Page Foul: ARMOUR TECH NEWS Tech Rifle learn Beets Ultimo State ((‘onlinllt'd from page ll to their record for the last four years. Begin Tourney Competition The team has also shot its first round in the Illinois Rifle Association matches. Although the men did not shoot up to their usual standard dur— ing this first match, they are confi— dent 01' retaining their position as the best team competing at the 50 foot range. The team has succeeded in capturing this title at the Illinois Rifle Association matches for the last three years. The awards for the win“ ners consist of team championship medals and medals for the first three March 6, W34 “In the springtime, a your"; wom~ n Emulhlicntions Eldon Eileen .ll. ll. Forrest Sillllhlll'l‘ llllllfilllllih Editor's Note: This column is inn tended to con/41in such original stu— dent litm'm-y/ effort as is deemed worlhy of recognition in this manner and of genuine interest to the student body. SlDELINES (Continued from page l) in the manufacture of. furniture are, as with other enterprises, in the midst _ 0f *1 struggle for CXiB'WnCO With (10- The Board of Publications held its sit-able remuneration. If the p031“ annual smoker last Wednesday at the - oli‘ice department needs equipment, it Theta Xi fraternity house. The staff The JUNKOR ARxEs abjectly so- most certainly WWld be a case of members of the Cycle were the guests. licit the forgiveness of PROFESSOR good judgment to relensethe order to Arrangements for the speaker and SEEGEHST for any former misde— Private enterprises, whlch m turn all necessary details were in the There she sat, so near him, and Crime does no: pay! At least just— meanors in Heat. and Vent ....... would PCCFEfS‘M‘ly reinstate ‘ unem; hands (’13 the committee composed 0f yet so far _ . , how beautiful she ice is catching up with ARCHlE AN. but will he please go easy ml that ployed mdlv1dpals—_the>sum £03.11: Professors Peebles and Grafton, N. looked in her evening dress! Not DERS, the big; bad man from the ball~ quiz Tuesday? W-hICll would 0% ‘l-lenfifildtoh 139111.13: COllluI‘n, and H. Krelsman. that She wasn't always beautiful” rooms. He is wanted for violation .___.. struggling cntelmlse an 1; cm um. she- was; but those closeditting of the N. R. C, We won’t tell you Where does “(Jude Joe" O'Hara “ill worker. things, well. they sort of got you. what N. R. U stands for because get his lirag'or is it just a coinci- If she’d only turn around now—hut no such luck, that phoney count was holding all her attention, with his little mustache and confounded ac- , cent. . . . Darn that guy, what’d he individual high scores. The score lor have to come to this party for, any- this match which was shot last week way. People like that ought to be has not as yet been officially graded, . Aw forgot him" she couldn‘t smoke by demanding the capture, and therefore cannot be recorded at , ’ She dead, drunk, or alive; horizontal, this time. The men competing for was just being polite. Besides, she vertical, or in between, of Dick Hur- Armcur are R. Harwood (manager), wan turning—mow was his chance to wood for Violation of the J. N. Cr R. Banning (captain), W. Hollmann, ask her, ‘ 1 Why couldn't his heart or J. N. A. or somethin. A" Marow, D’ Moore, E‘ Renstrom, stop pounding, then maybe he could. and 0- SaChS- . . . Aw nuts! he didn't have the SAMUEL FINLAY, esquil‘e (rc— Add New Men to Team . backbone of a jelly—fish. There, a puted to be of Scotch origin) is also There have been several Charges m perfect chance to speak, and he’d got reputed to have walked to Twenty the team personnel recently, includ- scared and looked the other way. Ho Sixth Street before taking a south mg the addition Of BMHGBOH’ Dc B00 was a regular schocll kid, even spilled bound car home. The “nmx‘imum for and Motel. The showxng Of these men consommc in his lap and got his my money”, says Sam. in practice matches has greatly ‘m- sleeve in the salad—all because he .___ proved the possibilities 0f another was afraid to ask a simple question. crock team next year. The team has Ian's fancy . . . Eel. Note: This bureau is direct- ed by condirectom JOHNNY ROB- ERTS and JOHNNY AHERN. Write for their booklet on the "RICEY WAY." Till". S'l'EAhll Slidlllil. A Simple Question J.‘l-ll. Forrest la Speaker n._n_>__..n., Besides the usual entertainment of. AS FOR the idle coal miner, it is cards, pool, etc., the meeting was there are some things we can’t ud~ deuce that the A. 5- M- E. trip 515"“ not implied here that they exist #15 privileged to hear a very interesting Vertise, but any blankety—blunk 3‘ black {mm "’03,“ hm”? a non-deserving, group. On the corn address by Justin H, Forrest, a Staff senior moth. will tell you. _ trary, governmental interests should writer of the Chicago Evening Amer With HARRY “Ell ” STERN’S be well directed with l‘cscht to that loan. And the senior fire protects de- rep in MA TH 01" INVESTMENT, problem, but—ll the government (16- Mr. Forrest explained how the Chi. aided to steal some of the mech’s the fire protects are pulling for sires to provide el'nploylnenl'. for the cage newspapers conduct the City HARRY to put his principles into cramp in question it should do so With News Bureau as a sort of nucleus predict with his own dough, how- the intention 01' preserving private from which all “spot” news is dis— cwrfl enterprises, a source of governmental paused to the various papers. Re— ..———.... revenue. Several phases of the CWA porters are kept at outlying police If GEORGE SAVIDIS has any or PWA would undoubtedly cool'din- stations and all other points of 7mm: bargains in drawing sets, may— ate with the dire needs of the idle vantage. In this way all papers are be we can close a, deal with him?? coal miners. immediately notified about all events a ‘ ”Awwm—ww—f .~ of importance. The prevalence of AUI IVIH’ES under the National crime stories, he said, was due prim- Recovery A'Ct are by no means; at arily to the fact that they are the lnlld character. The federal execu- type which bring in the greatest tlves, the president and his immediate amount 0f profit. Strangely enough, assistants, are so determined to 4 1 l . h however, the story that has received solve the natlona mob ems t at the greatest circulation since the war there naturally Wlll result a tendency . , is not a story of crime“ but is the to unbalance unified conditions. From ’ "3 possibly see anything,r in him. SENIOR CYNCRASIES Cohen's ceegar Murphy's Doilby Woodamall'n Antics M. Henoch's red fountain pen ink Sclireiner’s “Lincoln” WAlLLY BOTTLESON’S favorite Firel protect inseparables nit bridge . . . The only way to say a thing was to . ‘ . . - _ ~ description of the stru le to free lost a good shot in Wilson who is now 5a it wasn't it" Will Yh d'd ’t pastime. thlowmg chalk at pedes Cunningham all appearances, the present congress Fl (1 C . 'h 4 SE ' - -- -1; y M c A y ’ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' V‘ y l '1 mans Watch out Bottle, one of the sch-ape ‘ , _ 0y ollms, l. e unfultunatc Victim shooting for Hyde Pal - - - ' he then' he couldn’t in) on lire this ‘ - . . ’ ls determined to Insure progress on a f t b t - th K t 1 , Veterans to Receive Award B 'd , ‘f h d! t , \ 1 .. pedestrians might be a lmle larg- Shaw balanced 'md unified gystem a prob i; an em men 131“ e en ,ucty cave. . ‘ cs! cs, 1 c lln’ sa somet ‘ , A ‘ ' H ‘ ' l . n W . ' , The veterans are looking forward y 1mg er than yum (3’ 1) Harwood “We 89 as t 9 mm characteristic she'd be turningr back to that damned which kept this tragedy foremost in count again. lem no doubt—«but theirs for the solu- l‘ the public mind. ' W a promised award from the AT' Kolve’s beauty sleep in much lab mour Athletic Association for the 1933 season. Although the awards There was only one. thing to do. . . . “Ah..Mary..ah.. ‘ ‘ MATmMONlAL BUREAU each morning 1.. could you let me have my rlapkin'fl Sadie from Summit wishes to getl Graham dz Gnull’s ing “You re go due to the fact that his girl, Viru llt's an Exciting Occupation my; to lose your gal” sleeping in ‘ . i r v . are late in coming the final decision l believe WWW sitting on it ,, ‘m touch with the “tall handsome my, “mam“ _ . ‘ ‘ l‘he speaker told 01 various other on the matter is expected at the next " i " " j moul'ite With glasses and a cap" who .4- , gmla has been wrltlng to George . cxpcrlences he met in the chase after meeting); of the association. l gets on the r at 68rd and Ashland. l Ge. yge West has been heard sinin l Adrian. l news both before and after the War. The score for the Ohio State, Armour ’ *— , _ ................. . ( match is: ‘ ill: Armour , fulfill} l Sachs ............... 284 . gill]; .' My". Renstrom . . it'll”?! : (53,51 Hollmann y, . iii" ,, l Moore dli \, will . $352; Marow £45”: ‘17 ill , W” """ 35.2?!» [39, . Total 1393 Elysgld Ohio State Univeroity 31?: : Miller ....................... ,fii 21v Hughes all 4‘; Wilkcns a»; D‘ k "‘er 1c ason . rill“? Evans ....................... giggly, “mg; Total 1354 M5” in J... -- l: “i? W . Arr. News ll W l The seniors recently presented their [LLUMINATION PRIZE designs to a local jury, who had for its outm'dc judge, MR. VENNING, prominent Chicago Architect. None other than IRION, SCHWAB, and NOl/AK rcceiocd a second modal apiece while Morclli,. Adriam', Mar» tomato, Gcrhort, and Kossuth rc— cci’vcd mentions. Is that religion? .v #339“ If v: '«3 km; 5.4%, . ;§:§§fi:§z «er-222:3 at}; in... ex s:- Only four more days to that AI‘X dancei—havc you - — — and you » ~ - and you got your bids already? You , had better come and have a good time yourself, rather than have your best friend tell you about the swell time he had. i By the way, the dance is to he a straight dance and not a table dance as was rumored. nn W nil g, .M l" ‘ lilo a. . E. sfi ‘ till; ‘3’ ._ r19. affi- .1? J ,l . i , , g? I. 1». 2. w/ How one "ll/l}? UR nerves? TRY THIS TEST Vi‘hose pene’iled screwls Prof. Lautz gave his social com tact enthusiasts quite a treat last o 0 week by substituting for his classes 330$ a Sfigm @f Efimggfifi QQFHWQS al 9472 809702 a lecture by Rockwell Kent on Ap— . 728} 9 - predation of Art. Mr. Kent’s lecture , . . . 6 37/?842l was mustmmd with sums, and was if you’re the stolld, phlegmatlc Jump at unexpected n01ses- l88632 , enjoyed by every one. sort of person who doesn’t feel they’re signs of jangled newer, 9 66432 l TED IRION u l I things very deeply, you’ll prob- So be careful. Get enough sleep 7 8243 8 2 l 85 3 . Wt]. (5 (TL ’ ’ ' ‘ mm, W W) 0,“; LA' BQZZLZ ably never have to worry about ~fi‘esh air—recreation. And make 090628 9 876 51., (I'ltissc. He received. a mention for a, mere night hours work. Halve you no- ‘ tired how he has been “clicking.” ! Snoop won the poster contest which practically cinches his being at the dance. Prof. SUTER’S class in theory of design last week had a. lecture by Prof. KREHBIEI. who spoke on COLOR AND ITS VALUES. His lecture was illltsm'aled with colored nerves. Butif you’re high—strung, alive, sensitive—watch out. See whether you scribble things on bits of paper, bite your nails, Camels your cigarette. For Cornell’s costlier tollwccos never jangle your nerveow—no matter how steadily you smoke. Cfififlfilfi‘lfi Tad/ll €608? Camels are made from finer, MORE EXPENSl’l/E TOBACCOS than any other popular brand of cigarettes! H . . thlesre 15.8. series of numbers ch series contain the same (1' e same order 1 th . 059 two. Average time is one Frank J. Mars/mil (Cami: . I x ., picked t/zr two ‘mmb mahrl Wrongs __—‘~\______.._. I. All . 3!, R. J, Reynolds Tobacco Comm-my Two “Embers in ‘ gits...but no ‘ hce how fast you c t m . an pick out mmnm , v/lcss Mammal: on‘ fr: thirty xm‘oun’s challcs and many examples. This lec- ture was one of the best the students Mtg, fiidifillltfi lilfi Wifiiltill’ All: liélld senior... have heard this" semester. flaws—“fl , . , , w Sobel! . . - be awful, you don’t xii :f’ i “riser NEWER @513? (mild lattiilldili %EE§.W§:§§ burn vrour hand the next time you __"'*:l, ’ ,i . grub for a drawing] !! See you at the ATX 131'an ~ * . a . g , ll CAMEI. CARAVAN featuring Glen Gray’s (CASAl flail/EA Orchestral mid other Headliners Every Tuesday and SNOOPING SAM ll ll lllE Eli . Thmsday at m r. In, E.s.r.~—9 P. 1242,, C..S.2”.--5 P. M, M.S.T.-—? P. M., 9.3.2:. over ltl’ABCvCohsmbid Name;