Page Six ARMOUR TECH NEWS Tueeday, March 6, l93’35 not llldtllllllllil ! ion in your 1 onion torn NancrvilEBWraCh Stare Take Nine First Places Armour Takes Two Events North Central displayed too much talent for the Tech trackmen to match, and as a result the Naperville team carncd 3 7131/2, to 301/; victory last Friday in the University of Chi- cago Fioldhouse. The North (Icntral team gained the point advantage in the first event, the 69 yard dash, and held this lead, in- creasing: it as the meet progressed. Carroll ol‘ Armour was only able to gain a third place in this event, trail» ing Diebrr and Heardt across the fin- ish linc. Neal Wins the 4140 The 440 yard dash proved to be the “event” of the evening- in so far as it was hard fought, closely contested, with the winner pulling up from be- hind in the last l'ew yards. Until the stretch wag reached Neal was in the van but with a burst of speed he set a pace that the North Central men couldn’t match and came in for Tech 5 initial first place. The one mile went to North Cen- tral, Hanson of Armour getting a third, but in the next event Johnny Roberts cleared the high timbers fast enough to win the 70 yard race. In the '70 yard low hurdles the Techmen did not fare quite as well although they 3 gained a second and a third. Roberts and Nelson finished second and third respectively, Nelson’s poor start be- ing too great a handicap and he couldn’t quite close the gap between Roberts and himself, much less pass ‘ up the fast stepping Siebert of North l Central. 1 Nelnon Ties in High Jump 1 Cullen and Fleisaner gained thirds l and P‘ratcschi a samml in their events; i but by this time North Central hadl, the meet practically won. The only: other was a tie for first place by: Captain Nelson in the high jump, when he cleared the bar at 5 feet 8 1 inches, which is 4 incheis below thel) school record which he set several; weeks ago. ; Summaries 1 66 Yd. Dash—Won by Dieber, (N); 1, Heardt (N), second; Carroll (A), ‘ third. Timer—406.2. ‘ 2.4.0 Yd. Run—«Won by Neal (Anl Marquardt (N), second; Quan-l tock (N), third. Third—$320. i One Mile Ruianon by Warner;‘ (N); Nelson (N), second; "Han-j son (A), third. Time— 4144.3. 1 ‘70 Yd. High Hurdlenr—JNOH by Rob— 1 em (A); Godfrey (N), second;l Gillette (N), third. Time——209.2.l 70 Yd. Low Hurdlce»W0n by Sie- bcrt (N); Roberta, (A), second; Nelson (A), third. Timer. 7.9. Two Mile Run—wWon by Haas: (N) 2‘, Sperry (N), second: Callen (A).( third. Time-~10208. i 380 Yd. Rulrr~VVon by Culver (N) ;‘ Bollen (N), second; Fleissncr (A), l third. Time—42:02.6. l fialf Mile Eelay~eWon by North Gen. i tral (Hardt, Quantock, Dittmanw Dieher). 'l‘imofllszBJ, l Shot Put—«Won by None (N); Era—l teschi (A), second; Langcll (N),§ third. Distance#e4() ft. 6“} in. ii Broad Jump—~Won by Siebert (NHi Nelson (A), second; Miller (51),: third. Distance—«720 ft. on; in, 1 Pole Vaultffihlon by Siebert (N);l tied for second, Concolino (A),1 and Rusch (N). Heighti-ll ft. (ii in. l High Jumpw—‘Tled for first, Nelsonl (A), Starla (N); tied for third,‘i Bejeck (A), Miller (NJ. Height—fl; 5 it. ii in. i , Team Travels to North Central, Then the Rolaya The trackan journey to North , Central next Friday to compete in al meet, contested by a number of teams, ‘ including the strong North Central . squad, This and the Armour Relay/:51 are the two events of paramount im-l ‘pox‘tance in the near future with the. Swimmoro to Meet Loyola U. Tanhmen Tech tankmcn are intent upon a better showing than they made in their meet with Loyola several weeks ago which they loot by a wide mar~ gin. The Loyola squad proved their superiority in the last meeting and the Armour men will have to swim aplenty to get their points in the coming meet. The Loyola team has several star performers who are aided by other capable swimmers and in all they form a team that Armour has, not been able to beat in the last few seasons. However, the Techmen are confident of sup- plying the Loyolans with plenty of competition. Meet Win. George Williams A meet with George Williams College is to take place in the near future. This is tho team that of» feared the opposition in Teeh’s firul‘. swim meet of the season. and inci. dentally the George Williams’ boys were the victims by a 60 to 15 count. it seems that unless they have bolstered their ranks it is likely that the Tochinen will mane them their victims again. This: meet is to be held in the Bartlett pool, the home waters of the Tech szmmPrs, and the date, as soon as it is defin- itely known, will be posted. The attendance at the swimming meets has been very small and for the information of (he nonvmtonders the Bartlett pool is supplied with a large gallery to accommodate the Tech motors. These meets are (no citing and worthy of your attend- once. iuuchislrio, Newly Elected finntuin of: fingero, To Succeed lilo}? William A1 Lauchiskis, a junior in the do— partment of chemical was elected captain of the 193435 Armour varsity basketball team by engineering. his teammates in a meeting held last Tuesday. He Pflum, graduating contain. Coach Bill Kralft, with the approval of the A1" mour Athletic Board, awarded seven major letters- ind two minors to him members of this season‘s; squad. succeeds Raymond This meeting was called to order for the express purpose of conclud- ing all the unfinished business of the past basketball campaign such as electing a new captain, the distribU» tion of awards to the various mcnh bers of the team, measurements for sweaters, and for a discussion of the results of the past season, as well 215 plans for the future. Good Sportsmanship Neceasary Coach llrafl't expregsed the fact that the team had just finished a Sea- son of tough competition with a hate tet than .500 average. He also stated that the record of nine wins and eight losses was a good record considering the fact that several of the games were lost by one or two points that could have gone either way. "Although these breaks decide many a closely fought game—«that’s basketball," said Coach Krafl‘t’, “and it is because of thia uncertain element that good spor manship ex— ists. Many exciting victories, and bitter dofeot‘s are experienced by athletes, due mostly to these breaks of the game," Coach Krafi't expressed his amine ciation for the cooperation he re- ceived from the players, and con- gratulated Pfium upon his fine play in};r and leadership as captain of the team. 25! Points in Two Seasons; Al liauchiskis, a veteran of two seasons in the capacity of center and forward, was elected to lead his unites on the hardwood court next year. Al in his first season at. Armour led the team in storing with a total of 140 points while this year. with a slow start, he managed to compile a total of 111 points before the end of the campaign to cop third honors in scoring. His accurate shooting and steadying‘ influence, earned him the captaincy, and the respect of all his teammates. Nine Men Awarded Lenora; The members of the squad that re— ceived major awards are as follows: Capt. l’l‘lum, Warner, Lukas. Law chiskis, Dollenmnier, Christoph, and Hoike while Rommel, and Mara re- ceived minor letters. Three of these letter winners, namely Pllum, Lukas, and Rummel, are graduating“ seniors and have played their last game. for Armour. These players will he Lauichiolfiisi Scores 'w u u hmlfi’onlum uni/l tl'oziomnimfilccr Congratulations cm: in order ladies and gentlemen! They are to be extended to the man on. the: left, Ram Pflum, for fine. work during the pact woman as loader of ‘lhc “varsity basketball team, and to the mom on the right, Al mehislcic, for his election to that position. on ncmt year’s squad. ..... COMPLETE (PLATE LUNCH. 25c Changed Daily missed. but “Father Graduation" will not be denied, and so another sensor” of even greater endeavors than the past is looked forward to. ditlltllll llllifi'll'ihlllllthl'll” 3H7 Woolworth Ave. Phone Victory ism: 1 . rill War on mourn in ’n ouou ruminant, thrill gm , ovum or. a load"“"‘.‘ ‘ mmfinb‘awnflmdhainv will. ‘ Relays, w“ich are to be held March}. 12, taking the foremost place in the athletic spotlight. 19M. Macon a: Minn: ToIiMZCO Co. on. whirl women hey 5% ”(FOR SOMETHING to “oatisfy” it you, means that it: Pliocene you minimal: it’s what you want. This applies to cigarettes or combine. A cigarette has to taste right-- not raw or too sweet. For a. alga.» relate to “satisfy” it has to be mild wnot among, not harsh. You can prove for yourself whether a cigarette is milder— whcther a cigarette tastes better. Anal it’s; because emulators can prone thew lilting; about Ehmtcr‘fiehl that so many men uracil women only they satisfy. ll'ry them. 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