m Page Two ' ARMOUR TECH NEWS Tueoday, December ll, I934 v wawmv w m w w - rendition (‘3) of “HAIL TO THE generally “rmnmnbcr where the face AMQUK‘ Tosh lN'EWS . ORANGE” was particularly juicy. Sill". YOU FLAT’I'ER US PROF Annougmilslgiriliihl‘léag? ieiactiiiiowcv M7 E l 3 fl 9? THE STEAM SHOVEL .c_~ ' ‘ ' HlCAGO, ILLINOIS E he Sfifipfitlak 3 l PROF. ART CARPENTER, . .. We’d like “.0 know whether BILL Published Weekly Durmg the College Year I g Isczzc....cuii.'t always: remember his FOGLE broke his glasses while II ' Id m ‘J’lls who come back, but he can .tr if“ i- h‘ 20" _ 60 1b «“MSCIM I .. . . .. 1° 1 I ‘ R. Bristol, 14- chin a whole evening trying- to break a girl’s will. i I ~—-- . If you bought one of the reduced fare round~trip tickets when . Afsmtanls. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ A- 5- R050“, J~ K~ Morrison in ii -‘ I Add . (GEN-l AL RAQAN Sill/5 you came to school this Fall, the coupon is good rctuminghomc Editorial WTllE’l‘. G “Arc ”I“, very strict at your college " I that :1 ho ("um- hud to (lilplicuLc Rob- between Deccmbcr 10 and 25. When comin back after the ' b ll ll ' ' i - i , . i g Columnist """""""""""" R” ert e a “lluhl Are they? Why, when a man dies in a lcc— ”78”” ("”1800 «Ifeul, I’M? ll 1mm! mill! ll Holiday,bc sure (0 take advantage of this one and one-third {are SW“ Photographer ‘ """"""""" J' M' Bard turr there they prop him up uniil ‘Lhu end of the hour. "Will "I AWIHMI Nights 0'!" POSS’INII ticket, the purchase date for which has been extended to January News Reporter ........ N. 33131 i v (1 volume of BILL (IRA Y'S “GAY 16. Diagram below shows going and return dates. J. i. I) l) ‘, S. L. 1‘} l-r, J. C'alamlnk, W. (2‘ ~ i v . ,. - , i I, ‘I I 1 iNgl’I , I 0‘“ :I'JI II [x “i; H II . it P H K . b. l Swect Young ThInII . What lllflhtk a LIaIm 11m?" . 1 I AILIS‘IF'A I \ l GOING 1.0 SCHOOL RETURNING FROM SCHOOL Guilt, W. l.. Ilam in. . . o (l , x. . m 9. Engineer: “Say, ll you had hot coals In your pantbl —‘—‘ l . . . . J, Lesliiowicz. F. Leah-on, R. A. Peterson, M. B. , i] , 1 n ‘ By the Way ProfI Show, why not Round-mp llcket may b0 RIolurn Parllanoftlclkutmuybnuned [onomcstm . you I lun 00. ‘ pumhmicd at Homo Sla— hon during any mm of the periods named below: nicvcns. ,. :, ,.,. i try floating power so you won’t need “an during any or“, or . c . Assistant Sports Editor ------------------- J- 0» Larson “Where, the mm”... ,i. sinking fund! in... periods mm... below; Chm?” l 0mg: I SEE? Sporls Reporters ................... .M. Alexander, “Gone to the rzices.”' ‘ ._ Doc.10--25 Man—ApLZO May 154““ 30 G. H. Bergquist, J. M. Kuhcrt, E. J. Pleva, R. “Gone to lhe race”. in husintqs hours?" i Sven Thu“: Nylon, Esquire, has Duc.25,1934-Jun.15 1935 . MnylE—Juncfio Worcester. H . i,I . h . I . H i I .. been going" in for some pretty cheap MM“ mum—.23, 193.. M“”“"'““” 3° __w. Yes, Ml. Its his last chumc to make the books bal- . BUSINESS DEPARTMENT l awe}. advertising lately. Well. Swede. GO. V “II . a I t. k . h d . .. . Advertising Manager .................. C. L. DuScll' . . . how do you like this classy advcr- mg “1’ m“? Lg)“ Ion 9° 1° “‘5 purcIase "l‘mflfd 1° . I i ”l- ‘i . . . reach school stat-Ion Within ten days. Return trip must begin on Busmess Assmtun‘is .............. M. S. Alexander, N. tismg'. (SIxty canto per column , . _, , . , . D' , l . R 1-1 H d' W A 11 V II II I- W F I MARY POME NO. 1.000.001. inch chalk it u I) data of validation of ticket by railroad agent at school station-— Ithl’l laus, . . I C Imv Vi’ r; . 0.5 1:; ,C ’[l' - ‘I Mary has a. liiilc hen“ ‘ ‘ ' 1:- limited to reach home station within ten days. Tickets good over Linda-man, E. J. Slmcli, R. . . “MISS. - ,. "‘1' [is actions (“.0 so queer— . I ' . sameroutobothwnys.Stop—overswillbeallowedincachdirection. bcrlakc F. A. Wcrtzlor. ‘ The Jumor schmIera, after tak- ,.. , . . , _ ’ It, lays a lot whrn eggs are cheap, . h , f. d l l l h lickels good In coaches, also In Pullman cars, upon payment of ’CIlrculatIon Manager.... ..... ..R. M. Eundbergi Aml quits when they I,“ dear. lllglk ”WI “it"a'; “t“ °"‘I”‘It l e regularPullmancharges.Baggagcwillbe checked under theusual Circulation Asmstunts ............ C. l‘Ol‘Sbel‘flil III III II ' mIcreriiev 5 L“ i “m "gan'zmg “ regulations.Noccrtificamorothcrformofidentificationnecessary. E. C. Hoycr, W. F. Schrelber. ‘ ' Christmas fund for the purchase of l A real executive is a man who can hand back a let- _ hip 3,00", fur the senior firemmmcgs! @ VOL le DECEMBER 1], 1934 N0. 11 ,Lcr for a third rc-typing' to a rod-headed stenographer.‘ #__ I ' "' "‘"i "i "" ” l And JOHNNY ROBERTS, ., )HN— v if: A ll E l” R F T if A ZN , < . . .' .I f c 1" i "t . w . scaring your com 011 Wit spec The Freedom of the College PYGSE ‘ A. follow took in? gill fox iIiIIidL A It 1' d lIv up: :1 b1 , NY AlleN, and BILL (AMBY) our convenience with safety. Recentl our attention ha‘; been 3“qude 1’) {he stopped the cm on a daik and desolate load. The runny/14E threaten to better PAT y, . - ~ Y lgifl then asked him, “Well, what can we speak about?" I KENNEDY’S worst efforts. Their CENTRAL PASSENGER ANo TRUNK LINE ASSOCIATION RAILROADS the pUbIliCitIy given to Huey Long’sI late“ ma‘I The fellow says, “Let’s talk about the hereafter.” neuver m hls domam, Lomsmna. This maneuver; Pcrplexcd, me girl asked, “Why what is there to aisv, DEPANTSl'l‘lS was the suppression of the college newspaper, the l cuss about 1110 hereafter?” l Reveille, at “his school", Louiaiana State Univer—‘I Wlth 5‘ WW“ "cm” the fellow SW5. “Well, this ‘18 1““, what I meant. If I don't get what I’m hereafter you Frosh and Sophs ol' Armourl i l Sity‘ i "ll h’ h i ll; - I’m '0 c ” Tech, The exact details of what happened to caui-iel,“I L ”w m l” n ' B. Gamson. With Ivoiccs loud as thunder, i “Honey” to Wax suppressive make a long storm} II III v, l'lnvc VIIIIccislI their thanks. so loud, byI bill they are inteYeSting and we can “013 keep} Sonny: “Say, pa, who brings baby elephants, and don'tl Tth Lorc their pants asunder! i from drawing comparisons and conclusions. ‘ hand me that stark story. Thanhsgiving Day was one day off. i Briefly, the situation evolved in the following l‘ i" g The wars were soon to stop. 1 manner: Mr. Long in One of his generous mo- “Why did you run home lasl night?” The Sophs lined up~—thc Frosh linedlI mentis offered the quarterback of the L. S. Um “I was being Chasm" ‘th “WI Ll Lh t (t to mo . . . Y; r; L ‘ J ' ' S ‘ E l . football team a pOSItIon as state representative W m“ 0 m e ”3 is p - . . Tli- 'i'wlmrx' 1‘: (In! ”ii-o hill, in the State legIslature (or some office very Sim-l “'0 m' n c ”mm W N a” c c »’ .4an wafers in musical tone. Hot and fierce the battle raged, “31‘ to it). The young man refused the honorl Bul, the motor that's: swocicr, co-mplclcr mid neuter thilc pants dropped left and right, i That would have ended the matter if some stu-l Is to “motor” in. the moonlight alone. Wh‘le ware“ lmmbs “’I‘Ipcmg {filmed dent had not decided to write a letter to the; i. .. .. illopiIiIeIIcIIIIIIiiom L c u] ings Reveille criticizing Huey for making such an? Professor: “Arc you cheating on this examination?" Peace was lcstablished piece and page proofs while the paper was going to pressl was dympmg 0“ my paper" They couldn’t bc reconciled. i i to make sure the rumors were correct; and them, For you know, by WSh‘that 5091‘ Two couples entered a restaurant. The boys ordered and Frosh With his bOdyguard‘ proceeded to the print Shor’ i chicken. The girls ordered fish. Fifteen minutes later in the raw are geldum mild. :1 v; i offer. Huey heard of it; procured a copy of thel Student: “No, Sll’. I was only tellmg him that his nose piece, I l and destroyed all the copies of that issue. ‘ like waitresg entered. . AS a result, the Staff of the paper resigned; thel “Shall I serve the fish?" she cried. Whercupon one They surged firm in and then right president of the university, Dr. Smith, suspended '3 0f ”*0 EMS WWW“, “YES. they 100k humility.” Wt. R. Weissmnn. they milled around like ants. They yelled and cursed ‘till their eyes bulged. out. lit J: 4; several of them from school; and now the paperi is under new management. ‘ This situation, along with the material which i MARY POME NO‘ 1’000’002 . . Mary has a. little calf Their breath come in short pants. has appeared 11’] the Chicago daily papers in the! As dam, and whip, “I, Show l'i‘he “Popper" had three pair of last year concerning the freedom of the press; She has her dress slit 1m the side i PM“; brings to our minds certain ideas and opinions on E And ”ml is haw I know. i “‘02 ”0’“ his manly lug“- . the relative freedom of the college press and the 'The 501th 10" Once —~ had Sl>1k0d their guns, N WRO G DIRECTION and tasted the bitter dregs. daily commercial press. I, . . Obviously, the college press can not and should Chile"? W°mam I want to return this weighing ma“ not be as free as the daily press in so far as Clerk: “Why, what’s wrong with it?” i. .2 l l Schuman, mighty Tarzan he was mobbed and fed the dirt. flIl’lal'lClal structure and news-gathering organiza— Stout Woman: “Every time I get in the thing the pad- And when he arose again, why tIon are concerned. The very nature of the or— dies knock me off my feet” whee . . . . . - ’1 12 _ y. . .I I . gcn atlon and method of subscrIptionIto theIcol . . IHL had on only :1 Shut! By Long sttancc telephone, a sales cxecuuve lege paper makes certain freedoms lmpOSSlble. PICKLE FASHIONS The latest in men’s underwear .. .. ~ - A month ago when I met Pat, Uniquely was displayed. recently covered more than 153,000 miles. In However, the college press should not be deprived of its right to present student opinions and its own opinions any more than the daily commercial paper should. It has always been the policy of the Armour I said to he", "Why. Where's 1/01” hut?" With many a stare—we watched the three business days. He spent a total of eight “Why on my head,” she said quite flip, air l . . . . . . . ' . . 10“!“ In talkmw Wllll his aaenis In 194» cmes —- And painted to a poker chm. by a flannelod 1ch- be flayed . b o . U . usmg Sequence Callmig Service. Today I bum Cd in to a. hat . . . , . . - ~ I N" “MW ““5 *how“ the “”59” This servme enables subscribers to place wItiI T I 'h N7 I . t l I . . Which made me cry, “Why, when is Pat?” ‘scats . (IL ’ ‘ ellsh 0 we come student opmlons 1n the “1m underneath,” so down I bent, pants Qere :wiped at random the Long Distance operator any number ofcalls .0 umn 0 It e same name, and to declare a few 0f And ”W" She was WW 6‘ “7”- And shamelessly they roamed the on which they WlSll to tall; consecuuvcly. Cou- Its own. Since the paper is fundamentally for the -.i- ~ . - ~ ~ ~ . Sheets’ nccuons are completed . students at Armour. who pay for it, we feel they “Wilbur,” said Dorsett, as he caught up with Wilbur With “0115011053 “133mm” '12“ ~ .1 ‘ ' ;should have their own ideas expressed in it. on his way back to camp. “are all the Tt’st 0f the 190% Bl” Chain“ is a ”we" ”“9’ , rapi ywn ”minimum. We know of one college daily (and there are 3‘” ”f the “’00“ yet?” as 1‘“ proved by his valiant scrap wait between calls. ‘ ' ‘ ' ' H 1 ‘ I ‘ i y. ' ‘ ‘-— ‘ . . 3 probably more) which prints on its editorial page .izfis’;;e¥h:: “9,1,1” m" With t2: :{ifltjomm he ”mad“ Sequence CallIng is . . . , . 0 em. > -‘ ' 5 . words to the effect that oplnlons expressed in its uYeSI all six of them.” of U. S. filmy drab. Just one of the many «coluInnsI are not necessarily subscribed to by theI “And they‘re 311 safe?" Institution at which the paper is published. Thisl “Yep.” is understood to be the case at Armour also. ‘ “Then," said Dorsctt, his chest swelling, “I’ve shot i In preparation for next year, l servmes developed 1.0 the Fresh have delegated l gearlhc telephone more i i i - - . . l .n A committee of Mcch. Engineers '11} 1! 01's ,1 ‘6 , , IThe Now}.- s’cafl feels certain that there IS, and l “ deg" to design some pants as rated: E) dI II (30" l} 1'0 Will continue to be, ample opportunity for the; "‘ ‘5' " lT1-ipie.,-ivitea_ thy must 1,0, usmcw 1166 8- expression of student Opinion on the editoriall Thai-a is so much that is bad in the best. of us, of rough flexible steel, and cast iron page of this paper, without a hint of suppressionl That it doesnit bchoave any of us by the administration or a political dermal—50mm," To my}; about the 9-931, of m» ’ such as the Honorable “Hooey”. 1 ‘ R. H. i i i And so much that is good in the worst of us I With joined cleats l . Egfillfih ”EEEIEEWfiwFQE cats, that can stand the bottle zeal. . E. J. i