limes mentions the possibility of the nation feeling a bit more optimistic if the girls would get their fingernails out of the red. It is the custom of the freshman class at Massachusetts Institute of Technology to give it e prcs dent of the sophomore class ail informal ducking in the nearby Lake Massa- pong. From the Daily lllini: Brutus: How many herring-s did you eat for lunch, Julius? (‘acsarz lit tu, Brutus. $1,7h6,000 was spent last year by Iowa State undergraduates. 2,245 men spent only $144,000 on clothes \rhilc co~eds numbering; 880 squan— dered $1ll,000 on line feathers. Tobacco companies collected $20,000 while only $5,000 were spent for sewing materials, which just goes to show. (NSFA). To Sherman Minton, ’15, goes the distinction of being the first Indiana Illll\ ity graduati- ever to gain a scat in the linited States Senate lioni the state of Indiana. He is the second Indiana graduate ever to take a seal in the Senate. A young married couple is study. ing biscuit making and law at the University of Washington. Students of Clarkson and Normal colleges are preparing for an icc carnival to be held in Potsdam, N. Y., in February. A King and Queen of the carnival will be selected. Nov gotiations have been made with . cral of the finest ' atine,‘ organiza- tions of the U. S. and Canada. to have some of their members partici- pate. At the University of Southern (‘alifornia when a man catches an- other man cheating he begins stomps ing his feet. The whole class beg-ins stomping until the cheater stops his foul tactics. It is said that this was the origin of the new dance step, the (Theater’s Stomp. From the Detroit chhnonian: If exercise will eliminate fat, how in the world does a woman get aI double chin? The bewildered {rash of Detroit, surance Association, has been 5 -, their chalice and operated on the dome of the unprotected freshman producing a true masterpiece of art in the form of a major “T", using a pair of barber's shears and a pair of clippers. The following “terribles” are taken from the Daily Northwestern; Octoroon ~— A cocoanut cookie which is awful good with ginger ale. Astronomy—This is the study of mules and their habits. Physiology 1— It teaches a fellow how to mix drinks. lVIacadam——A French lady. Exits~-—The center of the globe. “The, world is spinning on its exits.” The minimum cost of attendance at the Massachusetts, Institute of Technology at Cambridge is $1,080 a year. The origin of the word “jazz”, which had heretofore been somewhat of an unknown quantity, has been traced to the slaves of the West coast of Africa by Professor Harold F. Bender, head of the department of Oriental languages: at Princeton. Some very interesting statistical information relating to the educa- tional rank of states is given in the Techno, published by the Kansas State Teacher's college. According to these statistics, Illinois and New .Icisey were tied for first place with regard to the number of school days per year with 188.4. The invest~ meat in school property per pupil enrolled for Illinois was $316. New York stood first in the investment column with a value of $407. I’ug Lund, great Minnesota half- back, will end his football career this year with a missingr linger on one hand, a broken thumb on the other, a hip badly battered, a lacerated knee, and with five of his upper front teeth missing. He s’i’fl‘cly cani take ill “Anthony Adverse", internationall best seller, was written by Herveyl Allen. Sigma Chi, Pittsburgh 1915. Illinois Normal college has not de- , l'eated Illinois Wesleyan in the lastI 31? years. Here's a story coming from the linivcrsity of Oklahoma. The presi- dent of the Chi Psi house sent a plulge upstairs to break up a poker game. Two hours later he came down again. When asked why it took him so long he doubtfullyreplied, “I I Ihad only two bits to start with.” . . . I I I _ I Glenn Cunningham, famed Uni- Iversity of Kansas miler, entered the IUniversity of California this year,i where he is assisting Brutus Hamil-I ton, California coach. He is serving I without pay, however, in order toI I preserve his amateur standing. i i «m I I A lilo—piece band and a l82-footi iswimming pool, said to be the long-I, est in the world, are Senator HueyI IF. Long’s gifts this year to Louisi—I iana State university, his hobby out-I '«side the realm of politics. ‘ I I 1l3”... P. E.§.'l"ol*lear , I Mr. Quachenbossi Mr. Quackenboss, as istant chief I engineer of the Western Factory In— I Institute are complaining. They say I cured as speaker for the next meet-‘ the profs. can’t make up their minds. Unc day they say 2 and 3 are 5, and ‘ ing‘ society which is to be held on ‘ the next day they say 4 and l are 5 (inc of the most courageous, yeti of I VVesIern Factory Insurance Assocla traditionally foolish, frosh ing of the Fire Protection Engineer-I ‘December 21, a week from next Fri- I day. Because of his contact with the I i I Georgia Tech exercised a little not I tion which specializes in high grade too good judgment when he decided sprinklered buildings, Mr. that he was too good to wear a enboss is very well informe freshman cap. The sophomores saw hazards of special classes of risksl Quack- d on they I1 Fraternity Notes II I TRIANGLE I Preparations are being made forI _ our Christmas Dance. Brother Free-I man is arranging the event. We are looking forward with in~ I . I I tcrcst to the Intorfraternity swim-I . ming meet to be held next Tuesday.’ Brother Schmidt and his team have been practicing rigorously. 1 Plans are being; made to have all joint meeting of the alumni and ac-‘ tives. No date has been set at pres— cut. BETA PSI We wish to congratulate Brothers Curtis Bristol and Howard Zibble, who were recently initiated into Sala— launder, honorary fire protection engineering fraternity. Congratula- tions are also in order for Roy Witte- kindt and Howard Zibblc, who were pledged to Pi Nu Epsilon, honorary musical fraternity. Since winter is here to stay, ping- pong and billiard fans are polishing up on their game in anticipation of the coming house championship matches. ‘,‘4—point” Wittckindt still looks good, but he is going to get some stiff competition from the pledges. Orville Hampton looks good when it comes to butting the little white pill around, so we’re warning Bristol in advance. The Christmas Dance will be held at the house Dec. 22, and will in all, probability be an orchestra dance. The Beta Psi Mother’s Club met at the house last Tuesday, and en-I joyed a lovely afternoon of games‘ and gossip, as well as helping to seal that the house was spick and span. I APE-ll r1 PHI The annual Thanksgiving DanceI hold at the house Saturday, Dec. 1,I was a gala affair. The members andI their guests had a very enjoyable evening, the music being furnished y Bob Kraus and his orchestra and the entertainment by some newly- discovered local talent. I Final preparations are being madey for the Father and Son’s Smoker toI he held at the house Friday evening, Dec. 14. The Phi Pi's showed their into!» tions of winning their 17th consecu- tive championship in interfraternity Basketball by defeating the Phi Kap's 19-11, in its first game of the sea- son. The second game proved to be at thriller and it had us yelling our—I selves hoarse. The Phi I’i‘s came from behind to nose out the Kappa Deltsl 25—23, to enter the finals. The results of the final game, play— ed with the winner of the Theta Xi- Delt game, were not known as this went to press. I DELTA TAU DELTA The pledge dance was a great suc- cess. The committee under the lead— ership of N. J. MoGuonc did splendid work in decorating; the house and inv securing a good orchestra. A num— ,4 , m INTEGRAL caccu 5m T ; PIPE Toanccos r , ERFEU’ION nail) «WHICH REMOIIESI Atlf'BITE. ' , - GET TO KNOW gas. it . . LU5 WE I HAT A FUNCTION l5 ; CALLED AN INTEISWRLX / \ OF IT5 DIFFERENTIAL . . an» I mild, IN DIFFERENTIATING EETWEEN Z. HE INT out, or ; .A'fi" SPECIAL F‘ROEEQ A BOAT CAD SIZE ON LAKE MICHIGAN DURING A BAD SIOIZM- lb TIMES SPENCER SWIWI MILES TO THE WRHK gm; scuoor. a: 2 Jaw Lmao All his MEMORY- NORTHWESIERN in ~ ber of brothers from Illinois were present, among,r then Brother Bob Lowry who was formerly of the Ar» mouir chapter. Despite the lack of practice the basketball team is functioning very well. Last Tuesday we defeated Beta Psi in our first tournament game. Next Sunday afternoon the second Mothers Club meeting of the year will be held. The committee in charge is prepared to entertain the mothers in an unusually fine manner. PHI KAPPA SIGMA The semi-annual Alumni Smoker is to be held Thursday, December 13. From all appearances a large crowd will be entertained that night. The fellows have been looking forward to this event, and have planned an elaborate lay-out. The Mother’s Club monthly meet~ ing was held December 2, and plans for opening the new year with a huge social function have been completed. The fellows have been putting in strenuous swimming time under the able direction of Murray Hughes. Ping-pong is the popular indoor sport. We still wish to book practice games and anyone wishing to do so please sec some one from the house. IRE-l0 DELTA RHO Our house basketball team was suc- cessful in defeating the team of the alumni chapter by a score of 22 to 16. With a “consolation” in progress, ping—pong is again a corn ter of interest. The purpose of this now sc ics of gamer”, s to give the losers of former games a chance of “rsvenge.” The bridge tournament is pro— gressing: well and the winners will soon be announced. tournament. r. I 3“,; Game» E! 1%; :2: a" V/MILDER y! CRIMP CUT A Mini at. our: 7' ~ BLUE KE IETV’ AT THE out/ER I915 new [1‘ «now we can new “rat: FORMULA AND. wealflm carotene. b air-E moaned ll V SPECIAL paocess REMOVES THE BITE I I Bumssoru ALL MIDSHIPMEN AT ANNAPOLIS ARE TAUGHT TO DANCE! I I fiflp‘fl ' I 600- Go:- J0 PENNER‘S FAMOUS * DUCK. WAS sat-meal BY uuouesne ' wwasm GRIDDERS‘I AS THEIR MAgcoT. 'wIINIIA (IUV ATuutuDOwbv" , U OF FLORIDA DEAN. FOUMDED Y LEADERfiHIP SOC‘ , HAS EX To 1'5 CHAPTERS IN LEADING: mums nu) UNIVERSITIES Am Noun For the current project, “An Ex- position Building”, the seniors are in competition will: Cornell and Min- ncwtu. This is a decided change from the ordinary routine competi— tions in the Beaux Arts system, and will he a real chance to show our STUFF. Three cheers for Larry DAVIDSON. He made the very noble gesture of leaving a SICK heel to take the eaquiaae for this prob- lem; and for that; alone, his partials should be worth a mentionll The winning design for the Senior Dance poster was made by Ben I STEIN. Ben was awarded a free bid Ito the dance, while the runners-up, I Irv ADDIS and Phil FARO, won half {a bid apiece. Does that mean that I Phil and Irv have to date each other, Ior do they have to find half a. date. I If they find six bits apiece, things I will certainly be much simpler. i I Bob SAMUELS is trying to sell a ‘ hot COLD remedy. He guarantees ‘ that with his magic tablets, either the patient or the cold will be dead with— in the first eight hours of treatment. ‘vlle warned Bill I‘IERZOG, a pros- pective sniffler, however, that to al- low one of these. potent tablets to re main on the tongue would cause ir- reparable damage, and in such case the guarantee would be void. How do 3 you like that for a sales talk. I Everyone agrees t/‘Lul Ed MEIE- [3/ LL, construction and specifications Iprof., is a REGULAR fellow. And ‘ everyone. Ira/mm now that Ibo “knows his stuff", ( pa lolly after his very wordy definition of “cement” i Congratulations to four worthy seniors-«Davidson, Esbensen, Lieber- man, and Siegal. These boys weath- I EW,,ETC., of A SECRET-RECIPE TOBACCO v" LONG BURNING if 2 ounces IN EVERYTIN if LARGEST-SELLING SMOKING TOBACCO IN THE WORLD! I ered the New York judgment of the, Publicity Wiretap to Circulate Poster In accordance with their plan to advertise Armour, the publicity com-- mittee, headed by' Professor 0. E. I'aul, has prepared posters which are to be sent to Chicago high schools. Those posters, which are lramcd, are two and a half by three feet in size. They contain general information concerning the school, such as the courses oncred, requirements for ad- mission, degrces conferred, expenses, scholarship finances, extra curricular activities, and placement opportun— ities. There are also pictures of me buildings, athletic teams, and some laboratories. They are taken from the Cycle. One of these posters has already been sent to the new Lane Technical High School, and the committee is expecting to have the others out by the end of this year. “Emerson Prize" pl'OJGCtS and sailed through with a half mention each. In the local judgment these architects rated mentions with the exception of Charlie Siegal, whose recognition was a second medal. Here’s something to really toot about. For the first time, within our memory at least, every project sent to New York rated. The credit fOtI'v this is due the juniors for their ef- forts in designing “Duplex” houses. Their credit may be further. extended to the amount of forty—seven dollars and some cents-the profit these same juniors accumulated at the ARX DANCE. But something that Ralph EDMUNDS will have to explain more explicitly is how he can account for a total attendance of exactly 377.36 persons! This week's BEERSMAN BOOP: “Smooth as fuzz on a peach." Harry BENTLEY is inclined to give ry difficult assignments for History sketches. In fact, one proved so baffling to a group of seniors that they actually took a trip to the City Hall to get a glimpse of a living, breathing grained stone vault. Of course, it turned out to be a simple problem in descriptive goemctry; but then what do seniors know about “dcscrip?” There is in the offing a. marvelous opportunity for BLACKMAIL, bo— uausc of It fellow who carelessly lea/mas his LOVE notes lying (Li-amid. One of these came into our passes— sion and if would make excellent reading matter. I f the shoe fits, take 'it I)”; because if you think you're the man in. question, you’re a conceited optimist. If ever you have nothing on your mind, try counting ateps from the foot of Adams and Michigan to the senior ARX room. We hate to ad- mit it but yours truly was in that state of mind not so long ago and counted 107. Try it: some time; that is, having nothing on your mind. You’ll probably enjoy it, because it Eagle Eye. comes natural. TOUILII ON THE INTEGREISI)“ 0F RATIONAL FRACTIONS m'I'IIER THE ' T N OF .‘v‘: ‘s‘V 1% , a“ 33%» "to. .